Chapter 11
Chen Bing saw that Huang Youwei had been fooled, and he was relieved: "Hehehe, Mr. Huang, I wonder if your company will accept such scorpions?"

Huang Youwei understood Chen Bing's intentions, and hurriedly said, "President Chen, accept, accept, definitely accept."

In fact, it is true that the Provincial Chinese Medicinal Materials Company’s scorpions are all purchased from the south. In the past two years, there has been a severe drought in the south, and the production of scorpions has decreased significantly. For now, the supply of scorpions in the entire Lingxi is in short supply.

Just last week, he personally ordered that the medicine of scorpion should be given to the major hospitals in the provinces and cities first. .

"The old man has scorpions to sell?" Huang Youwei asked.

"This matter has nothing to do with the old man, and the old man doesn't know about it, so don't spread it."

After Huang Youwei heard this, he nodded his head like a garlic: "Mr. Chen, of course I know this. How many do you have?"

"I really don't know the exact amount. Do you think it will work out like this? How much is there? How much will I give away? In September, this business is over. How about it? Mr. Huang, this matter is over, I will not forget you."

Hearing these words, Huang Youwei felt as if meeting nectar after a long drought. His face was as happy as a flower, and he tightly grasped Chen Bing's hand. If Chen Bing wasn't young, he really wanted to kneel down for Chen Bing and recognize Chen Bing as a godfather .

Seeing Huang Youwei's appearance, Chen Bing laughed and said, "Boss Huang, it's not that serious, we are all friends."

"Friends, friends, they are all friends." Huang Youwei wiped the tears from his eyes: "Mr. Chen, you must know that although I am the general manager of the company, I am a substitute. My real identity is the vice president of the company." , the deputy office cadre, the general manager is the main office cadre, you see."

Chen Bing waved his hands after hearing this: "Don't worry, I will keep your matter in mind, and if there is a suitable opportunity, I will arrange it."

Chen Bing's words made Huang Youwei feel grateful again.

"Mr. Chen, what's the price of your goods?"

"What price do you buy from the South now?"

"Now the scorpion market is tense, and we all buy from the south. To tell you the truth, the output of scorpions in the south this year is very low, and the supply is already in short supply. Now the price is basically around 15 yuan."

Chen Bing nodded slightly after hearing this: "Then it's 15 yuan."

"Mr. Chen, I can give you a higher price, 20 yuan."

"No, what we are doing is a formal business and we cannot take advantage of the country."

"That is, that is."

"Mr. Chen and the old man are high-minded, they are our role models."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "It's just that I need your help."

"You say."

"I don't have a lot of money at hand now. Every time we deliver a batch of goods, you have to settle the payment when we leave. This is a great help to me."

After hearing this, Huang Youwei hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders. How about I advance part of your funds first?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "That's not okay. We can't break the law knowingly. We will be punished for embezzling public funds without permission. If my old man knows about this, why don't you kill me?"

"Yes, yes, we are a formal business, so we will follow the formal channels."

Chen Bing's words made Huang Youwei more convinced that he was the son of the new head of the provincial party committee.

Chen Bing did not expect that this matter would be resolved so easily. When he left, he reminded Huang Youwei once again that no one should know about this matter. If he knew, he would be at his own risk.

At that time, it was common for the children of high officials to do business, but some officials, in order to protect their own feathers, would not do things on the bright side.

That's right, those officials who worked on the bright side were all imprisoned 30 years later.

When Chen Bing left, Huang Youwei stuffed Chen Bing with his business card and a wad of money.

Chen Bing pinched it with his hands and knew that it was more than a thousand.

With this 1000 yuan, my life will be better.

People, in the face of huge interests, tend to become confused.

Otherwise, how Chen Bing could have deceived the scheming Huang Youwei must have had a lot to do with Huang Youwei's day and night thinking about correcting the situation.

Chen Bing came out of the Chinese herbal medicine company, patted his stomach, felt a little hungry, and had to find something to eat quickly.

For Chen Bing, there is no meal as satisfying as Shanxi sliced ​​noodles.

In his previous life, after he became a billionaire, Shanxi sliced ​​noodles and Shanxi aged vinegar were indispensable.

Every time he eats noodles, he will put a lot of chili oil, add two garlic cloves, and then serve a small bowl of Shanxi mature vinegar. After eating the noodles and drinking the vinegar, he will sweat all over. It's much stronger, and it's as cool as it gets!

Chen Bing found a Shanxi knife-shaved noodle restaurant, and ordered a bowl of noodles, a large garlic, and a bowl of old vinegar. At that time, everyone who was eating looked at him.

Chen Bing saw that people were looking at him, he laughed and said, "I haven't seen it before, so learn from it, it tastes good."

After eating, Chen Bing went back by car.

When he got home, Yang Xue and Guoguo hadn't come back yet, so he started cooking, and Yang Xue came back just after cooking.

"Xiaoxue, how are you? Didn't you say you're not going to work today? Does it still hurt?"

After Chen Bing asked, two blushes jumped onto Yang Xue's cheeks again.

"The factory is too busy."

"Dad, Mom's leg is broken, and she's limping when walking. Take Mom to the hospital to have a look, otherwise, she'll be crippled."

After Guoguo said, Yang Xue's face turned into an apple, and she patted Guoguo's head lightly: "What do you know?"

Guoguo felt a little wronged: "Mom, didn't you say that your leg was broken? It was Dad who broke it last night."

After Guoguo finished speaking, two lines of tears flowed down her pink face.

Chen Bing stepped forward and put his hands on Guoguo's shoulders: "If Guoguo doesn't cry, it's because of Dad. Dad won't beat Mom anymore. Mom's legs will be fine tomorrow morning."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Yang Xue's face turned even redder.

"Hurry up and wash your hands, you'll have dinner soon!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he ran into the kitchen again.

Chen Bing manipulated the frying spoon skillfully.

Delicious tomato scrambled eggs, braised pork, and white rice are placed on the table.

Is this still Chen Bing? Not only does he cook, but he also cooks so well. She is confident that her cooking skills are not as good as his.

"What are you staring at me, eat quickly."

Yang Xue hurriedly took Guoguo to wash her hands.

Chen Bing took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and put it on the table: "Xiaoxue, take this one hundred yuan and go buy a cigarette for your leader and ask him to help you. Try not to work overtime if you can, and work less if you can. Just do less, your task now is to take good care of Guoguo."

Yang Xue saw the money on the table, walked over quickly, and stared at Chen Bing: "What are you doing recently, where did the money come from?"

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue wanted to get to the bottom of it again: "Don't ask, I can only tell you that I earned the money with my own hands, and it's not illegal."


"Don't worry, you still have to rely on men to make money. When I make money in the future, you can just spend it."

(End of this chapter)

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