Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 10 Accidents Are Possible Anytime

Chapter 10 Accidents Are Possible Anytime
Guoguo's cry woke up the sleeping Chen Bing from his dream.

"You're back?"

Guoguo picked up the Barbie doll and quickly ran to Chen Bing: "Dad, Dad, is this the Barbie doll you bought for me?"

Chen Bing pinched Guoguo's face lightly: "Yes, do you like it?"

"Dad, I really like it. Many children in my mother's factory have Barbie dolls, but I don't have one. I asked my mother to buy them. My mother said, people are starving to death. Do you want Barbie dolls?" Seeing Yang Xue pouted.

Yang Xue didn't have any expression on her face, but tears were rolling in her eyes.

What happiness, happiness came so suddenly!
Chen Bing has changed. He knows how to buy things for his children, and he also knows how to cherish his wife and cook for her.

"Sit down and eat, I wonder if it suits your appetite?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

With this little touch, after Guoguo fell asleep at night, Yang Xue slowly crawled into Chen Bing's bed.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and touched Guoguo. At this time, Guoguo had already woken up and was playing with his Barbie doll.

Seeing Chen Bing wake up, she said happily, "Dad, Barbie dolls are so fun. Look, there are several clothes. I wish I had so many clothes."

Chen Bing looked at his daughter's pink face, and lovingly touched her little head: "Don't worry, Dad will buy you a lot of beautiful clothes someday."

"Thank you dad."

Chen Bing focused on Yang Xue, remember, she was in her bed last night, when did she go to her bed, could it be a dream?

Chen Bing thought for a while, it wasn't a dream, it was definitely not a dream, and the pain in his waist was a sign of fatigue at night: "Xiaoxue, are you going to work today?"

Yang Xue released her head from the bed: "I can't go to work today, walking is a problem."

Upon hearing this, Chen Bing sat up quickly: "What's wrong?"

"I don't blame you, I was tossing all night last night."

After Yang Xue said, two blushes appeared on her face.

"Hehehehe, I thought something was wrong, I'm fine, it seems that my body is good."

After hearing this, Yang Xue gave Chen Bing a hard look.

"Xiaoxue, do I have something to do today?"

Now that Chen Bing has learned well, Yang Xue is not so hostile: "Go and do your work. After a while, I will get up and go to the factory to ask for a day off."

Chen Bing nodded.

This is all my own fault.

Chen Bing got up quickly, heated up the leftovers from last night, put them on the table, and left home with the bottle containing the scorpion.

Relying on the instilled memory, he found the long-distance bus station.

For the fare of two yuan and fifty cents, Chen Bing arrived at Lingxi, the provincial capital.

At the entrance of the provincial Chinese herbal medicine company, Chen Bing tidied up his clothes a little and walked inside.

"Who are you looking for?" The old man at the door asked Chen Bing.

Chen Bing turned his head and gave the old man a fierce look, and the old man quickly retracted his head in fright.

In those days, if you were not ruthless, the old man would definitely not let you in, especially those old guards of state-owned enterprises.

Chen Bing looked up, and there was a room next to the office on the second floor with the sign of "General Manager's Office". He walked towards the second floor.

At this time, a beautiful girl came over and said, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

"Which one of you is the biggest and the most in charge?" Chen Bing pretended to be awesome.

"Excuse me sir?"

"There must be something wrong!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he raised his head intentionally.

The girl looked at Chen Bing's attire, and felt a bit good, knowing that he was a character, and also, if an ordinary person came to a state-owned enterprise, would he dare to speak in such a bossy manner?

The smile on the girl's face was even wider: "Hi sir, I am Mr. Huang's secretary, please follow me."

After the girl finished speaking, she quickly ran towards the general manager's office.

Just as Chen Bing walked to the door, a man in his 40s came out with a big belly.

Chen Bing knew that this person must be Huang Youwei, the general manager of Lingxi Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Company.

"Sir, are you?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly and said, "President Huang's nobleman."

"Your Majesty?"

"Mr. Huang, my surname is Chen, and my name is Chen Bing. Can I take a step to speak?"

In the 80s, no matter who met Huang Youwei at the Lingxi Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Company, it was impossible for him to speak like this. Therefore, at this time, Chen Bing had already suppressed Huang Youwei.

As for the bosses of state-owned enterprises, they are both businessmen and officials.

Huang Youwei stared at Chen Bing again. This kid is not bad, but he doesn't know him. He is holding a small bottle in his hand, and there are some wriggling things in the small bottle.

"Xiao Yang, go out and close the door by the way."

Since you are a noble person, there are certain things and words that cannot be known by more people.

After hearing that, Xiao Yang quickly nodded and turned to leave.

"Mr. Chen, please sit down."

Chen Bing sat down, and Huang Youwei sat in front of Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, where can I get a job?"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Lingxi."

"Oh? Mr. Chen, excuse me, why haven't I met Mr. Chen?"

"Boss Huang, my house is next door to yours."

"next door?"

"Yes, next door, your company's staff compound is separated from our compound by a wall, and our old man still talks about you from time to time."


After hearing this, Huang Youwei stood up in shock: "Who are you?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Huang, you just need to know some things."

Huang Youwei wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. Grandma's, isn't the courtyard next to the family courtyard of their medicinal material company the provincial party committee courtyard?

At his age, he must be the child of some leader.

The leader of the Provincial Party Committee is surnamed Chen?

Huang Youwei felt his legs tremble. The head of the Provincial Party Committee, a cadre who had just airborne from Yanjing, this kid in his 20s, could it be his son or...
At that time, it was inconvenient for officials to come forward for some matters, so they asked their wives and sons to stand in front of them.

Could this be a dream? How could God put such a good thing on himself.

Now that Huang Youwei has confirmed the identity of the other party, he should not be courteous.

"Mr. Chen, if the old man has any orders, you can do whatever you want."

"Hehehehe, this matter has nothing to do with my old man. I have something to ask of you."

"You say."

"Here's a sample, take a look."

Chen Bing took the bottle containing the scorpion and handed it to Huang Youwei.

Huang Youwei opened the lid and stared at the scorpion inside.


"Yes, look, how is the color?"

Huang Youwei quickly poured out two scorpions on a piece of white paper, and then teased them with a pen.

The scorpion is so wild that it immediately stabs the pen with its tail needle.

"Mr. Chen, good things, if these things are used as medicine"

Huang Youwei is a cadre who worked step by step from the Chinese medicinal materials company. He used to be the manager of the company's purchasing department. After being promoted, he became the executive deputy manager. The identity of the manager.

I don't know what the provincial party committee thinks about it. He has been in charge of the work for a year. It stands to reason that he should be rectified, but there is no news yet.

Last month, a new senior provincial official took office. He felt that he could move and was about to find a relationship to run. Unexpectedly, he met his son today.
God help me too!

(End of this chapter)

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