Chapter 14
"Go to work, I found a job, the salary is low, but there is no problem in supporting you and Guoguo."

Chen Bing lied to Yang Xue. He knew that if Yang Xue knew that he was a scorpion, he didn't know what kind of moth would come out.

"Really, you really found a job, where are you?" Yang Xue's face was full of joy: "Is it far away?"

"Not far." Afraid of Yang Xue's questioning, Chen Bing hurriedly said, "Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

When Yang Xue heard that Chen Bing was hungry, she hurriedly said, "Yes, I will prepare it for you."

In the evening, Chen Bing enjoyed the shock of meat again.

Chen Bing has learned well, found a job, and knows that she and Guoguo love her. Yang Xue is really happy in her heart. She wants to reward Chen Bing. For her, the only thing that can reward Chen Bing is her charming body. What does Chen Bing want? , that's all.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing went to the buying station without thinking about eating.

When Chen Bing arrived, he found that Zhou Dahai was already there.

He went in and took a look, and found that Zhou Dahai had already prepared what he ordered last night.

This kid is really efficient.

Seeing that the arrangements were made, Chen Bing took Zhou Dahai to eat a bowl of steamed mutton, and then the two of them squatted at the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative to wait for Zhou Xiaodong.

Around ten o'clock, Zhou Xiaodong drove towards the supply and marketing cooperative with a walking tractor.

"Bingge, look, my dad."

Chen Bing hurried up to meet him: "Uncle Zhou, I'm here."

Zhou Xiaodong parked the tractor on the side of the road.

In a small county town in the 80s, there were not many cars. Walking tractors like this are all high-end means of transportation. Many people even use cattle to fight horses and camels for transportation.

"Bingzi, hurry up, it's already nine o'clock."

"Uncle Zhou, you've worked hard, have you eaten yet?"

"Eat, Bingzi. At five o'clock this morning, when the villagers came back from the digging, we weighed it. When we left, we ate some of the rice cooked by Da Mama."

"How many pounds?"

"It was notified last night that many people had no heads and no flashlights, and the total weight was only about 100 catties."

Chen Bing nodded slightly after hearing this: "Okay, Uncle Zhou, it's quite a lot. You go back today and organize more people. I'll come back in the afternoon to pay."

"it is good."

Chen Bing knew that Zhou Xiaodong said that he didn't organize people well at the beginning. .

Don't rush, take your time.

The four-wheel tractor contacted by Chen Bing arrived soon, and the workers Zhou Dahai had hired also arrived. They quickly moved the scorpion from the walking tractor to the four-wheel tractor.

When Zhou Xiaodong left, Chen Bing took out 30 yuan from his body and handed it to Zhou Xiaodong: "Uncle Zhou, the 20 yuan is your commission, and the ten yuan is your shipping fee. From now on, every time you ship, I will How about ten yuan for you?"

Seeing that Chen Bing was so generous, Zhou Xiaodong didn't say much. He put the money in his underwear pocket, turned around and left, and told Zhou Dahai to work hard with Chen Bing.

He has been the village director for many years, and he still has the skill of knowing people. He can see that Chen Bing is a person who can do great things.

Two hours later, the four-wheel tractor stopped at the gate of Lingxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Company.

Chen Bing originally wanted to buy a pack of good cigarettes for Huang Youwei, but after thinking about it, let's forget it, he can't be polite to them, he is now the top son of the provincial party committee, and he is the object of their fawning.

Chen Bing tidied up his clothes a little, and strode towards Huang Youwei's office.

Many people whispered behind the scenes.

"I heard that he is the son of the provincial party committee."

"That's right, we, Mr. Huang, have had good luck this time."

"I bet you that within two months, our boss Huang will definitely be promoted to the top of our company."

"Boss Huang is now the top leader."

"No, although Mr. Huang is in charge of the work now, he is a deputy department-level cadre, and our general manager is a department-level cadre."

