Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 13 Time is Money

Chapter 13 Time is Money
Zhou Dahai carried Chen Bing and walked towards the house.

When he got to the house, Chen Bing remembered that he didn't ask Song Hui for the key, but now he went to Song Hui's old man to ask for the key. He picked up a brick and smashed it on the lock with a bang, and the lock fell off.

Chen Bing opened the door and went in. Looking at the huge house, he was ecstatic: "Very good, very good, Da Hai, tomorrow, go buy a table and a bed, and our Haiding Traditional Chinese Medicine Purchasing Station will be established."

Zhou Dahai was a little confused after hearing this: "Haiding Chinese medicinal materials purchasing station?"

The group established by Chen Bing in his previous life was called Haiding Group. In his current life, he will also rebuild the brand of Haiding.

"Dahai, let me ask you, are you willing to follow me?"

"Bingge, what do you mean?"

"I just asked if you would like to follow me?"

Zhou Dahai nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, since you are willing, then I will tell you that your brother Bing will be reborn from today, let me tell you this, from today, your brother Bing will take off, and you are willing to take off with your brother Bing No?"

"Bingge, I don't understand how to take off."

Chen Bing is depressed, this kid is too stupid: "Bing brother, let me tell you in a simple way, are you willing to make money with Bing brother, are you willing to follow Bing brother to make money and find beautiful girls?"

After Chen Bing asked, Zhou Dahai's face was filled with joy.

"Really, Brother Bing?"

Chen Bing stared at Zhou Dahai: "Just tell me if you want to? If you don't want to, then we'll break up and I'll find someone else who is willing."

Chen Bing's words frightened Zhou Dahai half to death, and he hurriedly said, "Brother Bing, I am willing."

"Okay, it's fine if you like it, then from today on, you will follow Brother Bing to eat and drink spicy food. This medicinal material purchasing station has 5.00% of your shares. If you know what 5.00% is, don't you know that it is your brother Bing who earns a lot of money?" One hundred yuan, I'll give you five yuan, isn't it more?"

Chen Bing's words made Zhou Dahai laugh like a flower again.

"Thank you Bingge."

"You're welcome, let's get started. I'll find a few coolies in a while. The daily wages are set at [-] yuan. I have something to do, so I will ride your bicycle first."

When Chen Bing left, he threw a hundred yuan to Zhou Dahai.

Holding a thick wad of money, Chen Bing felt very comfortable, but he didn't know what Huang Youwei would do when he found out that he was a fake?
Never mind him, let's make money first.

Chen Bing had worked with scorpions in his previous life, so he knows the habits of scorpions very well. He knows that this kind of small animal will hibernate when it is cold. Therefore, the best time to catch them is from March to September. Now it is June. There are three months left to catch scorpions.

Time is money, so hurry up.

Chen Bing left Zhou Dahai, came to the market, found a tractor, and rented it at a cost of 50 yuan per trip. Next, he rode quickly to Daliang Village to find Zhang Xiaodong.

Ever since Chen Bing left, Zhang Xiaodong has been waiting for Chen Bing. The commission of [-] cents per catty is not a small amount. It can be said that it is a big pie that fell from the sky.

An hour later, Chen Bing came to the door of Zhang Xiaodong's house and knocked on the door.

This time it was Zhang Xiaodong who opened the door, because Zhang Xiaodong had been waiting for Chen Bing since Chen Bing left.

"Soldier, you are here."

"Director Zhang, now is the time for you to show your supernatural powers."

"You mean to start?"

Chen Bing nodded and said, "Yes, let's start, you know, animals like scorpions are nocturnal, so let's start from tonight."

"In such a hurry, can't you do it tomorrow night?"

After Chen Bing heard this, he seemed very anxious: "My Director Zhang, Uncle Zhang, a lot of money won't allow us to be in a hurry. I have learned that our villagers in Daliang Village are generally poor. If they get rich from catching scorpions, they will I still miss you for the rest of my life, and besides, these scorpions still have a commission of [-] cents from you."

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. When talking about things with people, if you want to succeed, you must first think of the interests of the other party.

"And Uncle Zhang, this time I'm taking scorpions, Dahai will look after the stall for me, and I'll give Dahai 5.00% of the shares, isn't that interesting?"

"Hehehe, interesting, interesting enough, Dahai told me that he has the best relationship with you, don't worry, dig the scorpion and wrap it on your Uncle Zhou, but, Bingzi, how much is the scorpion per catty?"

"Eight yuan, the scorpion caught tonight, you send someone to send it to the county seat tomorrow morning, and before digging the scorpion tomorrow night, I will give you the money. If you don't believe me, I will give you a deposit of five hundred yuan first."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stuffed five hundred yuan into Zhou Xiaodong's hands.

As long as Zhou Xiaodong collects the deposit, the matter will be considered finalized.

"Don't worry." Zhou Xiaodong deliberately pushed the money out.

"Uncle Zhou, I will also pay your commission before digging up the scorpion tomorrow night, how about it?"

Zhou Xiaodong accepted the money helplessly, and nodded: "Bingzi, the first time I saw you, I thought you were the master of great things. Let's stop talking nonsense. Uncle Zhou will contact you now."

Chen Bing roughly made a budget. At the beginning, the villagers didn’t know how to do it. They could catch a catty a night, or half a catty at worst. Even if you grab half a catty, you can earn 240 yuan a month. In 120, the national average wage was less than 1988 yuan.

"That's it, Uncle Zhou. I'll wait for Xiezi tomorrow morning. When the time comes, I'll wait for you at the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative. I'll pay you all your traveling expenses."

"it is good."

When Chen Bing returned to the county seat, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. He went to the shop and found that it was lit.

Dahai is fine, he didn't go back to his second uncle's house at night.

When Chen Bing went in, Zhou Dahai had already cleaned the inside, a set of tables and chairs, a big bed, and bought two bedding.

"Why do you buy so many bedding?"

"The two of us"

Chen Bing said: "Get up early tomorrow morning and go buy a scale. The scorpion should arrive at nine o'clock."

"Is the scorpion here tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, go to sleep now."

Chen Bing had to go back quickly. If he guessed right, Yang Xue and Xiao Guoguo were waiting for him. When he walked to the door, he saw that there was no light in the room.

Chen Bing took out the key and opened the door, and saw Yang Xue sitting on the edge of the bed: "Are you still asleep?"

Yang Xue was wearing pajamas, her hair was draped over her shoulders, her eyes were a little red, as if she had cried.

"What's the matter with you, it's scary to sit like this without lighting the lamp?"

Yang Xue walked over quickly and grabbed Chen Bing's hand: "Bingzi, am I your wife?"


"Then tell me, what have you been doing recently, why are you so mysterious?"

"Just because of this, I thought the sky was falling?" Chen Bing stroked Yang Xue's beautiful hair: "Your hair smells so good."

"Don't touch my hair, tell me, what have you been doing recently?" Yang Xue asked with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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