Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 100 You Can Talk About Heroes Without Cooking Wine

Chapter 100 You Can Talk About Heroes Without Cooking Wine

Chen Bing's expression changed: "Boss Zhang said I was mean, so I, Chen Bing, want to hear how mean I am!"

Wei Dong saw the smell of gunpowder on both sides, and was about to stop, but Chen Bing waved his hand.

Wei Dong had no choice but to sit down.

He also wanted to see Chen Bing's skills today.

"Mr. Chen, if my guess is correct, the major newspapers in the city reported the problem of stomachache caused by canned food in Shuangwang Cannery. Mr. Chen planned it all by himself, right?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing didn't seem too anxious: "Mr. Zhang! Empty words are useless. I can sue you for slander for what you said today. A boss as old as Mr. Zhang said without going through his brain, saying that I manipulated it, then I I have to ask, if I, Chen Bing, can hire one or two people to say that their stomach hurts after eating canned food from Shuangwang Cannery, can I make everyone in the city say that their stomach hurts after eating canned food from Shuangwang Cannery? Besides, I can hire people, but Can I manipulate the media, can I manipulate the newspaper, I can’t! But, I remember, the newspapers in the counties and districts of Yangqing City reported that Shuangwang canned food caused stomach pains this time, Mr. Zhang, are you right?”

Zhang Zhennan also stood up angrily: "Mr. Chen, I know what I do."

"Mr. Zhang, I really don't know. Didn't you just say that I manipulated the newspapers? Then I want to ask a few newspapers, have I manipulated them, and have I benefited them?"

Chen Bing turned his head to a waiter outside and said, "Do you have a phone here?"

"Mr. Chen, yes!" The waiter hurried over and said.

"Put me through Yu Bo, the editor-in-chief of the City Daily, and I'll ask. Zhang Zhennan, Mr. Zhang, said that this time I manipulated them. Let's see if there is such a thing!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave.

Zhang Zhennan's face instantly flushed with embarrassment.

He was sloppy just now. Although he is the boss of the liquor industry group, he can't offend the newspaper office or Yu Bo.

This Chen Bing really knows how to grasp his shortcomings.

A report by Yu Bo can close down the cannery, and a report by Yu Bo can also put his winery in trouble!

Zhang Zhennan looked at Wei Dong for help.

At this time, Chen Bing had already walked out.

"You, you will cause trouble. Let me tell you, you can't beat Mr. Chen!"

After Wei Dong finished speaking, he quickly stood up and walked out the door quickly: "Mr. Chen, what are you doing? We are all friends, why are you so serious!"

Wei Dong dragged Chen Bing back again.

Zhang Zhennan didn't take advantage of it, and sat down with a dark face.

Sitting next to Zhang Zhennan was Mu Zhentang, the boss of the machinery factory.

"Mr. Chen, my name is Mu Zhentang, and I offer you a toast!"

"Don't dare, Mr. Mu, if my guess is right, you are Mr. Mu Zhentang, the boss of Yangqing Machinery Factory!"

Mu Zhentang is in his 40s, also wearing a suit.

Chen Bing has memories of Mu Zhentang. After all, a local machinery factory involves too many aspects, and it has a major impact on a local economy and employment.

In his previous life, he had known this person when he was collecting scorpions in Yangqing.

This person is in the same group as Zhang Zhennan at first glance today, and he is obviously hostile to him.

"Mr. Chen, it's extraordinary to have such achievements at such a young age!"

Mu Zhentang picked up the wine glass, touched it with Chen Bing, and poured it into his mouth.

"Mr. Chen, you are in canning and I am in machinery. I would like to ask you about the future development of your canning industry!"

"High is high!"

Everyone else at the table looked at Chen Bing as if they were joking.

Chen Bing is so young, relying on ruthlessness and despicableness, he defeated Zhang Boqing and established a canning factory. However, does he have real talents and knowledge? Does he understand the market?
Chen Bing laughed and said, "Mr. Mu, let's not talk about canned food first, let's talk about your machinery factory first."

"Oh? You also understand machinery?" Mu Zhentang laughed again.

Before Mu Zhentang could finish laughing, everyone in the private room except Wei Dong laughed.

Although Chen Bing knew it was a mocking laugh, he also laughed along with it.

"Within five years, Yangqing Machinery Factory will go bankrupt!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the laughter in the private room stopped abruptly, and the whole private room could hear a needle drop quietly.

Mu Zhentang's face became extremely ugly.

"Mr. Chen, you can't just say anything indiscriminately!"

Chen Bing did not panic, but still smiled: "Mr. Mu, if you don't believe me, wait and see in five years. As for Mr. Mu, there is also a catastrophe!"

Mu Zhentang's face turned livid.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't offend you!"

"You didn't offend me, but what I said was true."

Chen Bing picked up the wine glass, walked up to Mu Zhentang, and put his mouth in Mu Zhentang's ear: "Mr. Mu, you have a little red in the outer room, and you will die in her hands. If my guess is right, it is This year, the method of death is the same as that of Wu Dalang!"

Mu Zhentang opened his eyes wide.

Chen Bing is right, he has an outer room, this outer room is called Xiaohong, and he arranged the outer room in the provincial capital to prevent the local people from knowing.

How did this Chen Bing know?
Chen Bing is too scary!

He also said that he would die in the hands of this outer room, and the way of death was the same as that of Wu Dalang. Isn't that just telling himself that there are people outside this outer room?

No, I have to go and see!
"Mr. Mu, it's better to be my wife!" Chen Bing put his mouth next to Mu Zhentang's ear again.

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he poured himself a glass of wine and poured it into his stomach.

Mu Zhentang sat down resentfully with a dark face.

Chen Bing said: "Everyone, everyone is the CEO of a company, and many of you are the CEOs of state-owned enterprises. Our country has been reforming and opening up for ten years. In the past ten years, earth-shaking changes have taken place. Next, our companies will also follow the trend. Carry out reforms, so that we can adapt to the development of the times and not be eliminated, otherwise, we will definitely face bankruptcy. If my guess is right, then the country will definitely introduce a series of reform policies specifically targeting enterprises.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the next wave of reform, in order for enterprises to develop, some workers must be laid off to reduce the burden on enterprises and the country. Some enterprises will be converted from nationalization to privatization, and some enterprises will go bankrupt. In this way, this is the progress of society and the progress of the times.”

When Chen Bing said this, everyone present was shocked.

Damn, this kid dares to say anything!

Wei Dong was also shocked. He believed that Chen Bing's words should be true. After all, he had a relationship with the state and could get in touch with the country's policies for the first time. However, no matter how well he knew, he couldn't say that. No riots yet!

"Well said, well said!"

A man in a tunic suit stood at the door, staring at Chen Bing.

Wei Dong was shocked and stood up, almost knocking over the table.

"Mr. Gao!"

"Mr. Gao, why are you here?"

All stand in a row.

"I was eating next door, and I heard someone talking here, so I came here to listen!"

Just as Wei Dong wanted to introduce, Chen Bing smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Gao, my name is Chen Bing."

"It belongs to Jiahe Cannery, right? Hehehehe, Yangqing City is full of news about you recently."

Gao Zhihua walked inside.

Wei Dong hurriedly arranged for the service staff to serve the food.

"No, I've eaten there, so I want to come and listen." Gao Zhihua said.

(End of this chapter)

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