Chapter 99
Several people shook hands and went in to take a seat.

Chen Bing saw their attire and knew they were celebrities in Yangqing City.

Wei Dong is of course the seat of honor.

In that era, there was an unwritten rule that, no matter how rich you are as a boss of a company, at the wine table, officials are usually the ones who take the seats.

"Hehehehe, everyone, you are all capable people in Yangqing City, and you have made great achievements for the economic construction of our Yangqing City. Today, someone Wei prepared a little wine. Please come together, have fun! "

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked.

After drinking a glass of wine, the scene opened up.

"Wei Chu, thank you for taking care of our company over the past few years, I would like to offer you a toast!"

"Wei Chu, if it weren't for you, our company would be in a difficult situation this year!"

"Wei Chu, thank you, tonight, I have prepared a good place, let's have fun!"

"Wei Chu."

It's all nasty words.

After the whole circle of people paid their respects, only Chen Bing was left.

Chen Bing also stood up and picked up the cup.

Seeing Chen Bing standing up, Wei Dong quickly stood up too.

"Wei Chu, thank you. If it weren't for you, Jiahe Cannery wouldn't have developed so fast. I'll do it!"

When Chen Bing's cup and Wei Dong's cup were about to touch each other, Wei Dong hurriedly lowered the cup so that the rim of his cup touched the bottom of Chen Bing's cup.

Chen Bing picked up the cup and was about to drink, when Li Dezhong slapped Chen Bing's hand suddenly, and the cup fell to the ground.

"Mr. Chen, why don't you know etiquette? When drinking with Wei Chu, how can you touch the bottom of your cup to the rim of Wei Chu's?"

Seeing this, Wei Dong hurriedly said, "Mr. Li, what are you doing, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Bing waved his hand, he didn't want Wei Dong to reveal his false identity.

"Mr. Li, what do you think I should drink?"

"Should you touch the rim of your cup to the bottom of Wei Chu's cup?"

"Really, then should I also bend down, show a flattering smile, and pretend to be a slave as much as possible, just like Mr. Li?" Chen Bing retorted while wiping the wine stains on his hands with a napkin.

When Li Dezhong heard it, his face flushed with embarrassment: "What are you talking about, who is the slave?"

From the eyes of these people, Chen Bing could see that they were hostile to him. He had done business for so many years and knew that it was difficult to integrate into a local business district.

Today, Wei Dong asked himself to eat this meal, it must be to integrate himself into the business circle.

Chen Bing also affirmed that these people sitting today are the best in the business district of Yangqing City.

In the 80s, in that kind of information blockage and inconvenient transportation, these people can completely determine the local market.

However, whoever Chen Bing was, he couldn't be servile to these people.

He wanted to enter the local business district, but he definitely had to enter with his head held high!
Chen Bing decided to make an example today, so that these people would not dare to underestimate him.

As for Wei Dong, he knew that if his false identity hadn't been exposed, Wei Dong would definitely stand by him.

In fact, when Jiahe Cannery was not out of trouble, he was a little afraid that his fake identity would be exposed. However, now, Jiahe Cannery has successfully defeated Shuangwang Cannery, and Jiahe Cannery has successfully established in Yangzhou. Qing stood firm. At this moment, he was really not afraid of Wei Dong revealing his false identity.

"I said you are a slave!" Chen Bing said again.

"You, you, you say I'm a slave!"

Li Dezhong looked around, looking for something to fight with Chen Bing.

Chen Bing laughed, and lifted the wine bottle from the table: "Mr. Li, are you looking for this, here it is!"

Chen Bing stuffed the wine bottle into Li Dezhong's hand, and then stretched out his head: "Mr. Li, I gave you something, and my head is also stretched out. If you have the ability, you can smash it down!"

Li Dezhong held the wine bottle in his hand, his hands trembling.

Chen Bing quickly stood up straight: "Smash it, smash it!"

Chen Bing shouted!

Wei Dong hurriedly said: "President Chen, what are you doing, we are all friends."

Chen Bing pushed Wei Dong aside with his arms: "Mr. Li, will you smash it? If you don't, then you will miss this opportunity."

Seeing that Li Dezhong didn't smash it, Chen Bing continued: "The opportunity is given to you. If you don't smash it, you can't blame me. Mr. Li, I hope that from now on, you don't make trouble for me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! "

Chen Bing's arrogance instantly stunned everyone.

Chen Bing took the wine bottle from Li Dezhong, filled the cups in front of several other people, and then raised the cups: "Bosses, my name is Chen Bing, and I am the boss of Jiahe Cannery. It is an honor to see everyone sitting here today." To.

We met for the first time today, I can see the hostility on everyone's faces, for your hostility, I drank this cup! "

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he poured a glass of wine into his stomach.

None of the people present drank, and all stared at Wei Dong.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, how can there be hostility, we are all friends!" Wei Dong said.

"Wei Chu, I also hope that we are all friends. I, Chen Bing, are the most friends. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. But damn, if others want to bully me and give me power, then I, Chen Bing, are really good." Don't recognize that coward!"

At this time, a man in his 40s stood up next to Wei Dong and poured wine into the glass in front of him: "Mr. Chen, I am Zhang Zhennan from Yangqing Gaoliang Distillery!"

Zhang Zhennan and Chen Bing heard that Chen Bing has been drinking sorghum wine in Yangqing City during this period. The red sorghum in Yangqing City has been sold to all parts of the country, and it is a very famous local enterprise.

"Thank you, President Zhang!"

Chen Bing also stood up.

The two touched each other lightly, and Chen Bing poured the wine into his stomach again.

During this encounter, Chen Bing did not lower the rim of his cup, nor did Zhang Zhennan.

The people watching were shocked.

If this Chen Bing didn't know Zhang Zhennan's identity, it would be understandable. However, Zhang Zhennan said it just now, but he is still like this. I don't know if he is too arrogant or too stupid!
Zhang Zhennan's face became ugly. Seeing Chen Bing pour the wine into his stomach, he also raised his neck and poured the wine into his stomach.

Wei Dong was secretly anxious, today he asked Chen Bing to come to the business circle of Yangqing City, make some friends, let Chen Bing appreciate himself, and be able to say something nice for him in front of his old man. Unexpectedly, this stunned young man, Come up and offend these people.

It doesn't matter if Chen Bing offends these people, but Chen Bing is also not happy, isn't he shooting himself in the foot!

"Everyone, we are all friends!"

"Wei Chu is right, we are all friends!" Zhang Zhennan said: "Mr. Chen, we witnessed the fight between you and Zhang Boqing, the boss of Shuangwang Cannery. Mr. Chen is a talent in the fight!"

"Hehehe, don't dare to do it, really don't dare to do it!"

"It's just that Mr. Chen is a bit despicable!" Zhang Zhennan said.

Chen Bing glanced around, and he could see from his seat that the people who came today were headed by Zhang Zhennan, so as long as he took Zhang Zhennan today, he would be able to control the situation!

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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