Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 3 Punish the Devil

Chapter 3 Punish the Devil
The anger on Chen Bing's head surged up, he held the child in his arms, and kicked towards the door, only to hear a bang, and the yellow wooden door was kicked open.

At this time, Yang Xue was pressed on the bed by accountant Liu.

Accountant Liu and Yang Xue were both startled by the sudden loud noise.

Both Yang Xue and Accountant Liu stared at Chen Bing, they never dreamed that Chen Bing would come.

Chen Bing had been here a few times before, and Yang Xue brought him every time. When he came, he usually didn't say anything unnecessary, and urged Accountant Liu to give the money quickly. At that time, Accountant Liu even touched Yang Xue in front of him. hand, he will turn a blind eye.

In view of this, Accountant Liu was ready to give the useless Chen Bing a green hat, but Yang Xue kept refusing.

When Accountant Liu saw that it was Chen Bing, he laughed and said, "It's Chen Bing, what are you doing here?"

Yang Xue stood up quickly, tidied her clothes, and lowered her head in shame. She knew that Chen Bing had already seen it.

Chen Bing put Guoguo on the ground, walked up to accountant Liu, and punched him.


Accountant Liu's nose was bleeding, and he lay down on the bed all of a sudden.

Chen Bing ran up quickly, grabbed Accountant Liu by the hair, lifted him up, swung him left and right, and slapped him a few more times.

Accountant Liu's face turned into a pig's liver color, and his mouth was full of blood. Yang Xue came to his senses and rushed forward to stop Chen Bing: "Chen Bing, what are you doing?"

"I'll kill the bastard."

Chen Bing was about to rush towards Accountant Liu again. Yang Xue was anxious and slapped Chen Bing in the face: "You bastard, without Accountant Liu, we would starve to death!"

Chen Bing was dumbfounded.

Yang Xue walked to the bed and helped Accountant Liu up: "I'm sorry, Accountant Liu, I have caused you trouble." After speaking, she picked up Guoguo and quickly walked outside.

Chen Bing stood in Accountant Liu's office stupidly, and rushed outside after a while.

Chen Bing hurried to catch up with Yang Xue at the gate of the house.

The thin Yang Xue walked like a gust of wind.

Back home, Yang Xue didn't even look at Chen Bing, she said to Guoguo, "Guoguo, sit down, mom will cook for you."

"Isn't there no food?" Chen Bing secretly said.

Chen Bing continued to play with Guoguo, and after a while, Yang Xue called out, "Guoguo, eat."

Guoguo grabbed one of Chen Bing's fingers with his hand: "Father, eat."

Chen Bing was so hungry that he had to eat something, otherwise he would pass out.

He followed Guoguo and sat in front of a dilapidated table, and Guoguo took out three pairs of chopsticks.

At this time, Yang Xue brought out three bowls, which were made of radish and flour.

"There is only one radish left at home. I cleaned up the bottom of the noodle cabinet, and then swept half a bowl of noodles. Let's just eat it. Tomorrow, I will go back to my mother's house and see if I can borrow some." Yang Xue finished. , put a few gnocchi in his own bowl into Guoguo's bowl: "Eat quickly, Guoguo."

Chen Bing lowered his head and did not speak. Before his rebirth, he was still in a five-star hotel. After his rebirth, his first meal was filled with radish batter.

However, Chen Bing was so hungry that he couldn't help but eat, so he picked up his chopsticks, quickly ate a bowl of radish batter, and said to Yang Xue, "You are not allowed to go to your mother's house."

Chen Bing stood up and walked towards the bed.

After a while, Yang Xue asked, "Why don't you go eat?"

"Your mother is going to marry you to that old cripple."

"Don't worry, I said yesterday that I won't divorce you, and I won't do anything wrong to you. You shouldn't call Accountant Liu today. You should remember that in the past few years, if there was no Accountant Liu, I would He Guoguo has long since starved to death."

"But he's playing tricks on you."

"I told you, I won't let him succeed, I won't do anything wrong to you, Chen Bing, you should understand, I don't want to beg accountant Liu, and I don't want to see my mother's face, but, don't beg , Guoguo and I will starve to death, for Guoguo, I don't care."

When Yang Xue said this, her eyes were full of tears.

"Mom, don't cry, mom, don't cry." Guoguo wiped Yang Xue's tears with her chubby little hands.

Chen Bing choked up. It seemed that he really didn't know much about this family, but what he can be sure of now is that this woman is a good woman, a good woman who can be with her for life.

"Don't worry, don't worry about eating, I will find a way." Chen Bing said.

"You think of a way?"

Chen Bing's words really shocked Yang Xue. They have been married for so many years, and he has never said such a thing.

"You eat, I'll go out for a while." Chen Bing was about to leave after finishing speaking.

Yang Xue said: "It's raining so hard, where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it, take care of the children."

Chen Bing picked up the snakeskin bag that was still running and walked outside.

God is really a mischief. It was raining heavily just now, but it stopped after a while.

Chen Bing knew that he had to find a way to get some money or food, otherwise, the mother and father would starve to death.

He put the snakeskin bag under his arm and walked forward quickly.

As a billionaire in his previous life, Chen Bing actually worried about food and clothing, what a fucking nonsense.

It seems that they can only ask Yang Haimin to borrow some money.

Yang Haimin is one of Chen Bing's few cronies.

According to the fused memory, Chen Bing quickly found Yang Haimin's house.

Yang Haimin's nightlife was relatively rich, Chen Bing didn't know if he was there, so Chen Bing stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice.

Chen Bing knew that this was Yang Haimin's wife.

"Sister-in-law, I'm Chen Bing, let Haimin come out."


"Sister-in-law, tell Haimin that I have a big deal, and I can make money by reselling it." Chen Bing could only trick Yang Haimin out with lies.

After a while, Yang Haimin's voice came from inside: "What business?"

"Big deal, you'll know when you come out."

"You are a poor guy, you know what a big business is, go back to sleep."

In front of Yang Haimin, Chen Bing is just a fool, and he can only be used for his sake.

"Haimin, it's such a big business. How dare I lie to you? Let me tell you, Baby Xiong got a good thing last night and is going to sell it to Brother Gou. Let's get there first and sell it to Brother Wolf. Then It's not a big achievement, brother wolf can't reward us too much."

After Chen Bing spoke, he knew that Yang Haimin would come out, and sure enough, Yang Haimin said: "Wait a minute, I will come out right away."

After a while, Yang Haimin came out. He was wearing a camouflage pattern and a pair of military rubber shoes. He was very tastefully dressed.

"What good things did Baby Xiong get?" Yang Haimin asked directly.

"Haimin, borrow some money."

Yang Haimin was stunned when he heard this: "You fucking lied to me, saying that it's fake that Xiongwa got good things, and is it true that he borrowed money from me?"

Chen Bing nodded: "Yes, it's true to borrow money."

"You're sick, don't borrow it." Yang Haimin turned around to leave after speaking.

Chen Bing immediately stepped forward and blocked Yang Haimin's way: "Today's money, if you borrow it, you have to borrow it, or if you don't borrow it, you have to borrow it."

(End of this chapter)

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