The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 920 Accidentally Seeing Light

Chapter 920
What is meant by long drought and rain, the three daughters of Mu Hong now are just that.

Xiao Biesheng is a newlywed, so it is naturally very crazy when they meet, not to mention that in the eyes of the three girls, these ten days will be as long as more than ten centuries.

"Ji Yang, you bullied me as soon as you came back. Be gentle, what should you do if someone hears your voice?"

Huang Xiaoxin spoke with a weak voice.

Although her voice was weak, her words and what she did were clearly two different things.

She said to make Ji Yang lighter, but her two arms hugged Ji Yang tightly.

"Don't worry, I've used my immortal energy to control the sound leakage."

"Even if you yell out your throat and out into the sky, you won't hear it outside."

Ji Yang looked at Huang Xiaoxin's shy face and said with a smirk.

"Ji Yang, you bastard, we agreed to bully you, how can you bully Xiaoxin."

"Don't let me bully Xiaoxin, let me bully you, well, as you wish."

"Asshole, ah... ah..."

"Asshole, I won't let you succeed, I want to resist, ah..."

Ji Yang let go of Huang Xiaoxin, and rushed towards Li Zixuan with a move of hungry tiger and wolf.

Li Zixuan's resistance was futile, Ji Yang would not give her a chance, and she was even crazier than Huang Xiaoxin.

Mu Hong blushed and looked at the limp Huang Xiaoxin and the yelling Li Zixuan, her face was shy, and she had some expectations in her heart.

When Li Zixuan was defeated, Ji Yang held Mu Hong in his arms.

Caressing Mu Hong's smooth jade-like skin, Ji Yang took a deep breath.

"My Mu Hong is Xiang, I haven't been here for so long, do you miss me?"

"Who would miss you a bad guy."

"Don't want to, I'm so sad, then I'm leaving!"

"No, I miss you, miss you."

Ji Yang played hard to get, and Mu Hong was defeated immediately. She hugged Ji Yang tightly with her arms, her red face seemed to be on fire.

Ji Yang smiled charmingly, and lay straight on the bed, placing Mu Hong on his body.

"I miss you too, my husband told you to bully me, now you bully me!"

"You really are a bastard, then I want to avenge Xiaoxin and Zixuan!"

Mu Hong had a shy face. Although she was shy in her heart, she still sat down boldly.

An excited voice came out, and the long-lost feeling reappeared.

This night, the madness index in the villa can definitely reach five stars. From dark to dawn, the excited voice never stops.

The three daughters of Mu Hong are not ordinary people, they are all in very good physical condition.

Ji Yang secretly rejoiced that his kidneys were good, otherwise he would lose face tonight.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I'm here, open the door."

Early in the morning, a familiar voice sounded outside the door.

Since Ji Yang left, both Qi Wei and Xu Tiantian lived in Xuanzu.

Every morning, Qi Wei and Xu Tiantian will come here to report on time.

They knew that the three daughters were thinking about Ji Yang every day, that they were lonely, and they came to accompany the third daughter.

It stands to reason that at this time of day every day, Mu Hong and the three daughters should get up, but Xu Tiantian knocked on the door for a long time, but the door was not opened.

This made her frown, feeling a little strange.

"Did you sleep late, hee hee, sister Qi Wei opens the door, let's lift their quilts!"

Xu Tiantian said to Qi Wei with a smirk on her face, this girl is very strange, upon hearing her words, Qi smiled and shook his head.

But Qi Wei still did as she asked, put his hand on the doorknob, put a ray of Qi into the lock and opened the door.

"The smell in the house is wrong, there is an extra breath, and it is very strong."

Qi Wei and Xu Tiantian entered the house, Qi Wei's eyes froze.

Qi Wei has the cultivation base of a blue-eyed zombie, and is very sensitive to breath.

Suddenly feeling a strong breath, and thinking that the third daughter didn't show up, Qi Wei thought that something happened to the third daughter.

"In the bedroom, who dares to come to Xuanzu to cause trouble!"

"No matter who it is, if you dare to bully Mu Hong and the others, I will not make it easier for you!"

Qi Wei frowned, and quickly rushed towards the bedroom.

When he came to the bedroom, he knocked open the bedroom door without any hesitation at all.


"Whoever dares to come to Xuanzu to make trouble, I... ah..."

"What's the matter, what's the matter, is something wrong with sister-in-law?"

Qi Wei slammed open the door, the scene in front of her made her blush, the scene of a man and three women being fragrant (yan), and the chaotic battlefield, she couldn't help but exclaim.

Xu Tiantian didn't know what happened, she thought something happened to Mu Hong's three daughters.

But just as Xu Tiantian approached the bedroom, Qi Wei had already exited quickly and closed the bedroom door tightly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, sister Qi Wei, why is your face so red?"

Xu Tiantian looked at Qi Wei innocently, and asked very puzzled.

She also stretched out her hand, trying to open the bedroom door.

Listening to Xu Tiantian's question, Qi Wei really didn't know how to speak, could she say that Mu Hong's three daughters and Ji Yang Chi Guoguo were lying on the bed?

"Tiantian don't open the door, it's hot inside."

"Spicy eyes?"

"Ji Yang is back."

Xu Tiantian was stunned when she heard the word "hot eyes", but she also understood something when she heard Ji Yang's name.

Because she had lived in Ji Yang's place before, she was very clear about some things.

"My brother bullied my sister-in-law as soon as he came back, brother, I'm here, come out quickly!"

"Ji Yang, get out quickly, it's shameful, if this kind of thing is seen, how will we see people in the future."

"Yeah, you get out, get out."

"Really, you can keep it warm for a while."

In fact, Qi Wei and Xu Tiantian came here, and Ji Yang had already found out.

He just didn't want to get up on purpose, but he didn't expect Qi Wei to be so impulsive, and in the end he was seen all over.

But Ji Yang has a thick skin, he put on his clothes and came out to meet people with a thick skin, but the three daughters of Mu Hong were embarrassed and came out after a long, long time.

Seeing the shyness of Mu Hong's three daughters, Xu Tiantian naturally wanted to laugh at them.

Ji Yang was unlucky under this ridicule, and the fists of the three women fell on him again and again.

Although he was abused by the three women, Ji Yang still felt very warm.

After all, it's better to go back to Huaxia. Compared with being abroad, this is home.

Soon, Ji Yang returned to Huaxia, and the news of his return to Xuanzu spread in the Xuanzu headquarters.

Peng Caixuan, the number one younger brother, immediately brought Yanjiao to see him.

I just had a brief chat with Peng Caixuan, and Peng Caixuan also wanted to hear some phone calls from Peng Tianlong when Ji Yang was abroad.

Ji Yang went to the United States with a mission, and Peng Tianlong already knew that he got the genetic data, and now he can't wait to see these.

Not only did Ji Yang get the genetic data, he also emptied the treasure house of the Holy See.

Many of these things are China's national treasures, and Ji Yang intends to hand them over to the relevant departments of China through Peng Tianlong...

 The third update is sent, the update ends today, and it will continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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