The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 905 Successfully Blaming the Blame

Chapter 905
Outside the treasure house of the Holy See, there were no less than a hundred people standing.

All but Pope Andrew and Bishop Jason were members of the Knights Templar.

These members of the Knights Templar are not all of the Vatican City, except for those who are on missions outside, others have also rushed here one after another.

After the Pope instructed Grand Master Jayden to take the members of the Knights Templar in front of him and prepare to arrest them at any time.

The pope just chanted the spell and opened the door to the treasure house.

The little dragon girl appeared in the form of a vampire, and everyone in the Holy See looked angry.

Ji Yang's shit was right, the Holy See regarded those who stole the Holy See's treasure house as the Dark Night Alliance.

The members of the Knights Templar, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed towards Xiaolongnv and Xiaobao who rushed out first under the leadership of Jayden.

"Miss, leave these guys to me, and protect the young master."


Xiao Bao was loyal, he saw nearly a hundred people rushing forward, and directly blocked Xiao Longnu with his body.

Although he knew that Xiao Longnu was stronger than himself, but as Xiao Longnu's pet, he still had to stand in front of his master.

With Xiaobao's roar, his body changed.

Because Xiaobao is a wolf himself, after practicing the animal body art given by Xiaotiangou.

He can turn into a werewolf-like appearance when fighting. After turning into a werewolf, Xiaobao's fighting power can be compared to a werewolf at the level of a wolf king.

With Xiaolongnv's vampire appearance, the Holy See already thinks that the Dark Night Alliance broke into the Holy See's treasure house.

Now that another werewolf came out, this idea is even firmer.

"Dark Night Alliance, you are too courageous to break into the treasure house of the Holy See without permission."

"Knights Templar, kill them both."


The Holy See and the Night Alliance are mortal enemies, Jayden shouted with red eyes, and members of the Knights Templar followed suit.

Hundreds of members of the Knights Templar have completely surrounded Xiaolongnv and Xiaobao.

More than a dozen of them took the lead, attacking Xiaobao and Xiaolongnv.

"No, there are still people, stop him quickly."

When the Knights Templar surrounded Xiaolongnv and Xiaobao, Ji Yang who had turned into a vampire finally rushed out.

He took his time well and deliberately rushed out at this time.

Because he has only one purpose now, and that is to run, not to fight.

Xiaolongnv and Xiaobao attracted everyone's attention, so his chance of escaping was even greater.

"If it wasn't for the fear of revealing my identity, I wouldn't have had so many scruples."

Ji Yang felt depressed and complained helplessly.

Pope Andrew saw Ji Yang rushing out through the barrier, he exclaimed, his body flashed, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

At the same time, don't forget to call other people and let them help.

"There are still people. The two of them are the bait, and this person is the key."

"Bishop Nathan, you bring some people to help the Pope, and none of the three of them can let go."

When Jiedon heard the Pope's words, his eyes fixed and he shouted loudly.

Bishop Nathan didn't speak, he signaled to the more than twenty members of the Knights Templar beside him, and led them directly towards Ji Yang.

When they rushed towards Ji Yang, Ji Yang was dodging the pope's attack.

The pope holds a scepter in his hand, the whole body of the scepter is golden, and a cross is carved on the top.

With the scepter in hand, the pope attacked unambiguously.

Moreover, every time he attacked, he would recite a spell in his mouth, and every time he attacked with the scepter, he had the power to crack a stone.

Ji Yang felt a pain in his head when he first heard the mantra he was chanting.

His spell should be a kind of spiritual attack.

This is very similar to the Guanghanyin that Chang'e once taught the three daughters of Mu Hong.

Ji Yang had been a living target for the three girls before, so he was quite experienced in dealing with such attacks.

Ji Yang secretly reminded Chi You to protect himself from being hurt by the opponent's mental attack, so that he would not suffer at this time.

"It's paralyzing, it's driving me into a hurry, so I can't care less about it."

Ji Yang can only do some slight resistance now, once the use of immortal energy reaches a certain level, his disguise will be in vain.

But this has been dodging, it is still not a solution.

Facing the attack of the pope alone, there are already some troubles.

Now Bishop Nathan led people to rush up, isn't this adding to the chaos.

"Hmph, ding!"


Just when Ji Yang was thinking about what to do, a figure suddenly rushed in front of him.

It was the changed little dragon girl who rushed to Ji Yang.

The sword in Xiao Longnv's hand picked up the pope's scepter, but she deflected the scepter to one side, and the pope took two steps back.

"I'll hold them back, you go first."

"Xiaobao's fighting power is not weak, but these guys are not fuel-efficient, and there are so many people, he can't last long."

Although Xiaobao asked Xiaolongnu to protect Ji Yang, Xiaolongnu was still dealing with the Templars with Xiaobao just now.

When she saw Bishop Nathan leading people towards Ji Yang, she had no choice but to abandon Xiaobao and come to help Ji Yang.

Xiao Longnv rushed all the way, but she was not polite.

The sword in his hand swung, and although each swing of the sword did not kill the members of the Knights Templar, it also made them lose their fighting power instantly.

"Then be careful, don't be so careless like last time, Chi You, let's go!"

Ji Yang is very clear about Xiao Longnu's strength.

With Xiao Longnu's strength, these people in front of her can't hold her back.

But with the lesson from last time, Ji Yang still did not forget to remind Xiao Longnv to be careful in case there was an accident last time.

Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv communicated through thoughts, not by speaking.

Otherwise, if the people in the Holy See heard that Xiao Longnu spoke fluent Chinese, they would definitely arouse their suspicion.


Xiao Longnv shouted loudly, swung the long sword in her hand, and stabbed at the Pope in front of her.

Xiao Longnv's sword had a tricky angle and a fast speed.

Her sword was aimed at the pope's head, as if she wanted to kill the pope.

"Protect the Pope!"

Bishop Nathan saw the action of the little dragon girl, and shouted anxiously, his body shook and he stretched out his hand to grab the little dragon girl.

Whether it's the pope or the bishop of the Holy See, they don't just talk.

Not only will they preach the Holy See, but they all have good combat effectiveness.


Bishop Nathan grabbed Xiao Longnu, and Xiao Longnu's sword stabbing at the Pope remained unchanged.

The sword did stab someone, but it wasn't Pope Andrew.

It was a Knight Templar who blocked the Pope with his body.

When the Pope saw that someone was injured in order to protect himself, he cast a spell in his mouth, and a golden light hit the Templar member.

The golden light entered his body, and although the breath of this Knight Templar member was still weak, his injuries began to recover.

The pope's healing technique really has a set.

"No, this vampire is going to run, stop him!"

When the Pope was treating the injured, he saw Ji Yang floating up, flying over the heads of the crowd, and flying towards the end of the corridor...

 The third update, thank you for your support, today's update is over, and tomorrow will continue

(End of this chapter)

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