Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 121 The most wonderful mother-in-law

Chapter 121 The most wonderful mother-in-law
According to Chen Bing's understanding of He Feng, she suddenly became so reasonable that she must be a demon.

"Bingzi, I need your help with something!"

Chen Bing knew something was wrong with her.


"Your second sister-in-law's family said that in addition to the bride price, what money is needed for clothes, entry money, age money, etc. Add up, it will cost [-] yuan!"

Damn it, it was obviously to ask him to attend Yang Guang's wedding, but in fact, it was to ask for money. Chen Bing knew a long time ago that it was impossible for He Feng to be so nice to Yang Xue all of a sudden.

Chen Bing looked at the crying Yang Xue, and suddenly his heart softened. Can Yang Xue be blamed? No, who made her have such a mother!

"Is there any more?" Chen Bing frowned slightly.

"Her natal family also proposed that after Guangzi gets married, she must have a normal job. Look at this, in our family, you are the only big boss. I don't ask you to ask anyone!"

Chen Bing quickly took out his wallet, took out [-] yuan and handed it to He Feng: "Here is the [-] yuan. I gave it to you. You don't need to pay it back. As for the job you mentioned, it's impossible. Let me tell you. My factory is not a family business, and I don't allow any useless people to stay in the factory."

He Feng turned his head and stared at Yang Xue.

"Don't look at Xiaoxue, she can't make decisions about the factory."

He Feng lamented: "Bingzi, why are you treating our Xiaoxue like this? She is your wife, and the company you jointly founded, why can't she let her brother in."

"No, let me say it again, I am the master of this company, she can't be the master, the desire to enter the company in the future should be dead."

Yang Xue stood up and walked up to He Feng: "Mom, you'd better go back!"

He Feng looked at Yang Xue, knowing that it was irreversible, and said: "If you don't solve the work for your second brother, then I have to find someone for your second brother's job, so I will give you another three hundred."

Chen Bing is simply crazy, the world still has such a shameless mother-in-law.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you another five hundred yuan, and the extra two hundred yuan will be considered as a gift!" After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stuffed five hundred yuan into He Feng's hand.

He Feng grinned like a rotten peach when he saw five hundred yuan.

"Okay, okay, Bingzi, there is one more thing. On the day of the wedding, we are going to serve a canned dish. When the time comes, you can send [-] bottles of canned food."

After He Feng finished speaking, he didn't care whether Chen Bing agreed or not, took the money and left in a hurry.

Looking at the mother-in-law, Chen Bing really couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm sorry!" Yang Xue walked up to Chen Bing, tears streaming down her face.

Chen Bing patted Yang Xue's back lightly: "I don't blame you, don't cry."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Chen Bing gently hugged Yang Xue in his arms: "Xiaoxue, it's not that I don't want your brother to come to the factory. I, Chen Bing, have the ability to know people. If I get him into the factory, his virtue will definitely rely on it." It's my second uncle who is doing something wrong, if something happens, it will be troublesome, I hope you can understand."

Yang Xue lowered her head and said, "Bingzi, I can understand. According to what my mother's family did to you, it is understandable for you not to help them. Now that you have helped them, you have already given them several thousand yuan, which is enough gone."

"Now that you understand, don't cry. If you want to go the day after tomorrow, I won't stop you. Give me Guoguo and I'll take it with you, okay!"

Yang Xue nodded.

When Guoguo heard that she could follow her father, she immediately shouted happily: "Follow me, follow me, I don't need to go to grandma's house anymore!"

Yang Xue wanted to hit her again after hearing this, but Chen Bing hurriedly stopped her: "Don't hit the child at every turn. Girls can't be intimidated, they must be rich."

At night, Chen Bing fell into Mengxiang after a while, and was falling asleep when a slippery thing got into his bed.

He woke up, and when he touched it, it was Yang Xue.

"Aren't you drowsy?" Chen Bing was so tired that he was dying.

When a man is busy with work and tired, his desire in that area will disappear.

"Bingzi, are you still angry with me?"

"What's wrong?" As soon as Yang Xue spoke, Chen Bing immediately regained consciousness.

"Bingzi, you haven't touched me for a long time!"

Only then did Chen Bing understand what Yang Xue meant.

"I didn't touch you, do you want me to?"

Chen Bing turned over and pressed Yang Xue under him.

That's right, I haven't touched Yang Xue for a long time, she is my wife, if I don't touch her for a long time, something will happen, not to mention, Yang Xue is so beautiful.

"Then let me touch it!"

After a great battle, both of them were exhausted and out of breath, Yang Xue pillowed on Chen Bing's arm: "Bingzi, I have something to discuss with you!"

"what's up?"

Chen Bing put his finger and Yang Xue's finger together.

"I want a baby!"

"Child? What's the matter, don't we have Guoguo? Besides, there are also restrictions on family planning, and no more children are allowed."

After Chen Bing said, Yang Xue was unhappy: "I don't care, anyway, you are not registered as an urban hukou."

"But you have an urban hukou!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue stopped talking: "Bingzi, anyway, I like children, especially boys. Think about it, Guoguo is a girl. If she gets married, what should we do?"

Chen Bing took a deep breath of relief.

Family planning began in 1971, and in 1980, the country began to promote it on a large scale. Therefore, family planning has been implemented for nearly 20 years.

At that time, patriarchy was still serious, and girls could not inherit the incense. Therefore, many people had to secretly have children. In order to have children, it took a lot of hardships, and some even caused death.

"Has your stomach moved recently?"

Of course Yang Xue knew what Chen Bing said.

"No, I don't know what's wrong, I'll ask a doctor another day."

"Don't ask, let's just do it, in two years!" Chen Bing said.

"No, I'm going to have a baby this year. In two years, you will become richer and richer. What will you do if you have a baby with someone else!"

Chen Bing heard something wrong with Yang Xue's tone: "Xiaoxue, what do you mean, you don't believe me?"

"No, Sister Zhang's husband in my factory filed for divorce from Sister Zhang."

Sister Zhang and Chen Bing have seen it before.


"She gave birth to two daughters, and her husband had sex with a woman on the grounds of inheriting incense. I heard that the woman gave birth to a boy, and her husband was going to divorce her. Sister Zhang took a bottle of poison and said Her husband divorced her, and she took medicine, and that didn't stop her husband from divorcing her."

After Chen Bing heard this, he instantly understood that it was because of Sister Zhang.

"Don't worry, I'm not that husband of Miss Zhang."

"Sister Zhang cried and said to me, women, if you want to tie down a man, you must give him a son."

poor woman!

Chen Bing gently put his arms around Yang Xue's slender waist: "Xiaoxue, don't worry, you are my baby, if you want to have a baby, you will give birth to me, it can't be someone else, don't worry!"

Chen Bing and Yang Xue hugged each other tightly.

The next day, Chen Bing came to the company early, waiting for Liu Weidong's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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