Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 12 One step forward is victory

Chapter 12 Going Further Is Victory

Chen Bing tasted the beauty of Yang Xue's body for the first time, and at night, when Guoguo fell asleep, he wanted to try again.

"What are you going to do?"

"Xiaoxue, me." Chen Bing held Yang Xue's tender hand under the blanket.

"Bingzi, don't want it tonight? If you want it again, I really won't be able to go to work tomorrow."

"But, I."

Yang Xue had no choice but to close her eyes.

When he woke up the next morning, Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue couldn't get out of bed, so he got up quickly and cooked for Yang Xue and Guoguo.

"Xiaoxue, are you going to work today?"

"Bingzi, I can't go to work anymore. You have to be busy, so go first. I'll get up and make something for Guoguo later."

After hearing this, Chen Bing chuckled, "Look, how good my health is."

Yang Xue shyly said, "Hurry up and leave."

Chen Bing ate some food carelessly, and then walked outside. When he left, he didn't forget to remind Yang Xue to buy a cigarette for the leader.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. This is the principle of communication between people!
Chen Bing came out from home and found Zhou Dahai.

"Bingge, my second uncle gave me five yuan. Let's watch the video. I heard that today is Chow Yun-fat's movie. It's a good fight."

"I'm still watching movies, making money is the most important thing." With a 'slap' sound, Chen Bing slapped Zhou Dahai on the head.

Zhou Dahai rubbed his head: "Bingge, you hit me on the head again."

"There are two tasks today, one task is to find a house, and the other task is to find your father."

"What are you looking for a house for?"

"Do what I tell you to do, don't ask."

"What kind of house?"

"The transportation is convenient, only fifty or sixty square meters will do."

Why did Chen Bing rent a house? He knew that as long as he excavated in Daliang Village, it would spread throughout the county within a month. Therefore, he wanted to build the acquisition point in the county seat.

"Brother Bing, do you remember that there are three houses in Song Huijia County, which are not bad."

Chen Bing frowned and thought, yes, where have they played before?

The house facing the street, after many years, is a very good facade.

"Remember, remember, then let's find Song Hui."

Zhou Dahai got on the bike, and Chen Bing sat on the back seat. He hugged Zhou Dahai's waist and ran towards Song Hui's house.

"I don't know if this kid is here?"

After hearing this, Zhou Dahai said, "It's definitely not here."

"how do you know?"

"Song Hui came to me yesterday and said that today is a movie starring Fa Ge, and asked if I would go?"

"So he's in the video room?"


"Stupid, then you should talk about the video hall, let's go to the video hall."

Zhou Dahai stepped on it, and the bicycle moved forward rapidly.

"Dahai, when I get rich, can I buy you a motorcycle?"


"Do not believe?"

Zhou Dahai really didn't believe it.

"Bingge will do what he says, and there will be no accidents. After a month, I will get you a motorcycle, and I will drive you every day."

The two chatted and came to the Big Eyes video hall.

The big eyes are still in the same attire, wearing tight clothes, and the lump of flesh on the chest can burst the clothes.

Chen Bing involuntarily looked at the lump of white meat.

The big eyes stared: "What are you looking at, pay two cents, and go in to see Brother Fa."

After Chen Bing heard this, he chuckled: "I don't like to watch, Brother Fa, but I like to watch you. Look at Brother Fa, how much money do you have?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stared at the lump of flesh with big eyes again.

The big eyes grabbed at Chen Bing angrily, and he quickly avoided it with a smile.

"Big eyes, don't make trouble. Brother Bing is looking for someone today. I don't have time to watch. Another day, Brother Bing will reserve the venue. How about it?"

For a figure with big eyes, it will be the best in 2021, let alone 1988.

In addition to his strong body, Big Eyes also has a flirtatious energy. If he didn't have that flirtatious energy, there wouldn't be so many dandies who gave generously.

"Okay, it seems that Brother Bing got money from his wife again. Since the venue is going to be booked out another day, you won't be charged an entry fee today. Come out as soon as you find it."

Chen Bing didn't go in, he now has a small follower, he turned to Zhou Dahai and said, "Dahai, go in and see if that kid Song Hui is there, if he is, get him out for me."

Zhou Dahai rushed in quickly.

Zhou Dahai can be described as a person with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. He has one advantage, that is, loyalty, especially for Chen Bing.

That's why Chen Bing took him to play.

Although Chen Bing, Zhou Dahai, Song Hui, Yang Haimin and the others usually played together, Yang Haimin never regarded Chen Bing and Zhou Dahai as brothers, and tried his best to get oil from them.

80.00% of Yang Xue's salary is spent on eating and drinking for this group of cronies. Zhou Dahai has a cadre second uncle. I heard that this second uncle was provided by his father. The second uncle is responsive to this nephew. Naturally, there is a lot of money.

That's why Yang Haimin pulled these two trash and idiots into his circle.

After a while, Zhou Dahai dragged Song Hui out.

Song Hui muttered as he walked.

"Bingzi, what's the matter?" Song Hui saw Chen Bing.

Chen Bing stepped forward and put his arm on Song Hui's shoulder: "Are you buddy?"

Song Hui was taken aback: "It's a buddy, what's the matter, Bingzi?"

"It's a buddy, so why don't you lend me your house for a few days?"

"What house?"

"It's the three houses we usually play in."

"Then I can't make the decision. I have to ask my dad."

Song Hui broke free from Chen Bing's arm: "Bingzi, what's going on with you and Haimin?"

"The matter between me and Haimin has nothing to do with you. Can you lend me your house for a while?"

"I told you just now, I can't make the decision."

Damn it, it seems that Yang Haimin often speaks ill of himself in front of this kid.

Chen Bing said, "Can I rent it? It's 15 yuan per month, four months."

When Song Hui heard 15 yuan, his face turned into a flower with a smile. Those houses in his family have been idle for several years. If he can rent 15 yuan a month for four months, don’t say he is happy, even Dad was also happy to hear that.

"Well, if you still don't want to, then I can only look elsewhere."

After Chen Bing spoke, he stared at Song Hui.

"Yes, you must pay for it."

"Okay, the department store has pens and paper, let's sign a contract."

Chen Bing, who came from the 21st century, takes the contract very seriously.

Song Hui was an inattentive master. When he heard that Chen Bing would give him 60 yuan after signing the contract, he immediately nodded in agreement.

After signing the contract, Chen Bing took out 60 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Song Hui: "A little bit."

"We're all friends, order something, forget it."

"No, it's better to have a little bit."

Song Hui felt that Chen Bing had changed and was different from before, but he really couldn't tell exactly what had changed.

After counting the money, he said, "Jiang Zi, why are you renting a house?"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Secret."

(End of this chapter)

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