Chapter 94
After Chen Bing heard this, he was so depressed, what was Zhou Dahai thinking, what did he think he had for Yang Xian?

"Fuck off!"

"You still say I'm going to fuck off, I think you've taken a fancy to him!" Zhou Dahai retorted.

"Say nonsense, keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you!"

Chen Bing couldn't tell Zhou Dahai that the home appliance market would be booming in the future.

The market is still brewing, Chen Bingle is at leisure.

He knew that when the market really went crazy, he would have to get busy, so these two days, he would be free as long as he could.

It's good to accompany Yang Xue well.

Yang Xue's mother, He Feng, came to the house yesterday. Chen Bing knew that although Yang Xue didn't show anything on her face, she was definitely not feeling well.

Or go back early to accompany her.

Chen Bing briefly explained the work to Zhou Dahai, then turned and left.

Santana stopped at the gate of the textile factory, and Chen Bing walked inside.

"Excuse me, where did Yang Xue go?"

Because someone was covering her above, Yang Xue only managed one file in the textile factory.

Chen Bing came to the archives room and saw that Yang Xue was not there, so he asked a staff member.

"You are Yang Xue's husband, right? Yang Xue was taken away by her mother."

Upon hearing this, Chen Bing asked anxiously, "Her mother?"

The other party nodded: "Yes, it's her mother."

"Do you know where you are going?" Chen Bing looked very anxious.

The woman shook her head: "It seems to be going to eat, I don't know anything else."

Chen Bing suddenly had an ominous premonition.

It must be no good for He Feng to find Yang Xue.

He quickly came out of the textile factory, asked the old man at the door, and asked which direction Yang Xue was heading.

Yang Xue was beautiful, the old man at the door still remembered it.

"She is heading in this direction with an older woman!" The old man pointed with his finger.

Chen Bing thought quickly, eating, where can I eat in this place?
In the 80s, there were relatively few places to eat, and there were only one or two famous places to eat in the same direction.

"Full Virtue!"

Quanyoude is a restaurant. Chen Bing has been there once, and it is a little inferior to Yangqing Hotel.

Yangqing Hotel mainly accepts official meals, but Quan Youde accepts all kinds of meals.

Not far from the factory, Chen Bing quickly ran towards Quan Youde.

Damn, if Yang Xue met such a mother in this life, it would be a disaster for eight lifetimes!

Chen Bing galloped forward like a wild horse.

In less than 10 minutes, Chen Bing arrived at the place.

Just as Chen Bing was about to run back, he heard Guoguo's voice.

"I'm not staying with you, I want my mother, I want my mother!"

Chen Bing saw that Guoguo was being dragged by He Feng.

Guoguo pulled in one direction, and He Feng pulled in another direction.

"I want mom, I want mom, I'm not with you, you're a bad woman!"

"Who says I'm a bad woman, I'll ask your mother to find you a good father, look at that trash your mother found!"

"I don't want it, I want my dad!"

He Feng yanked Guoguo twice vigorously, and the five-year-old child, who could withstand her tugging, pulled her over all at once.

Guoguo burst into tears.

Chen Bing's heart aches.

He ran over quickly, snatched Guoguo from He Feng's hand, and did not forget to push He Feng: "Is there such a grandma as you!"

"Guoguo don't cry, dad is here!"

He Feng never dreamed that Chen Bing would come.

She stabilized her mood a little, stood up quickly, ran to Chen Bing, and pointed with her finger: "You trash, you dare to push me, divorce Xiaoxue today, divorce today, take your precious daughter away! "

Chen Bing said angrily: "You are old and disrespectful, so don't blame me for disrespecting you!"

"Guoguo, where's mom?" Chen Bing asked.

"Inside with an uncle!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing suddenly realized something.

Holding Guoguo in his arms, he quickly ran towards the inside.

He Feng grabbed Chen Bing's arm: "Stop, you can't spoil our family's good deeds!"

Chen Bing was so angry that he threw his arm, directly throwing He Feng down.

He quickly ran towards it.

"Guoguo, where is mom?"

"Where is mother?"

One of the innermost private rooms.

Chen Bing quickly ran towards the inside.

"Let me go, my husband will kill you!"

It was Yang Xue's voice.

"Your good-for-nothing husband, hehehe, hurry up and get divorced, marry me, brother will make you delicious and spicy."

It was the voice of the black bear.

Chen Bing kicked towards the door.

At this time, the black bear was pressing Xiaoxue on the sofa, and Xiaoxue was desperately protecting her clothes.

When Chen Bing went in, Hei Xiong was dumbfounded, and Yang Xue was also dumbfounded.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

Chen Bing quickly came to Hei Xiong, kicked Hei Xiong's body, Hei Xiong fell headlong and fell behind the sofa.

"My god, you god damned, how could you hit my nobleman!" He Feng ran over quickly and helped the black bear up.

Seeing Chen Bing coming, Xiaoxue threw herself into Chen Bing's arms, trembling all over.

Chen Bing exhausted his kick, and the black bear's mouth and nose were covered with blood.

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing?" Hei Xiong didn't understand why Chen Bing beat him.

"She is my wife, why do you say me?"

Hei Xiong was dumbfounded, speechless for a while: "Mr. Chen, are you that trash?"

"Mr. Chen, I don't know. I really don't know. If I knew that she was my sister-in-law, I wouldn't dare to kill her!"

Black bears have a kneeling stance.

Although Hei Xiong has a strong family background, but he is with the old wolf, who is the old wolf, the old wolf is a god in the eyes of Hei Xiong, but such a god has to admit that he is afraid of Chen Bing.

Seeing Hei Xiong's attitude towards Chen Bing, He Feng thought he was afraid of being kicked, and hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, he is just a waste, come, auntie will clean it for you!"

The black bear was so angry that he slapped He Feng and staggered: "Get out, I think you are a waste!"

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really don't know, you guys hurry up and I will withdraw first, and I will come to the door to apologize another day!"

After the black bear finished speaking, he ran away without a trace.

He Feng saw the black bear running away, and chased after him: "Black bear, why are you running, he is a waste, are you satisfied? You run."

Seeing that the black bear ran away, He Feng vented all his anger on Yang Xue: "Xiaoxue, divorce him immediately, divorce him immediately!"

At this moment, Yang Xue was trembling from fright.

Chen Bing wanted to kill He Feng at this time, staring at He Feng: "I will tell you again today, Xiaoxue and I will not divorce, and I also advise you to restrain yourself, you are an elder, I don't want to be rude to you, but , if you bully Xiaoxue like this again, don't blame me for being rude!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hugged Guoguo and helped Yang Xue to leave.

He Feng jumped up and cursed at the back: "You wait, I'll go back and tell my two sons to see if they don't beat you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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