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Chapter 904 Change your identity and rush out

Chapter 904 Change your identity and rush out (second update)

Ji Yang's answer completely shocked Eli.

Ji Yang, whom he regarded as an ordinary person before, turned out to be an immortal from the mysterious Eastern China.

No wonder he has such a strong fighting power, Eli should have guessed something long ago.

If it was an ordinary person, even a member of the Dark Night Alliance, it would be impossible to fight so fiercely with himself as an angel of strength.

I represent the gods of the west, and the other is the gods of the east.

The battle between the gods of the East and the West, but he lost?

Could it be that the gods in the west are too weak, and the gods in the west are not as good as the gods in the east?

Yi Lai looked at Ji Yang stupidly, his brain was not enough, he started to think wildly.

"Leaving him alive is useful to me."

When Ji Yang's ancient sword and black light sword were about to stab Yi Lai, Chi You's voice suddenly sounded in his head.

Ji Yang frowned, and his movements stopped.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

"The Pot Immortal, accept him."

Ji Yang didn't ask Chi You much, and now he doesn't have so much time to ask Chi You.

The sound of fighting just now has already spread to the outside.

Ji Yang vaguely heard many footsteps approaching the treasure house of the Holy See. It seems that members of the Holy See from Vatican City have come.

According to Ji Yang's words, the fairy in the pot took Yi Lai into the demon refining pot.

Ji Yang's words came true, and Eli became the first angel to be taken into the demon refining pot.

Eli will be the first angel to be taken into the demon refining pot, and Ji Yang can be sure that he will not be the only one.

"God of the West, this is the first time I have entered the world in a pot."

"Chi You, you have to lend him to play with me."

"You can play if you want, but don't kill yourself, or I will kill you."

Hu Zhongxian is curious about the force angel Eli, Chi You can understand.

But as he said, it's still useful to keep Eli, but he can't be allowed to die.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't play him to death."

"I'm going to play with my new toy, call me if you need anything."

The Fairy in the Pot heartily agreed to Chi You, and took Yi Lai, who hadn't reacted yet, to tease Chi You.

The majestic four-winged angel turned into a toy in the mouth of the fairy in the pot.

What a tragedy Eli is going to be, what a tragedy.

And what Eli will face in the future is probably worse than being a toy.

"These things can't be wasted, they're all in one pot."

There are still a lot of treasures in the secret compartment, anyway, it's already at this time, Ji Yang can't waste it.

After he put away the Kunlun mirror, his eyes swept around, and he put all the treasures in the secret compartment into the Qiankun storage ring.

The things that the Holy See had collected for thousands of years were swept away by Ji Yang today.

I don't know how Pope Andrew and other people in the Holy See will react when they see it.

It's just that Ji Yang needs to leave here quickly before they can react.

"Who attacked the treasure house of the Holy See, where are the people?"

A familiar voice came from outside the treasure house, and it belonged to Jayden, Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

"I didn't see anyone. The voice just now came from inside the treasure house."

"The Pope hasn't arrived, we can't open the door of the treasure house, we can only guard here."

"Everyone guard this place for me, and no matter who comes out later, we can't let him escape."

"Dare to come to Vatican City to make trouble, you are dead."

At this time, the Pope had not yet arrived, but Jayden arrived first.

But even if he is the grand master of the Knights Templar, he has no way to open the treasure house.

The door to the treasure house of the Holy See can only be opened with a spell by the Pope of each generation.

Although Jie Dun gave a ruthless order, his heart was not at peace.

A person who can quietly sneak into the treasure house of the Holy See without opening the door or disturbing the barrier, this kind of person has never appeared since the establishment of the Holy See.

Who is the terrible enemy, and whether he and the members of the Knights Templar can capture each other, he really has no idea.

But no matter what, his duty is to protect the majesty of the Holy See.

Hearing the voice outside, Ji Yang sneered.

When he sneered, Ji Yang's body changed.

The clothes on his body were changed into a European-style suit, and his face turned into a Western face, which was pale and bloodless.

His eyes turned red, and bat-like wings appeared behind him.

Now he looks like a vampire.

Ji Yang didn't want people in the Holy See to know that he did all this, he needed to find a scapegoat.

The Night Alliance is the greatest enemy of the Holy See, and there are many experts in the Night Alliance.

He purposely turned into a vampire, intending to blame the incident on the Night Alliance.

"Chi You, I can't use my immortal energy right now, or I might be exposed."

"Wait for you to help me, help me get out of here."

"No problem, you relax your body, I will use methods to control your body, but if I don't show up, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you fight, you still need to find a helper."

Chi You knows the secret method of controlling other people's bodies.

It's just that this secret method can control Ji Yang's body to leave, but it can't help him fight, because if he fights, he still needs Ji Yang to circulate the immortal energy in his body.

This would still expose Ji Yang's identity.

"Leave it to me and Xiaobao, we will help you rush out."

Xiao Longnu's voice sounded, and then Xiao Longnu appeared in front of Ji Yang in a snow-white dress and holding a long sword in her hand.

Xiao Bao, who was taken as a pet by her and could already transform into a human form, also appeared.

Before Bai Luo blew himself up, Xiao Longnv was injured a bit.

After being treated with Shennong Baicao Ye, she has basically recovered now.

"You will change, change into a western face."

"it is good!"

The appearance of Xiaolongnu looks like an oriental person, just to be on the safe side, Ji Yang asked her to change her body shape too.

The Dragon Clan has their own method of transformation, the little dragon girl chanted a spell, and her hair turned purple.

Her skin became fairer, her eyes turned aqua blue, and behind her, a pair of wings similar to Ji Yang appeared.

The current Xiaolongnv looks like a mixed race.

Judging by her appearance, she is somewhat similar to the Forbidden City.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the pope to open the door.

"The door is about to open, prepare to rush out."

Ji Yang had already heard the sound of someone chanting a spell. He had heard this spell before, and it was Pope Andrew who chanted it when he opened the door of the treasury.

Ji Yang's reminder sound appeared, and the door opened immediately.

As the gate opened, Ji Yang rushed out, and Xiaolongnv and Xiaobao rushed out first.


The gate opened and there was an enchantment, Xiao Longnv gave a hard bang directly.

There is no need to hold back, just go all out, Xiao Longnv attacked with all her strength, a big gap appeared in the barrier at the door.

Xiao Longnv and Xiao Bao rushed out immediately, and Chi You controlled Ji Yang's body and rushed out.

"The vampires turned out to be the Night Alliance, catch them."

The transformations of Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv are useful, the people of the Holy See really regarded them as members of the Dark Night Alliance...

(End of this chapter)

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