Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 1 Rebirth

Chapter 1 Rebirth
In June 1988, a sudden heavy rain hit Yangqing City.

Chen Bing rubbed his swollen head, slowly opened his eyes, and the goal he entered was a dilapidated room with a few pieces of dilapidated furniture.

"Where is this?" Chen Bing touched his aching head.

After Chen Bing graduated from graduate school, he went abroad to study for two years. After more than ten years of hard work, he now has a listed company with a net worth of more than [-] billion.

Chen Bing remembered very clearly that yesterday, at the Liuzhou Hotel, he had a drink with several investors.
"What did Secretary Liu do? I usually drink alcohol and stay at the Liuzhou Hotel when I'm drunk. What's going on today?"

Chen Bing sat up, saw a mirror on the table, picked it up, and threw the mirror far away in shock.

Who is in the mirror?
Not yourself, definitely not yourself!
Frightened, Chen Bing picked up the mirror again and looked at the man in the mirror: the man with messy hair, in his 20s, with a thin, sallow complexion, wearing a jacket on his upper body, and ragged jeans on his lower body.

Chen Bing touched his cheek with both hands and pinched it hard. It hurts. This is not a dream!

How is this going?

At this moment, Chen Bing felt confused, followed by severe brain pain, which was unbearable for him. Along with the severe pain, traces of chaotic memories invaded his mind.

Chen Bing, 25 years old, illiterate, married, has a four-year-old daughter Guoguo, and his wife Yang Xue is one year younger than him.

Chen Bing made friends with a gang of gangsters on the street, fought and committed all kinds of crimes. Just two hours ago, Yang Xue's brother Yang Hai rushed to the house to persuade Yang Xue and Chen Bing to divorce. fell to the ground.

This man is also called Chen Bing?

Chen Bing quickly ran to the calendar on the wall, and stood there like a lightning strike: 1988.

I was reborn, not on myself, but on such a useless man.

Chen Bing held his head in his hands, why was God so unfair to him? In 2020, I have money, a company, and status. Unexpectedly, after a drink, I would go back to before liberation. If I knew this, I would quit drinking.

Chen Bing looked around the hut, and he knew that the owner of this hut couldn't even solve the problem of food and clothing.

The sound of hurried walking interrupted Chen Bing's memories.

"We must get a divorce today!" The voice came from outside the door.

The door opened, and a woman in her fifties with a murderous face walked in.

When Chen Bing saw a woman, he stood up involuntarily. According to his memory, this woman was He Feng, Yang Xue's mother.

Holding a piece of paper in his hand, He Feng quickly walked up to Chen Bing: "Chen Bing, go and divorce my daughter right away, you can't delay my daughter's happiness any longer!"

Chen Bing was stunned when he heard this. He knew that this woman was Yang Xue's mother He Feng, but Chen Bing, who had never called He Feng "mother", didn't know how to call this murderous woman now.

"Mom, I won't get a divorce." Yang Xue's voice was like Huang Ying's but revealed her determination.

A pink little girl stood behind He Feng holding a slender hand.

The little girl is Guoguo, the daughter of the trash Chen Bing, and the beauty in front of her is Yang Xue, the wife of the trash Chen Bing.

Chen Bing stared at Yang Xue, admiring inwardly, this waste has such a beautiful woman, what a blessing.

Yang Xue looks slim, about 1.6 meters [-] tall, with fair skin and regular features, which can be described as extremely beautiful.

"You won't get a divorce? Say it again, you won't get a divorce?" He Feng growled.

Seeing He Feng lowering his head in anger, Yang Xue whispered: "Mom, he is not a thing, but also my man. Besides, we still have Guoguo. Besides, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, since I followed him , I will accept my fate."

"Are you accepting your fate? I don't admit it. What good is it for you to follow this trash? The man your brother introduced to you is older and lame, but he is rich and he is a cadre of a steel factory. You If you follow him, you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and live in glory and wealth for a lifetime. Also, he promised to give you a gift of 5000 yuan. This gift of 5000 yuan can solve your second brother's marriage. This matter is so settled, now just divorce."

With He Feng's roar, Xiao Guoguo, who was frightened, jumped into Yang Xue's arms.

Yang Xue shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks: "Mom, don't force me, no matter how good he is, I won't divorce him."

After a brief conversation, Chen Bing had a general understanding of the current situation.

Grandma, let such a beautiful woman marry an old man who is still a cripple, isn't that a waste of money?

Chen Bing decided to help this woman, he stood up suddenly: "I will not divorce Xiaoxue!"

As soon as Chen Bing finished speaking, both He Feng and Yang Xue looked at his face.

"You won't divorce her? You want to kill her forever?" He Feng stared at Chen Bing and growled again.

"I'll tell you again, I won't divorce her."

Chen Bing's tone surprised He Feng and Yang Xue.

Yang Xue remembered that Chen Bing was not like this before, as long as his mother asked them to divorce, he would definitely be furious and drive himself and Guoguo out of the house.

In fact, Yang Xue has been very disappointed with Chen Bing. If she didn't want to give Guoguo a complete family, she would really like to marry that lame old man. Marrying him can at least avoid this life that is worse than death.

Chen Bing walked up to Yang Xue and Guoguo, grabbed Yang Xue's hand with one hand, and Guoguo's hand with the other, and pulled them to the bedside: "Xiaoxue, don't worry, the former Chen Bing is dead, and the current Chen Bing will definitely let you Have a good life with Guoguo."

Yang Xue looked into Chen Bing's sincere eyes, and shook her head slightly: "Don't lie to me again, I won't believe you, but don't worry, I won't divorce you, and I won't divorce you for Guoguo's sake." divorce."

"If you say you can't leave, then you won't leave. What about Officer Li? What about your second brother's bride price?" He Feng continued to shout.

Chen Bing let go of Yang Xue and Guoguo's hands, and walked up to He Feng: "Go and tell that officer Li to stop thinking about it. We won't divorce. As for your son, it has nothing to do with us."

"You!" He Feng slapped Chen Bing across the face.

Chen Bing covered his cheeks, stared at He Feng, and smiled slightly: "For the sake of you being an elder, I don't care about this slap, but I hope you will leave my house in moderation, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

He Feng knew Chen Bing's details, and the boy could really slap herself when he was an asshole, so she could only stare at Yang Xue again: "You can't leave, if you don't, then I don't have you as a daughter."

Yang Xue's eyes were full of tears: "Mom, I can't let Guoguo be homeless."

He Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, okay, okay, aren't you afraid that Guoguo will have no home, let me tell you, from today onwards, you will have no home, and I, He Feng, don't have a daughter like you!"

After He Feng finished speaking, he left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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