Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 95 An Unusual Family

Chapter 95 The Strange Family
At this moment, Yang Xue could only shed tears and didn't say a word.

Chen Bing could only comfort him.

Although Chen Bing gritted his teeth with hatred, but He Feng was Yang Xue's mother, what could he do? Could it be that he really beat He Feng so hard?

Chen Bing shook his head slightly. It seemed that this old hag should be less likely to come to Yang Xue in the future.

Back home, Chen Bing comforted Yang Xue to sleep, he took care of Guoguo, cooked some millet porridge for Yang Xue, and fed Yang Xue a sip.

Yang Xue fell asleep after drinking it.

Chen Bing played with Xiao Guoguo.

"Father, what is trash, why does grandma always say you are trash!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing laughed and said, "What is waste, father think about it."

"Father is so stupid, he doesn't even know trash." Guoguo said in a childish voice.

Chen Bing squeezed Guoguo's pink face: "Hehehe, Dad doesn't know, so you know?"

"I do not know either!"

Guoguo made a shy gesture with her chubby little hands.

It made Chen Bing laugh hahahaha.

"Guoguo, dad told you that trash is something that dad can't bring back for Guoguo and mom to eat. When Guoguo and mom are being bullied, if dad doesn't dare to stop them, he is trash!"

After hearing this, Guoguo nodded half-understood: "Dad, I understand. The waste is that Guoguo wants to eat canned food. Dad has no money, so he can't buy it back."

"Right, that is it."

"Grandma and Uncle Hei bully Mom, Dad can't help it, he's trash!"

After Guoguo spoke, Yang Xue suddenly said weakly: "Guoguo, don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Bing's eyes burst into flames: "Hei Xiong, I must seek justice for my wife!"

Chen Bing tucked the quilt up for Xiaoxue: "Xiaoxue, let me ask you, did your mother ask me to divorce you and marry that black bear?"

Yang Xue pursed her lips.

"Xiaoxue, don't be afraid, don't worry, I will never leave you in this life, even if you want to divorce me, I will not divorce you."

Tears were streaming from Yang Xue's eyes, she stretched out her onion-like hand, put Chen Bing's hand on her face, and shed tears: "Bingzi, with your words, I am satisfied."

"Don't cry, remember, my husband is not a waste. It's just that he didn't find his goal a few years ago. Now that he has found his goal, he will definitely let you and Guoguo have a good life."

If it had been half a year ago, Yang Xue would never have believed Chen Bing's words, but now she does.

"I believe you."

"Your mother will definitely come."

"Bingzi, I will never divorce you even if I die!"

"Mom, you said Xiaoxue lives here?" Yang Xue heard the voice and sat up quickly.

"Bingzi, it's my elder brother's voice!"

From the memory he injected, Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue's elder brother was called Yang Hai, and he was beaten into the hospital by himself. Unexpectedly, this kid came again.

Chen Bing stood up: "You take care of Guoguo, don't go out!"

Yang Xue grabbed Chen Bing's hand and said, "Bingzi, don't go out, my elder brother is ruthless. Last time you shot him into the hospital with a brick, he was waiting for revenge."

"Chen Bing, you bastard tortoise, come out!"

"Bingzi, this is the voice of my second brother Yang Guang."

"You trash, you occupy the latrine and don't shit, hurry up and divorce my sister!"

"Chen Bing, you come out, you still dare to beat my mother, my mother is the queen mother of our family!"

In fights in that era, you would first quarrel outside, call out the neighbors, tell the neighbors about each other's bad things, completely stink each other, and then start fighting!
"Chen Bing, you trash"

"You are a waste, come out quickly, if you don't come out, we will rush in!"

Yang Xue wanted to go out, but was stopped by Chen Bing.

"Xiaoxue, you are not in good health, lying down, this is the business of the gentlemen, don't worry about it."

Chen Bing found an iron rod from under the chopping board, and he was going to do it ruthlessly today.

What He Feng did today has already made Chen Bing blow his lungs, and he didn't know how to vent it. Yang Xue, the two bastard brothers, came here, so he can vent his anger today.

"Bingzi, what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry, take this for self-defense."

Chen Bing walked out after finishing speaking.

At this time, Yang Hai was cursing at the top of his voice, and Yang Guang and He Feng were telling the neighbors about Chen Bing's death.


It wasn't too long before Chen Bing moved here from Ningzheng County, and she was usually busy, so she didn't socialize with her neighbors. In addition, Yang Xue was the kind of conservative girl who didn't like to show off any happy events at home, so, The neighbors in the neighborhood really don't know what Chen Bing does, but they think that Chen Bing is unusual, first of all, he can tell from the clothes he wears and the car he drives.

In the 80s, the main means of transportation was bicycles, and cars were really rare.

At this moment, Chen Bing opened the door and came out.

"Come out, you kid is out!" Yang Hai ran towards Chen Bing with a wooden stick.

However, Chen Bing at this time is not at all the same as the good-for-nothing Chen Bing before his rebirth. In his previous life, he was taught by a martial arts master.

Before Yang Hai raised the big wooden stick to reach Chen Bing, he was kicked on the chest by Chen Bing and flew out directly.

The people at the scene never dreamed that Chen Bing was so agile.

Yang Hai fell to the ground, He Feng and Yang Guang rushed to him and helped him up.

"Brother, let's go together!"

Just as the two of them were about to rush over, Chen Bing yelled, "Stop the fuck!"

The sternness in Chen Bing's eyes made them take two steps back involuntarily.

Chen Bing quickly walked up to them: "Yang Hai, Yang Guang, let me tell you, you are not my opponent, I will kill you, just like killing a chicken!"

Yang Hai suffered from Chen Bing before, and seeing Chen Bing's eyes, he couldn't help but take two steps back: "You, you, you divorced my sister, my sister can't marry you, you trash, if you want a daughter, give it to you, if you don't want it , my sister took it."

"That is, we found a good family for Xiaoxue. Why did you drive him away yesterday? Let me tell you, do you know who he is? His father is the director of the factory, and he is a worker of the factory. He is an iron rice bowl." .”

"You don't know yet, he follows Brother Wolf and is very famous, be careful Brother Wolf kills you!"

Chen Bing originally thought that the identity of Hei Xiong was unknown to the family. They found Hei Xiong for Xiaoxue because of Hei Xiong's father's position as factory manager and because Hei Xiong was an employee of the factory. Unexpectedly, the family knew about Hei Xiong It's a gangster in society.

What the hell.

What kind of person is the black bear? He bullies men and women, does all kinds of evil, and destroys many beautiful girls in his hands.

At first, Chen Bing didn't understand why Hei Xiong, who had such a good family background, couldn't find a wife. Now he understands, it must be that Hei Xiong has done too many evil things, and everyone in Yangqing City has already known, so, who The family was also unwilling to send their daughter into the fire pit.

However, this wonderful family would rather break up Yang Xue's marriage than marry her to Hei Xiong.

(End of this chapter)

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