Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 97 Shameless

Chapter 97 Shameless

"Chen Bing, just wait and see how the black bear will deal with you!" He Feng ran towards the black bear when he said this.

Brother Wolf is here too.

"Hei Xiong, you're here, let your people teach that trash a lesson!" He Feng pointed at Chen Bing.

The black bear was so angry, when he saw He Feng, he slapped him.

Two streams of blood flowed from the corner of He Feng's mouth in an instant.

She never dreamed that the black bear would beat her up.

When Yang Hai and Yang Guang saw the black bear coming, they picked up the wooden stick again and cheered up.

However, they never expected that the black bear would slap his mother's face.

Before Brother Lang walked up to Chen Bing, he laughed and said, "Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing said: "Brother Wolf, that gust of wind brought you here!"

He Feng, Yang Hai and Yang Guang were all dumbfounded, feeling something was wrong, did they know each other?

"Mr. Chen, Hei Xiong came back and told me that he offended you, and he was terrified all day long. I thought he was pitiful, so I brought him here and apologized to Mr. Chen!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The black bear didn't come to take revenge, but to apologize to Chen Bing.

My God, what's the matter, how can things go the other way?
How could such a big man apologize to such a waste?
He Feng, Yang Hai and Yang Guang couldn't accept it, and Yang Xue couldn't accept it either?
He Feng, Yang Hai, and Yang Guang couldn't accept it because they couldn't achieve their goals, and Yang Xue couldn't accept it, and Chen Bing still hung out with these gangsters.

Yang Xue seemed to have returned to the past again.

Hei Xiong walked up to Chen Bing and bowed deeply: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't know she was your wife. If I knew, I wouldn't offend you!"

Chen Bing said with a gloomy face, "Listen to you, if she wasn't my wife, she would have been murdered by you!"

Hei Xiong hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, that's not the case. Although I, Hei Xiong, are an asshole, Brother Lang's rules are strict. He doesn't allow us to bully men and women, so I won't do that even if it's someone else."

After Hei Xiong finished speaking, he looked at He Feng next to him: "It's her. She said that your wife is her daughter, and her husband has passed away. Let me give him a bride price of 3000 yuan, so that I can marry her!"

"When I saw her, I was fascinated at the time. I thought, anyway, her parents have agreed that she will be my wife after giving the bride price, so I will."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I deserve to die, when Brother Wolf finds out, he insists on chopping off my hand. If you don't forgive me today, Brother Wolf will chop off my hand!"

The old wolf nodded slightly: "Mr. Chen, he offended Huwei, and I won't protect him. You can figure it out!"

Chen Bing walked up to the black bear and told him to stand up straight.

Chen Bing remembered that the black bear scared Yang Xue yesterday, so he didn't get angry. He put his mouth next to the black bear's ear: "Hey bear, do you know how Zhang Boqing, Zhu He and Qi Bocheng got in? Tell you, it's my fault." Those who went in, you are lucky to come today, if you don't come, I will tell you that today next year will be your death day!"

When Chen Bing said this, he put his hands around the black bear's fat neck and pushed it up with his knees.

With a scream, the black bear fell to the ground, rolling on the ground holding its crotch.

"Hei Xiong, let's forget about today's matter. If there is a next time, I will destroy you!"

Chen Bing walked up to the old wolf: "Brother Wolf, don't you think I'm ruthless?"

"Hehehehe, my subordinates did something wrong and should be punished!"

"Thank you, Brother Lang. It seems that Brother Lang is a person who understands the rules. We will cooperate in the future. There are too many things today, so I won't keep you. Another day if I have time, I will buy you a drink!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he walked up to Yang Xue: "Xiaoxue, go back, Guoguo should wake up in a while!"

Chen Bing and Yang Xue walked towards the house.

Brother Wolf looked at the black bear rolling on the ground, and said to the two people: "Pick him up, let's go!"

After Chen Bing, Brother Lang and others left, He Feng was dumbfounded. He never dreamed that things would change so much.

"Isn't Chen Bing a waste, when did he become a character?"

He Feng said to himself.

"Mom, what should I do?" Yang Guang was crying.

"It seems that the black bear is also afraid of Chen Bing!"

"Mom, I think it is." Yang Guang said, "Then what should we do now? Xiaoju's family is urging for a bride price!"

"You two wait, I'll go in and have a look!"

After He Feng finished speaking, she walked towards Chen Bing's house.

Just as she was about to push the door open, Chen Bing pushed it open and came out: "From today on, you are not allowed to step into my house, otherwise, the black bear will be your fate!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and walked in.

He Feng stared at the door, then stared at her two useless sons, and cried loudly: "My God, what kind of daughter do I raise, married to a useless person who doesn't even recognize her own mother?" !"

Chen Bing came out again: "Do you want me to throw you off the stairs!"

Chen Bing is not the kind of person who doesn't understand etiquette, but Yang Xueniang's mother completely blows him up, so he doesn't intend to recognize this relative, nor does he intend to recognize Yang Xue, otherwise, Yang Xue's injury will still be behind .

Out of the protection of Yang Xue, Chen Bing is going to completely freeze this relationship today.

Chen Bing's eyes were wide open, and He Feng ran down the stairs in fright.

There was nothing to say all night, and Chen Bing went to the company early the next morning.

When Chen Bing came to the company, he saw that the convoy had formed at the door.

Zhao Ming came to Chen Bing happily: "Mr. Chen, look at this convoy!"

Chen Bing showed joy on his face: "I think this should happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, to tell you the truth, after you left yesterday afternoon, all the salesmen, those department stores, and the sales outlets of supply and marketing cooperatives almost rang up the phone calls of the factory, saying that customers wanted canned food, otherwise , don't go!"


Chen Bing knows that Jiahe canned food has penetrated into the hearts of ordinary people in Yangqing.

New Year’s Day is coming soon. Many units hold celebrations and want canned food. Many families want to buy it for their children to try. It is the market that forces sales terminals, not sales terminals that force the market.

This point, Chen Bing is really accurate!

"Mr. Chen, I think the shipment volume can reach [-] bottles today!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, we have a net profit of 4 cents per bottle of canned food, and 12000 bottles of canned food will be [-] yuan."

"Hehe, if we continue to develop like this, our monthly net profit will be more than two to three million."

"Mr. Chen, tomorrow's shipments should be even greater."

Chen Bing nodded: "Yes, according to my calculations, the day after tomorrow should be the largest, and the shipment should be around [-] bottles."

Chen Bing walked into the office.

Zhao Ming followed in: "Mr. Chen, what shall we do next?"

(End of this chapter)

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