Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 120 A Mental Threat

Chapter 120 A Mental Threat
Chen Bing stopped, hehehe smiled, and stared at Gao Zhihua.

"What do you mean by what you just said?" Gao Zhihua asked.

"Nothing interesting?" Chen Bing finished speaking and wanted to leave.


At that time, various places were attracting investment and developing the economy. When Chen Bing mentioned Yangxian City, what did Gao Zhihua think of.

"What does Yangxian City mean?" Gao Zhihua asked again.

"Secretary Gao, to tell you the truth, I invested in a company called Qinmin Canned Food Factory in Yangxian City. Mr. Qin, the manager of Qinmin Canned Food Factory, wanted me to move the factory to Yangxian City. We are vigorously attracting investment, not only with policy support, but also with financial support.”

Chen Bing couldn't understand what he said, grandma, if you don't give me a loan, I will move the factory to Yangxian City after the Chinese New Year.

Gao Zhihua's face turned green.

Yangxian City also belongs to Lingxi Province, the city of Yangxian City, high-ranking officials, strong and wealthy people are competitors with themselves.

Damn it, Chen Bing moved Jiahe Cannery from Yangqing City to Yangxian City at this time, wouldn't that give the opponent more chips to defeat him?

Chen Bing knew what Gao Zhihua was thinking. In this world, the word 'profit' was always used. Gao Zhihua must be thinking about his own interests, his own gains and losses.

"Secretary Gao, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.


Chen Bing stopped again.

"Leave your report and plan!"

Gao Zhihua's face became extremely ugly.

But Chen Bing knew that he compromised, yes, in the face of interests, face is a fart, as long as he is a smart person, he will choose interests!

"Thank you, Secretary Gao."

"I don't know if it will work or not, I'll ask the banks for you first!"

Chen Bing thanked again: "Secretary Gao, don't worry, as long as the three production lines are put into production, I will definitely pay off all the bank loans by the end of next year!"

"You go!"

Knowing that Gao Zhihua was angry, Chen Bing didn't take it seriously. In this world, there are no friends. Even if they stay together all day and call them brothers, they may not be true friends.

What kind of relationship is the strongest is the relationship established by interests, that is to say, the relationship established by "grasshoppers on a rope".

A grasshopper on a single rope is a community of interests, sharing life and death. Therefore, to establish a system that truly serves you, you must put interests first.

Therefore, Gao Zhihua was angry, Chen Bing didn't take it seriously, just smiled lightly, then turned and left.

For Chen Bing, the most important thing now is the joining of Liu Weidong.

With Liu Weidong around, he would have a lot of peace of mind.

The achievements of Liu Weidong in his previous life have proved that he is a rare genius. It can be said that those who win the other win the world!

When Chen Bing returned to the company, Wen Gengnian walked in again: "President Chen, this is a new recipe, try it!

Chen Bing tasted it and admired it secretly.

The instant noodle seasoning prepared by Wen Gengnian is exactly the same as Master Kang's, what a talent.

"Hehehehe, we only produce these two types of instant noodles, one is braised beef noodles, and the other is spicy beef noodles."

Gao Zhihua nodded again.

"The drink is just this honey tea?" Chen Bing said again.

"What's that name?
Chen Bing frowned slightly. According to his intention, he wanted to change the factory to Haiding, but he was afraid that the old man in Jiahe factory would have objections to the name change. Finally, after thinking about it, forget it, the name is just a symbol, Besides, the name Jiahe is also good, so I said, "Well, let's use Jiahe. The instant noodles are called Jiahe Instant Noodles, and the drink is called Jiahe Honey Tea."

Wen Gengnian nodded quickly: "Okay, Mr. Chen, are you really going to give birth after the Chinese New Year?"

Chen Bing nodded again.

"What about the production line?
"Don't worry about the production line, you can develop new products for me now!"

"it is good."

"You go first, let Zhao Ming come over!"

After a while, Zhao Ming came.

"Mr. Chen, you are looking for me!"

"Yes, Director Zhao, I have a mission for you!"

"You said, Chinese New Year is coming soon, in these two days, go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change the name of our factory!"

"Change the name of the factory?"

Chen Bing nodded and said, "Yes, after the Chinese New Year, we will open three production lines. It is not appropriate to call it a cannery. You can re-register and change it to Jiahe Food Company!"

Zhao Ming nodded.

"From today onwards, you will also be in charge of the business of the logistics department!"

Zhao Ming nodded again.

People in that era were not afraid of heavy tasks, but feared that there were no tasks.

"Also, give me [-] boxes of canned food and send them to the Tiantian Department Store opposite the Municipal Party Committee, and tell the owner of the department store that it was ordered by Secretary Dong Qichang."

Zhao Ming nodded again after listening.

After Chen Bing finished making arrangements, it was past eight o'clock. He knew that Yang Xue and Guoguo had already had dinner when he went back at this time, so he ate casually outside.

When I got home, I saw the lights in the house were on, and knew that Yang Xue hadn't slept yet.

He walked over quickly and heard someone talking inside.

He listened carefully, it was He Feng's voice.

Damn, this old bastard is here again.

Didn't she give all the money, why did she return it?

In Chen Bing's memory, whenever He Feng came home, Yang Xue would definitely cry.

What is she doing here this time, maybe she is asking for money again, I am a cash cow!
Chen Bing opened the door and went in.

"Bingzi!" He Feng stood up quickly when he saw Chen Bing.

"What are you doing here? Want to find an old cadre for Xiaoxue?"

Chen Bing joked.

Chen Bing thought that if he said this, He Feng's face would definitely be unstoppable, but unexpectedly, He Feng still smiled like the wind.

"Bingzi, Guangzi will get married the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, you will bring Xiaoxue and Guoguo!"

That's what happened.

"I'm busy, let Xiaoxue and Guoguo go!" Chen Bing compromised.

As usual, he would not let Xiaoxue and Guoguo do what He Feng did.

He Feng smiled embarrassingly: "I just said that you are a busy person and can't come. Your father asked me to invite you. If you are really busy, then let Xiaoxue and Guoguo go!"

After hearing this, Yang Xue shed tears.

"Xiaoxue, I really have something to do recently, you and Guoguo can go!" Seeing Yang Xue crying, Chen Bing felt uncomfortable.

Guoguo ran out of Yang Xue's arms immediately after hearing this: "Father, I won't go, grandma beat me, and she wants to use mother to sell money to marry uncle!"

Before Guoguo finished speaking, Yang Xue slapped Guoguo's body: "What nonsense?"

Chen Bing immediately stepped forward to stop Yang Xue: "Why are you beating the child? Could it be that Guoguo was wrong!"

"Guoguo, don't cry!"

"Xiaoxue, since Guoguo doesn't want to go, you can go. I will take Guoguo with me the day after tomorrow!" Chen Bing was a little annoyed.

He Feng's complexion changed: "Xiaoxue, what are you doing beating the child? The child is still young, and soldiers are usually very busy, so how can they have time to take care of the child? Otherwise, don't come the day after tomorrow, and just stay at home to take care of the child!"

After Chen Bing heard this, I'll fuck it up, when did this mother-in-law become so reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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