Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 2 Fulcrum Money

Chapter 2 Fulcrum Money

After He Feng left, there was silence in the house.

Guoguo looked at Yang Xue, then at Chen Bing, with a trace of fear on her face.

"Mom, mom, I'm hungry."

Yang Xue remembered that Xiao Guoguo hadn't eaten since Chen Bing injured her elder brother and hospitalized her.

Yang Xue moved her lead-filled legs and walked towards the kitchen.

When it comes to eating, Chen Bing is also hungry, which can be described as hungry.

The little guy looked at Chen Bing with a look of fear, and hurried towards the kitchen.

After a while, Yang Xue took Guoguo's hand and came out, she pursed her lips: "There is no food at home, I wanted to go to my mother's house to borrow some, but I ran into the old man they introduced to me, If the loan is not successful, you help me take care of the child first, and I will go to Accountant Liu to see if I can pay in advance."

Yang Xue is a temporary worker in a plastics processing factory in Ningzheng County, with a monthly salary of 45 yuan. This salary not only supports their family of three, but also subsidizes the food and drink for Chen Bing and his cronies. There is no last meal.

When Yang Xue mentioned Accountant Liu, she was secretly worried, the money paid last time has not been paid yet?Can people give it this time?Besides, every time I went to Accountant Liu to pay money, Accountant Liu would stare at me lewdly, and sometimes touch my hand with his black-haired paw, scaring her every time I went to Accountant Liu. , have to wear a lot of clothes, and wrap themselves tightly to prevent being violated by accountant Liu.

Chen Bing nodded slightly, and said to Guoguo, "Guoguo, come to Dad."

Although Chen Bing was a bit unfamiliar with this daughter, he knew that since he was reborn, he had to accept the reality.

In his previous life, Chen Bing was a good guy, with a company, money, and women. However, he was never married, and he never had any real feelings for any woman, because he was afraid, he was afraid that one night, he would lie next to him The woman walked up to him with a bowl of medicine, and said, "Da Lang, take the medicine!"

Wu Dalang was poisoned to death by Pan Jinlian in this way.

Chen Bing walks around many women, and excludes many women. Today, Yang Xue's phrase "marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog" made him know women again.

In the memory he instilled, that trash Chen Bing was simply a trash plus a jerk, such a person, Yang Xue would not abandon him, and would stay with him for the rest of his life, so he was sure that Yang Xue was a good woman worth being with for life.

Chen Bing felt that he had fallen deeply in love with this woman, of course, including this daughter.

In his previous life, with a lot of wealth, he wished to have a child of his own. However, he was afraid that the child's mother's motives were not pure. After this delay, he was still alone at the age of 40.

Seeing Chen Bing reaching out his hand, Guoguo quickly got into Yang Xue's arms: "Mom, I'm not with Dad, Dad is bad."

Yang Xue pushed Guoguo away, and put Guoguo's hand into Chen Bing's: "Guoguo is obedient, it's raining outside, Guoguo will get wet, mother will come back soon, otherwise, Guoguo will be hungry. "

After Yang Xue said, she opened a cowhide umbrella and walked outside.

Looking at the pouring rain outside the window, Chen Bing was a little ashamed. A man stayed at home and asked a woman to find money. He had never done such a useless thing in his life.

"Guoguo, don't cry, mom will be back soon." Chen Bing wiped away the tears from Guoguo's face, full of joy, I will have a child in this life.

"Dad, I'm hungry."

Chen Bing smiled awkwardly: "Father is also hungry."

When Xiao Guoguo heard that her father was also hungry, she quickly stuffed her little hand into her pocket and took out a piece of candy. The candy wrapper was wet, and she quickly peeled it off: "Dad, candy, lick it and you won't be hungry anymore. "

Chen Bing looked at the candy paper and knew how many times this piece of candy had been licked by children.

"Father doesn't eat it, but Guoguo eats it."

After hearing this, Guoguo became unhappy: "Dad, can you lick it, it's so sweet."

Looking at this cute little guy, Chen Bing licked the candy helplessly, and his saliva dripped from the candy.

Seeing Chen Bing licking the candy, Guoguo happily licked the candy too, then quickly wrapped the candy and put it in the small pocket of his coat.

poor child!

"Guoguo, is the candy sweet? Another day, dad will buy it for you?"

Guoguo nodded happily: "Father, it's so sweet. Uncle Liu gave me several dollars, and I ate them all."

"Uncle Liu, that Uncle Liu?"

"Uncle Liu whose mother is at work, he still touches my mother's hand."

After hearing this, Chen Bing suddenly felt ominous: "Guoguo, tell Dad, does that Uncle Liu like to touch Mom's hand?"

Guoguo blinked: "Dad, Uncle Liu likes to touch, but Mom won't let him."

Chen Bing remembered that when Yang Xue left, she seemed to say that she was going to pay Accountant Liu some money in advance. It seemed that Uncle Liu was that Accountant Liu.

"Guoguo, tell Dad, is Uncle Liu Accountant Liu?"

After Chen Bing asked, Guoguo blinked her big eyes.

Chen Bing knew that such a young child certainly didn't know if Uncle Liu was Accountant Liu.

"Guoguo, Dad will take you to find Mom."

He, Chen Bing, is not someone who relies on his wife to sell her appearance to support himself. If so, he would rather starve to death.

Chen Bing rummaged around at home, hoping to find another umbrella, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time, only found two snakeskin bags.

Chen Bing picked up a snakeskin bag, tore it open, and put it on Guoguo's body, then tore off another snakeskin bag, put it on his body, and then walked outside with Guoguo in his arms.

The rain was still so heavy, Chen Bing hugged Guoguo tightly to his chest, for fear that the child would be drenched in water.

He strode towards Ningzheng County Plastic Processing Factory.

Relying on the instilled memory, Chen Bing quickly found Accountant Liu's office.

For grandma, the good-for-nothing Chen Bing followed Yang Xue to come here many times to advance Yang Xue's salary.

He was about to knock on the door when suddenly, Yang Xue's voice came from inside: "Accountant Liu, I'll pay ten yuan in advance. Our family really can't get rid of it."

"Hehehe, is that right? It's okay to advance ten yuan, or even one hundred yuan in advance, but you have to meet my conditions." Although Accountant Liu's voice was very low, Chen Bing could hear it clearly .

"Accountant Liu, don't worry, when I get paid this month, I will pay it back together."

Accountant Liu stared at Yang Xue after hearing this: "You paid back your salary this month? Hehehe, your salary is 45 yuan a month, and you took away 60 yuan with your useless husband last month. What do you have to pay back? I still say the same thing, meet my conditions, I will give you an advance of 60 yuan, and the [-] yuan you advanced last month, I will pay it back for you."

At this moment, Yang Xue suddenly suppressed and shouted: "Accountant Liu, what are you doing, let me go, I have a husband and a child."

"Hehehe, that husband of yours is a piece of trash. If you follow me, I'll make you famous and hot for the rest of your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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