There are no secrets in this world. Unexpectedly, a lie by Chen Bing caused such a big commotion in Lingxi Chinese Herbal Medicine Company.

Chen Bing stepped forward and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Chen Bing pushed the door open and went in.

When Huang Youwei saw that it was Chen Bing, he quickly stood up and trotted to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, you are here, why don't you call before you come, so I can pick you up."

Chen Bing sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs.

Chen Bing was the chairman of the Haiding Group in his previous life, and he was also a person. Therefore, this kind of pretentious posture was perfected, and Huang Youwei once again confirmed Chen Bing's identity.

"A hundred catties of scorpions were brought in today, you can take it."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll send someone to collect it right away."

"I want cash."

"That's for sure." Huang Youwei smiled obsequiously.

Huang Youwei picked up the phone: "Xiao Liu, Mr. Chen's scorpion is outside, you take someone to collect Mr. Chen's scorpion, and go to the finance side to get the money."

"Boss Huang, I'll arrange someone to collect it right away." Xiao Liu said on the phone.

"Mr. Chen, I have a very good Dahongpao here, I'll make you a cup."

At this time, Huang Youwei treated Chen Bing more filially than his father.

"No need for Mr. Huang. I'll bring a hundred catties here today. In the next two or three months, the amount will increase. I hope you can arrange it reasonably."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen. I told the purchasing department yesterday that within the past three months, our company will not buy a single catty of scorpions. We will use Mr. Chen's for all of them."

"Okay, Boss Huang is a good friend, don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

After Huang Youwei heard this, his face beamed with joy, and he quickly poured Chen Bing a cup of the brewed Dahongpao: "Mr. Chen, I really have a small favor for you."

"Tell me." Chen Bing frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen, although I am in charge of the work of the Chinese herbal medicine company, I am still only the executive vice president."

Of course Chen Bing understood what Huang Youwei meant.

"Say it straight." Chen Bing turned the teacup.

"Mr. Chen, the position of the general manager of the company has been vacant for a year."

"Oh? It's been so long, I know, work hard, try to make achievements, so I can talk to you."

"Thank you Mr. Chen, thank you Mr. Chen." Huang Youwei made a kneeling posture.

Chen Bing waved his hand: "Mr. Huang, it's not that serious. We are all friends. To be honest, I think you are a good person, and I hope you will be a high-ranking official."

After hearing this, Huang Youwei stood up straight and patted his chest: "Mr. Chen, I will be your pawn in the future. I will do whatever you ask me to do?"

"Okay, I'll just say a word to you now, keep it secret, and it's not time for me to reveal my identity yet."

After hearing this, Huang Youwei quickly bent over: "Understood, Mr. Chen, just wait a moment, I'll go and have a look."

Not long after, Huang Youwei walked in with a wad of money and a receipt: "Mr. Chen, after we weighed it, it was 15 catties, 3000 yuan per catty, which is [-] yuan."

Huang Youwei handed over the money obsequiously, and Chen Bing waved his hand: "Mr. Huang, what is this for? A hundred catties is a hundred catties. I only let you take it, and I didn't let you cheat."

Chen Bing took [-] yuan out of it, and handed the remaining [-] yuan to Huang Youwei: "Everything must have a limit, we can't do illegal things."

Huang Youwei's old face flushed with embarrassment: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong."

"Mr. Huang, this is not a matter of right or wrong, but a matter of principle. Let me warn you: If you want to last long, you must be a good official, a good official who is useful to society."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Huang Youwei wanted to come out to see him off, but was stopped by Chen Bing, saying: "Remember, only being a good official who serves the people can last long, which is much better than what you do crooked things."

"Mr. Chen, I understand."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Bing rushed back to Daliang Village on a four-wheel tractor and handed over 800 yuan to Zhou Xiaodong.

When Zhou Xiaodong saw the money, he was so happy that he couldn't describe it in words. He promised to get 1000 people tonight and at least 500 catties of scorpions tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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