Chapter 96

At this time, Chen Bing had lost the last bit of tolerance for this family.

He Feng never expected that his two useless sons would be suppressed by Chen Bing just like that.

"Trash! You are really trash. Two brothers, you can't even handle one of them! What use are you for!"

He Feng not only said this to Chen Bing, but also to his two sons.

Yang Hai and Yang Guang screamed angrily after being scolded by He Feng.

"Chen Bing, I'll fuck your mother!"

After finishing speaking, the two continued to rush towards Chen Bing.

Chen Bing decided to give the two brothers some strength, quickly pulled out the iron rod from his body, and bumped into Yang Hai's wooden rod.

When Yang Hai saw Chen Bing's iron stick, he was already frightened. When Chen Bing bumped it lightly, the wooden stick flew into the sky!

How could Chen Bing miss this opportunity, and hit Yang Hai's head with an iron rod!
At this moment, a voice shouted: "Soldier, stop!"

Chen Bing stopped the iron stick's attack and turned his head to see that it was Yang Xue.

"Xiaoxue, why did you come out!"

Yang Xue ignored Chen Bing and walked directly to Yang Hai and Yang Guang.

Seeing Yang Xue coming out, He Feng said, "Xiaoxue, look at the trash you found, how did you beat your two elder brothers?"

"Mom, let me tell you again, he is my husband, not a waste!"

"He's not a waste, if it weren't for you, he would starve to death now!"

"Mom, let me say it again, he's not a waste, he's my husband. Besides, even if he can't make any money, as long as he lives with me, I'm willing to support him!"

He Feng didn't think of Yang Xue's words, and even Chen Bing didn't think of them.

In the previous life, men made money and women spent money, which had penetrated deep into Chen Bing's bones, but now he heard that Yang Xue wanted to support him so suddenly, he was so moved.

Although this was impossible, Chen Bing felt that his eyes were still burning.

"You and my brother go back!"

"What about the black bear?" He Feng asked.

"He has nothing to do with me, and I hope you don't look for him. It's other people's business to have money, and mine is my business. If you ask him to hurt me, then I won't recognize you as a mother!"

He Feng didn't expect Yang Xue to be so tough, it seems that he can only take a step back.

"Okay, it's okay if you don't marry him, then we can find another man, and Mom will find you a good man!"

"No, Mom, don't look for it anymore, look for it again, and our mother-daughter relationship is over!"

What Chen Bing could say at this time was only to listen to the twittering discussions of the neighbors in the neighborhood.

"It looks like a dog in his clothes, so he is a waste."

"Look, it's still driving!"

"It must have been borrowed."

"In these days, there are everyone, no wonder his mother-in-law wants to divorce her daughter!"

"It's me, I also let my daughter divorce."


Chen Bing endured silently.

"Then what about your second brother's wedding? Your second brother is old and hasn't found a partner yet, and finally got along with one. Now he wants a bride price of 2000 yuan. Where do you think I can find 2000 yuan!"

When He Feng said this, he burst into tears.

Seeing his mother crying, Yang Guang threw the wooden stick and started crying on the ground.

Chen Bing convinced this family!

If the family is good, Chen Bing is really willing to help them, isn't it just 2000 yuan? With his current ability, even 20000 yuan is fine.

However, scenes of the past appeared before his eyes.

Although, at that time, it was the waste Chen Bing who was hurt, but now, after all, I am using the body of the waste Chen Bing to fuse with the memory of the waste Chen Bing, so when I think of it, I feel endless hostility towards this family.

Yang Xue turned her head and stared at Chen Bing. At this time, Chen Bing was expressionless.

"Mom, I currently earn 75 yuan a month. From today onwards, I will give you 30 yuan a month, and you can save my brother's gift money!"

Although Chen Bing has made money during this period, his money is all in the factory, and he doesn't usually take it home. Yang Xue doesn't know how much. Anyway, during this period of time, she and Guoguo spent basically her salary.

He Feng didn't know what to do, and turned to stare at Yang Guang.

Yang Guang stood up fiercely, and walked up to He Feng: "That's not good. At 2000 a month, when will I be able to make up 2000 yuan? Xiaoju's family said that if I can make up [-] yuan now, I can marry Xiaoju. If you can’t make it, forget it, find someone else for Xiaoju, Mom, I don’t care, I’m going to marry Xiaoju now!”

After Yang Guang finished speaking, he kicked the ground again.

He Feng was right when he thought about it. At thirty every month, it would take several years to collect 2000 yuan. No, absolutely not.

"Xiaoxue, no, you know how difficult it is for your brother to find a wife. It's hard to find a suitable one. You can't let your brother miss it because he doesn't have enough gifts. I think you are just ignorant."

At this time, Chen Bing was about to burst into tears.

"Xiaoxue, you should divorce this trash as soon as possible. I will beg that black bear tomorrow to let her marry you. Black bear said that the gift money she can give you can reach 3000. At that time, we will pay 1000 for the gift."

Before He Feng finished speaking, Yang Hai stood up: "Mom, once Guangzi gets married, I will have no land to live in. I want to build three big tile-roofed houses!"

After hearing this, He Feng slapped her face: "Xiaoxue, take a look, take a look, our family, everything costs money!"

"I'll count to three, you guys leave my house quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Chen Bing's eyes burst into flames.

He couldn't let Yang Xue suffer any more.

Damn it, this family simply treats Yang Xue as a cash machine.

At this time, Chen Bing only had hatred for this family, but no love at all. He just wanted them to leave quickly.

"You trash, I'm talking to my daughter."

"Shut up!" Chen Bing quickly walked up to He Feng: "If you talk about me being trash, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

He Feng had seen Chen Bing's violent temper, so he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Let me tell you today, let alone give you 2000 yuan, even the 30 yuan a month that Xiaoxue just said will not work. I am the head of this family. I tell you that with me here, don't try to take it away from this house." penny!"

Help the younger brother, help the younger brother.

In the 21st century, Chen Bing has seen Fudimo a lot. Unexpectedly, after his rebirth, he would meet Fugemo again.

He absolutely does not allow Yang Xue to be wronged in this regard.

Chen Bing grabbed Yang Xue's hand: "Xiaoxue, come back."

At this moment, a dozen or so people rushed towards this side.

Chen Bing vaguely saw a black bear.

He Feng also saw the black bear.

A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Chen Bing, aren't you amazing today? Look, the black bear is here. Look how grand he is, with so many people under his command!"

He Feng smiled openly.

Yang Xue's face turned pale.

"Bingzi, run away, it's really a black bear, he brought a lot of people here!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "It's really this kid!"

(End of this chapter)

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