Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 4 Borrowing Money

Chapter 4 Borrowing Money
Yang Haimin turned his head and stared at Chen Bing, as if he didn't recognize him: "You threaten me? I really don't want to borrow the money, what can you do?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly, and said calmly: "I advise you not to talk so much, it's better to borrow it."

After Yang Haimin heard this, he stared at Chen Bing again. Damn it, this kid hasn't seen him for two days, he seems to be a different person. When he saw me before, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. I told him to eat feces, but he didn't dare to drink urine. Today What's the matter, did you find a backer?
Backer, who are you looking for?
The only ones in Ningzheng County who are good are those few, and they all know each other.

Yang Haimin is an old fox. After a little recollection, he felt that there was no threat.

"Hehehe, Bingzi, I really didn't expect your actions today."

"Haimin, my buddies spend a lot of money on you. Today, my buddies encounter difficulties, so you can help me. Please rest assured. I will borrow money tonight. After five days, I will definitely pay you back the principal with interest."

"How many?"



"Haimin, really not?"

"Not really."

"Hehehe." Chen Bing laughed.

Hearing Chen Bing's smile, Yang Haimin got goosebumps.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Haimin, let me ask again, whether to borrow or not. If not, I will leave immediately. From today on, we are not brothers. If you borrow, that's good, I will repay you."

"No." Yang Haimin said again.

Chen Bing learned from the fused memory that Yang Haimin treats the useless Chen Bing as a brother, and that is because of Yang Xue's pitiful salary. If Yang Xue didn't earn that pitiful salary, Yang Haimin could call him brothers and sisters, it's a dream!

"Well, I'll borrow it from Brother Wolf right now, and tell Brother Wolf about your hooking up with Brother Wolf."

Brother Lang is one of the most powerful figures in Ningzheng County, and Yang Haimin dare not mess with him.

Chen Bing left as soon as he said, he knew that Yang Haimin would stop him, he muttered while walking: "One, two, three"


Chen Bing turned his head.

Yang Haimin's face turned blue-purple due to anger.

Chen Bing smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: "Money."

"Not that much, I only have ten yuan here."

"It must be 50 yuan, one point less, and Brother Wolf will come to the door tomorrow morning."

Chen Bing knew that he had offended Yang Haimin tonight, and since he had offended him, he should offend him harder.

"Bingzi, count yourself as ruthless!"

Yang Haimin took out 50 yuan from his body and handed it to Chen Bing: "Chen Bing, from today onwards, our relationship is over."

"Okay, it's over." Chen Bing turned to leave after speaking.

Yang Haimin said again: "Be careful when walking at night, the road is slippery in the dark."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Thank you, Hai Min, I told you that I will pay you back the 50 yuan. As for your revenge, just come. I, Chen Bing, am not a timid person."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

With 50 yuan in hand, Chen Bing felt a lot more relaxed, so he had to quickly buy some food and take it back for Yang Xue, so that she could cook a meal for Xiao Guoguo and himself.

People are iron rice and steel, and if they don't eat a meal, they will be very hungry.

Chen Bing remembered that there was a department store not far away, and he had to go there quickly to buy something to eat, otherwise it would be closed.

With 50 yuan in his hand, Chen Bing quickly ran towards the department store.

When Chen Bing came to the door of the department store, he saw a woman closing the door, and rushed forward: "Sister, wait a minute, I want to buy something."

The woman had a bitter face, and when she saw Chen Bing about to buy something, she said coldly, "It's off work, come tomorrow, you can come so late for shopping."

Chen Bing was so depressed, if in his previous life, at this time, the supermarket was on fire.

"Sister, I'm sorry, there is no rice at home, and the child is screaming hungry, please accommodate me."

The woman looked at Chen Bing's clothes: "Didn't I tell you, I'm off work now, come tomorrow."

After the woman finished speaking, she wanted to lock the door again.

Chen Bing rubbed his stomach, growled hungry, and let it go on his own. At such a young age, Xiao Guoguo is just growing up, so he can't be hungry.

Xiao Guoguo was born by the trash Chen Bing, and her soul was completely fused with the trash Chen Bing's body, so Guoguo is also her own biological daughter.

When Chen Bing thought that Guoguo was his daughter, the excitement in his heart could not be described in words. Now let alone get Guoguo to eat, he is willing to take his old life.

The streets in 1988 were different from the streets now. When it got dark, there were really no people there, especially after it rained.

If you don't eat a toast and eat fine wine, if I don't listen to what I say to you, then don't blame me for being rude.

Chen Bing immediately stared angrily, took out the money in his hand and showed it to the woman: "Open the door, I'll go shopping."

The woman wanted to refuse again, but when she saw Chen Bing's fire-breathing eyes and then looked at the dark street, she was really afraid that Chen Bing would beat her up. It was so dark, if he beat her up, it would be for nothing.

Chen Bing shouted again: "Hurry up."

After all, women are women. If the other party is kind, they feel that the other party can be bullied. If the other party is more aggressive, they will become cowards.

She had no choice but to open the door.

Chen Bing walked in and pointed at the flour: "Can you loan me flour?"

"Hold on!"

Chen Bing continued: "How much is that rice?".

"Three cents a catty."

Chen Bing quickly picked things out, bought a bag of flour, a dozen catties of rice, two catties of meat, some vegetables and a few ham sausages, totaling 27 yuan.

It's really cheap. I bought so many things for less than 30 yuan.

Seeing that Chen Bing had bought so many things, the saleswoman said worriedly, "How can you handle so many things?"

"Help me."

The saleswoman helped Chen Bing hold the flour on her shoulders, and Chen Bing walked home with rice and other things in both hands.

Chen Bing had to go back quickly. Seeing these things made him even hungrier. I don't know if Yang Xue could roll out noodles. If he could roll out a few bowls of noodles, and then use the meat to make some fried sauce, it would be indescribably delicious!
In Chen Bing's memory, he had never done such a heavy job, carrying so many things on his body, and he still walked like the wind. He also wondered when his body became so strong.

It was Chen Bing's last thought that Chen Bing was a waste of brains, but he was in good health.

In less than half an hour, Chen Bing walked to the door of the house with these things on his shoulders. At this time, a woman in her 40s with a full face came over and saw the things Chen Bing was carrying with a look of shock on her face: "You Where did these things come from?"

Chen Bing didn't answer, she took a closer look, and immediately shouted: "My God, there's still meat! Old man, look, Chen Bing's family is rich, and they all ate meat, and that bitch hasn't returned ours yet." Where's the money!"

(End of this chapter)

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