Chapter 919
Angels are not ordinary believers of the Holy See. For many people in the Night Alliance, angels are legendary existences.

To deal with angels, ordinary members of the Night Alliance can't do it.

They also know why the loss of members of the Night Alliance in Rome is so serious.

Both the Vampire Prince and the Wolf King were killed.

Facing angels, ordinary vampire princes and wolf kings are not enough.

It's hard to say whether Nuya and Omaden can fight against Angel, after all, they have never been in contact.

But as the two giants of the Night Alliance, they will not directly agree with Dracula's order.

Facing angels, you might die.

"Dracula, since the vampire stole the treasure house, I think you should go to Rome yourself?"

Let yourself die for nothing, Omaden will not agree easily.

Regarding Omaden's words, Nuya and Baya, who became the acting wolf king, both nodded.

If you want to die, you have to go.

How could Dracula take advantage of it himself? People from the Dark Night Alliance would not do such a thing.

"I have arranged the affairs of the headquarters, and I will go there soon."

Dracula secretly scolded Omaden as an old fox, he knew that the other party would not easily obey his orders.

After receiving Dracula's answer, Omaden and the others just smiled.

Several giants get together, so that they can deal with Angel more confidently.

And there are some things that need several giants to get together to complete.

As long as they gather together, there is a way to counter the angels.

Dracula wants to make arrangements for the headquarters of the Night Alliance, and the United States also needs to make arrangements for the Night Alliance stronghold.

Jacob died, and Baia naturally became the supreme leader of the United States.

He made arrangements for all the strongholds in the United States, and after allowing the members of the Night Alliance to prevent the Holy See from attacking, he, Omaden and Nuya rushed to Rome with some members of the Night Alliance.

At the same time, in other places in Omi, members of the Night Alliance also rushed to Rome.

The Roman stronghold is the closest to the Vatican City, and this stronghold is very important to the Dark Night Alliance.

If the stronghold is lost at this point, it will be very difficult to rebuild later.

The actions of the Holy See and the Dark Night Alliance were all initiated by Ji Yang.

And our protagonist, Ji Yang, has returned to Huaxia at this time.

The three daughters of Huang Xiaoxin did not return to Linhai, they were still in the capital.

In the headquarters of the Xuan Group, Huang Xiaoxin and her three daughters were lying on the bed clinging to each other.

The clothes worn by the three women are very cool, with good figures and good faces. Lying together makes my scene very fragrant (yan).

It's just that the expressions of the three women don't look very happy.

"Zixuan, how long has Ji Yang been away?"

"It's been more than ten days, you bastard, you haven't called me back for so long."

Mu Hong looked at Li Zixuan with a melancholy face and asked softly.

Hearing Mu Hong's question, Li Zixuan pouted and said angrily.

During Ji Yang's absence, Xu Tiantian and Qi Wei took the three of them to visit all the places in the capital.

At first, the three girls were happy to play around.

But after a long time, I always think of Ji Yang in my heart, and the place to play in the future is simply a spectator, and I don't have the slightest mood to look at it.

"He doesn't call, why don't we call him."

Huang Xiaoxin blinked her eyes with a serious expression on her face.

While speaking, she actually found out her phone number and was going to call Ji Yang.

"Xiaoxin, don't call Ji Yang. Team Leader Peng said that Ji Yang is on a mission."

"He's probably on a mission now. If the phone affects him, I'm afraid he's in danger."

Although Mu Hong really wanted to call Ji Yang, she was still reasonable.

After Mu Hong said that, Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan also knew that what she said was right, so they could only give up the call to Ji Yang in the end.

"Damn bastard, doesn't he know we're thinking of him?"

Li Zixuan's eye circles were a little red, and she was crying a little when she spoke.

Under the chain reaction, Mu Hong and Huang Xiaoxin also had sore noses, feeling a little wronged.

"Three beauties, if you are lonely, I can accompany you."

A sudden voice sounded, and the three daughters of Mu Hong were shocked, and looked towards the window.

Because they were in the headquarters of Xuanzu, the three women were not very vigilant, and they believed in the safety protection measures of Xuanzu.

But when they slept at night, they obviously closed the windows.

This point, the three women can be sure.

But at this time, a tall and handsome young man with a mixed-race face was sitting on the window, looking at the three women with a wicked face.

The three women were wearing hot clothes at this time, and it would be easy to get naked with any movement.

Tightening the quilt on her body, Mu Hong shouted with anger in her eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want to do? This is the headquarters of Xuanzu. Are you looking for death?"

"Hahaha, looking for death, I don't pay much attention to the safety measures of the Xuanzu headquarters."

"I'm the number one flower picker of our time. I know you are lonely, so I came to accompany you."

"The bastards in your mouth ignore you, just let me accompany you."

While the mixed-race youth was talking, he jumped out of the window and took off his clothes while approaching the third daughter of Mu Hong.

Seeing the other party approaching, the expressions of Mu Hong and the three daughters changed.

They exchanged glances with each other, and the brisk singing sounded from the mouths of the three girls.

Guang Hanyin, the three women planned to use Guang Hanyin to control each other, and then deal with him.

But Guang Hanyin said it, and the three women discovered that it had no effect on the young man.

The security protection measures of the Xuan Group are absolutely top-notch, and there are countless masters in the Xuan Group.

The other party must be capable of sneaking in here.

An inexplicable panic arose in the three girls. Could it be that they are really going to be defiled by the mixed-race youth in front of them today?
"No, even if you die, I won't let you succeed!"

"Ji Yang, you bastard, we are going to be bullied, but you are not here, I will never let you go!"

"Ji Yang, I miss you so much, I only belong to you."

The three daughters of Mu Hong opened their mouths one by one as if they had made some kind of decision, as if they were about to bite their tongues and kill themselves.

It's just that after they opened their mouths, they found that they couldn't bite their teeth.

Their bodies are stiff and out of control.

At this time, the mixed-race youth had already arrived in front of them, and the mixed-race youth reached out to touch Huang Xiaoxin's face.

Huang Xiaoxin looked at him in disgust, she wanted to shake her head away, but she couldn't move at all.

"Stupid girls, it's me!"

"I am back!"

When the hand of the mixed-race youth touched Huang Xiaoxin's face, his appearance changed.

A face that makes Mu Hong and the three daughters miss every day, and the face that says bastard is imprinted in their eyes, isn't this Ji Yang.

Ji Yang was just joking, but he didn't want the three daughters to be so staunch and almost lead to a big mistake.

"You bastard, we miss you so much, you actually bully us, you... um..."

Withdrawing the immortal energy controlling the three daughters, Li Zixuan cried and cursed.

It's just that she just cursed halfway, and Ji Yang's mouth blocked hers.

"Next, I'll let you bully me!"

Ji Yang rang out with a naughty voice...

(End of this chapter)

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