Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 98 The circle is not easy to join

Chapter 98 The circle is not easy to join

Chen Bing sat at the desk: "Sit down and talk!"

Zhao Ming sat down.

"Next, expand production and distribute goods to all department stores, small shops and supply and marketing cooperatives in Yangqing City as soon as possible!" Chen Bing said.

"Mr. Chen, listen to what you said, we want to give up the rural market?"

"Give up, why give up?" Chen Bing was a little puzzled.

"Then our canned food business is still going on?"

"Do it, of course do it, hehehe, how can you not do it if you make so much money, I tell you, as long as we can make money, we will do it!"

"How is the Shuangwang Cannery?" Chen Bing asked.

It is embarrassing to mention Shuangwang Cannery.

"Mr. Chen, the workers over there are the same as the workers of our previous Jiahe canning factory, sitting in front of the city. Committee and city government all day long to petition!"

"It seems that we have to find an opportunity to acquire Shuangwang, and solve our production pressure problem by the way!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he took out a pack of tea from the drawer.

Zhao Ming stood up to pour water.

Chen Bing waved his hand: "Sit down, you have worked hard during this time, today I will make you a cup of Dahongpao, it will be considered a reward!"

"Mr. Chen, I dare not, how dare I ask you to make me tea!"

"No, you are a hero. I should make tea for you. Sit down and make it well. Let's talk while drinking!"

Zhao Ming had no choice but to sit down.

"Mr. Chen, we still have a canning factory in Yangxian City. The daily output of the two canning factories can completely supply Yangqing City."

"Do you want to be confined to Yangqing City for the rest of your life?"

Zhao Ming didn't understand what Chen Bing meant: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"Within two years, our canned food will be popular all over the country, and in three years, our canned food will rush to Asia!"

"Crazy!" Zhao Ming stared at Chen Bing without saying a word.

Chen Bing is powerful, much more powerful than Wang Longhu, but it is not easy to become popular all over the country within two years and break out of Asia within three years.

"Do you not believe it?"

Chen Bing stared at Zhao Ming.

"No, Mr. Chen, I just think the stride is too big!"

"In this society, gold is everywhere, and opportunities are everywhere. God has brought us into this era. If we don't make some noise, how can we be worthy of this opportunity given by God!"

At this moment, the phone in Chen Bing's office rang, and he picked it up.

"Hello, I'm Chen Bing!"

"President Chen, hehehe, I'm Wei Dong, are you busy!"

When Chen Bing heard that it was Wei Dong, he laughed and said, "Wei Chu, you're not busy, why are you calling at this time?"

"Do you have time tonight, there is a party!"


"Yes, the party is some business executives in Yangqing City."

"Wei Chu, I don't know them well, is it right for me to come?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Wei Dong said directly: "It's suitable. In Yangqing, there is no one more suitable than you. Hehehe, besides, this party is organized by our enterprise management department."

"Okay, what time is it in the evening, I will go then!"

"Seven o'clock, Yangqing Hotel."

"it is good."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After get off work, Chen Bing drove directly to Yangqing Hotel.

During this period of time, all the meals at Jiahe Cannery were arranged at Yangqing Hotel, so Chen Bing was no stranger to Yangqing Hotel.

"Mr. Chen!" Zina, the hotel manager, saw Chen Bing coming in, and greeted him with a smile.

"Hehehe, Manager Qi, I'm at the appointment of Director Wei, I don't know which private room Director Wei is in!"

"Mr. Chen, Director Wei is in the luxury room, go from here, the innermost one is!"

At this time, a group of guests came, and Zina went to greet them again.

Chen Bing walked over on his own, and when he was about to knock on the door, he was stopped by a man in his 30s: "Young man, you went the wrong way!"

Chen Bing stopped what he was doing, turned his head and saw that this man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he was very handsome. He looked like a man of status.

"This is a gathering of our old friends, and they are all people of status." After the man said, he pushed Chen Bing aside.

He went in quickly, and slammed the door shut.

Chen Bing was hit hard on the forehead.

This person seemed to have bumped into someone, and opened the door without any intention of apologizing, and said directly: "You are a deaf person, all the people who come here today are famous and respectable people in Yangqing City, what are you doing here!"

After this person finishes speaking, he wants to close the door again.

The fire on Chen Bing's head rushed upwards.

He opened the door and shouted at the other party: "You grew up eating shit, didn't your mother teach you to apologize when you touch someone?"

This person never dreamed that Chen Bing would scold him, pointing at him: "You, you scold him again, do you know who I am?"

"Fuck you, I don't care who you are?"

At this time, Chen Bing's head was hurting from being touched, his stomach was full of anger, and he had nowhere to vent.

"You curse again!"

He came to tear Chen Bing's collar.

How could Chen Bing let him take advantage of him? He grabbed the opponent's wrist and turned it 180 degrees.

The other party howled: "My god, let go, it hurts me to death!"

The decoration of this private room is a bit strange, and there is a room in the room.

As soon as the man howled, he immediately alarmed the people inside, and five or six came out in an instant, each of them was in a suit and leather shoes. At first glance, they were not ordinary people.

At this time, Chen Bing was still holding the opponent's wrist.

"Mr. Chen, what is this for!"

Chen Bing saw that Wei Dong was among the people who came.

When Chen Bing saw Wei Dong, he let go of his hand.

The man hurriedly wrapped his other hand around his wrist, grinning.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, what are you doing, why did you do it right away!"

Chen Bing adjusted his collar a little: "Wei Chu, what is this for? You asked me to come, and someone blocked the door. I'd better go!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Wei Dong hurried forward and grabbed Chen Bing: "Hehehe, Mr. Chen, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

"Mr. Li, this is Mr. Chen from Jiahe Cannery I told you about!" Wei Dong said.

Mr. Li's name is Li Dezhong, and he is the boss of a fertilizer factory in Yangqing City.

In the era of the planned economy, the boss of the fertilizer factory was a very powerful figure in the local area.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Chen Bing took advantage, stretched out his hand and smiled.

Li Dezhong snorted, turned and walked towards the private room.

Wei Dong laughed and said, "Everyone, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Chen whom I told you about. You must have heard of Mr. Chen's heroic deeds!"

Zhang Boqing is now in prison and involved in a murder case. It seems that he will never get out in this life, so Wei Dong has no need to save face for Zhang Boqing.

"So young!"

"Old Zhang doesn't know what he did, how could he lose to such a brat!"

Wei Dong introduced one, and Chen Bing shook hands with one, but Chen Bing could clearly see that these people didn't want to see him and were hostile to him.

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(End of this chapter)

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