Chapter 15

Chen Bing roughly calculated that Daliang Village has a population of 4000. Except for the old, weak, sick and disabled, those who can go down the ditch to dig scorpions are only about 500. It seems that the daily full capacity is only [-] catties.

I pay the villagers eight yuan per catty. On my side, after digging out the expenses, the maximum net profit is five yuan. If I earn it in a day, the maximum is 2500 yuan. Calculated on 25 days a month, it is about 6 yuan. Now in June, with a full budget, it took less than four months to dig scorpions. It seems that according to this speed, the maximum income for digging scorpions this year is less than 20.

In 1988, 20 was quite a lot, but for Chen Bing, who was a billionaire in his previous life, this amount of money was really not enough.

In any case, this year, he will also get 100 million, so that he will not be stretched for the next investment.

Chen Bing accompanied the tractor master for a few trips. The tractor master was familiar with the provincial capital. When he went to the provincial capital, he let the tractor master go alone. He would settle the payment once in two or three days.

How to get 100 million, Chen Bing knows, it is not easy in a short time.

He's ready to scale up.

Chen Bing is a person who does what he says. On the second day, he took Zhou Dahai to find the village directors of each village in Ningyuan Town one by one, and asked them to organize the villagers to dig up scorpions just like the village directors of Daliang Village. The commission is two hairs.

These people were hesitant at first, but when they heard that Zhou Xiaodong, the village director of Daliang Village, had made money, they agreed.

If the power is not used, it will become invalid when it expires.

With Zhou Xiaodong, the village director of Daliang Village, as a living example, several surrounding villages have followed suit. However, the reform and opening up is not long after all, and Ningzheng County is relatively remote. Tail, refused to follow suit.

After this wave of publicity, five villages in Ningyuan Town joined the ranks of digging scorpions.

Chen Bing made a rough calculation, and if he digs at full capacity, the daily output should be more than 2500 catties.

Chen Bing has great ambitions, and he feels that he is still not satisfied. He wants to continue to publicize and try to get all the people in the county to join the ranks of digging scorpions.

In a blink of an eye, in July, Chen Bing had a total of [-] to [-] RMB, and now he is a real millionaire.

After Chen Bing had breakfast, he strolled to the medicinal materials purchasing station.

Before he reached the gate of the purchase station, Zhou Dahai rushed over: "Bingzi, something has happened, Yang Haimin is looking for you, hurry up!"

"Yang Haimin is looking for me? Where is it?" Chen Bing asked quickly.

Chen Bing didn't know that a big event happened in Ningzheng County last night. Brother Dog and Brother Wolf in the county fought for territory. Hundreds of people joined the battle. Brother Wolf was defeated by Brother Gou and disappeared.

"Chen Bing, it's really not easy to find you!" Yang Haimin laughed.

"Are you looking for me?"

Chen Bing was planning in his heart, this kid, since he was threatened by him with Brother Wolf's horse, has never troubled him again, and today he suddenly looked for him, there must be something fucking wrong.

Chen Bing didn't change his face, and smiled slightly: "I don't know why Brother Haimin is looking for me?"

"Oh? I forgot so soon, where is my 250 yuan?"

After Yang Haimin finished speaking, Song Hui and others behind him were gearing up.

Seeing this, Zhou Dahai hurriedly said, "Haimin, we are all brothers."

"Get out, what's the matter with you here!"

In the hearts of Song Hui and the others, Chen Bing and Zhou Dahai were no farts in front of them.

"Yang Haimin, I told you last time that if you want to live in peace, you have to make me and Brother Lang's horse. Otherwise, Brother Wolf will definitely chop you up and feed you to bastards. If you come to me today, it must be solved. The wolf brother's problem."

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, Yang Haimin walked up to Chen Bing fiercely and put his arms around Chen Bing's neck: "Brother, you are really my fucking brother. Brother has good news for you. Brother Wolf fell into Brother Dog's hands. Now you can't see people alive or dead, and you can still manage horses, let me tell you, brother is now hanging out with brother dog, do you understand?"

Damn it, I just said why this kid is so awesome today, so something happened to Brother Wolf!

Regarding the matter of Brother Lang and Brother Dog, Chen Bing knew that there was a battle long ago, but he never expected that this battle would come so early and so suddenly.

"Then what are you going to do today?"

"Give me back the 250 yuan. In addition, kneel down and kowtow three times. For the sake of my brother, I will let the past go and play with you in the future."

After Chen Bing heard this, his face became gloomy: "Okay, Haimin, at my age, Bingchang Chen, I have never knelt down before anyone except my parents, so I will make an exception and kneel down for you today."

Hearing Chen Bing's words, Zhou Dahai thought that Chen Bing was really going to kneel, so he hurriedly said, "Brother Bing, you can't kneel, you absolutely can't kneel."

Before Zhou Dahai finished shouting, Chen Bing stood up, and Yang Haimin fell backwards on his back.

Just when everyone was shocked, a Santana stopped in front of them.

Everyone quickly shifted their eyes from Yang Haimin to Santana.

A man in his forties came down.

Men's trousers are paired with a white Dacron shirt, which looks extraordinarily energetic.

The person who came was Yue Cheng, Director of Purchasing Department of Lingxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Company.

Yue Cheng's arrival surprised not only Chen Bing, but also Yang Haimin.

Yang Haimin hurriedly got up, and dusted off the dirt on his body: "Uncle, why are you here?"

Yue Cheng didn't expect Yang Haimin to be here: "Haimin, are you here too? I heard."

As soon as Yue Cheng said this, he saw Chen Bing, and immediately showed a flattering smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, are you here too?" He quickly walked in front of Chen Bing, and held Chen Bing's hand tightly.

"Director Yue."

"Mr. Chen, I have always wanted to meet you, but I have no time. Today, I followed your delivery tractor and finally saw you."

"Hehehe, Director Yue, thank you for coming in time, if I'm a few seconds late, I'll kneel down and kowtow to Brother Haimin."

When Yue Cheng heard something wrong, he turned his head and stared at Yang Haimin: "Haimin, what's going on?"

"Uncle, he is just a little bastard. He lied to me for two hundred and five. I want him to pay me back two hundred and five today, and I have to kowtow to apologize."

Yue Cheng was so angry after hearing this, this little bastard, he finally found such a backer, and he was offended by him before meeting him.

Huang Youwei told Yue Cheng that he was now the top son of the Provincial Party Committee, as long as Yue Cheng followed him and worked hard, after he became a full-time employee, he would definitely promote Yue Cheng to be the deputy manager in charge of purchasing. Yue Cheng quickly agreed to this promise.

Yue Cheng is Huang Youwei's loyal subordinate. Although Huang Youwei promised Chen Bing to keep the secret, he would never keep it from his loyal subordinate.

Yue Cheng was a very scheming person, and he agreed on the surface, but he was going to secretly climb onto Chen Bing's lap and replace him with Huang Youwei in the future.

In the next few deliveries Chen Bing made, Yue Cheng deliberately got close to him. This time, he followed the tractor to Ningzheng County.

(End of this chapter)

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