Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 144 Looking for help

Chapter 144 Looking for help

Seeing Chen Bing's excited expression, Yuan Ying was a little moved. In this world, there are still businessmen who think about the lives of the people at the bottom. It's really rare.

"But, Uncle Cheng said just now, if we don't pay, they will target us!"

"Don't worry, I'll find a way."

The next day, Chen Bing got up and had dinner, and checked the time, it was nine o'clock.

Yang Xue must have gone to work, he took out his mobile phone and called Yang Xue.

"Little Snow."

"Bingzi, when are you coming back?"

Before Yang Xue finished speaking, she heard Guoguo's milky voice: "Dad, Dad, when are you coming back? Mom keeps beating me!"

As he spoke, he burst into tears.

After hearing this, Chen Bing felt distressed.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter with you, why do you keep beating her?"

"Who beat her, you ask her, how many troubles she caused in a day!"

Yang Xue handed the microphone to Guoguo.

"Dad, I didn't cause any trouble. I broke the Barbie doll again, and I couldn't press it. Mom said, I'm a prodigal daughter!"

Chen Bing wondered what was going on, and said after hearing this, "Okay, okay, don't cry, Dad will come back some day, and when Dad comes back, I will buy you a lot of Barbie dolls!"

After hearing this, Guoguo said happily, "Thank you dad, thank you dad."

"Mom, this is what Dad wants to buy for me, not what I want, so you can't hit me!"

Yang Xue took the phone into her hand: "Just let her get used to it!"

"She's my daughter, of course I'm used to her, Xiaoxue, I've told you many times that girls need to be rich, and our family has only one child, Guoguo, it's okay to make a fuss, don't scare her anymore, did you hear me!"

"Okay, I got it. Hitting your daughter is like stepping on your tail. When will you come back, the family is urging you!"

"That family?" Chen Bing asked.

"It can still be that home, of course it's your home."

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was talking about the home of the trash Chen Bing.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, come back quickly, the old people in the family miss you very much, yesterday, your mother came."

Chen Bing didn't want to talk about this routine.

Just about to stop, Yang Xue said again: "Your mother came to ask me, Guoguo is so big, why is my stomach still not moving? Although the family planning is very tight, but we have to give birth, we farmers, we have to give birth." If you have a child to inherit the incense, you have to raise the child to guard against old age, you say, if there is no boy, what will you do when you get old?"

Damn it, what age is it, still a boy to prevent old age!
"Okay, there's nothing else to do, I'll hang up first!"

"Don't worry, you haven't said yet, when are you coming back?"

Chen Bing never expected Yang Xue to be so nagging.

"I can't do anything about it here. I'll be back in a few days. You didn't tell them I'm rich, did you?"

"No, I didn't dare to say it. Mom came to our house and looked at the spacious house. She knew that I had changed jobs and that I was assigned by my unit. I thought you were the one."

"Don't be embarrassed, just talk about trash."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. This is my new big phone. If you have any problems at home, give me a call. You can see the number on the phone. After a while, you can copy it with a pen."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

How to live this year? For Chen Bing, this is a troublesome thing. In fact, he wants to live with his biological parents the most, but it is logically unreasonable, hey
God is really teasing people, you damn rebirth, why not reborn on your own body, but reborn on such a waste!
Chen Bing hung up the phone and drove his Santana towards the municipal committee.

He knew that he could not solve the association's problems by himself. The food additives and supplementary materials in Qinjiang City had already been controlled by a certain group of people. Ah, it's not that simple this time, someone must help.

What kind of person can help him, Chen Bing first thought of Zhang Guanglong.

Zhang Guanglong is the mayor and senior official of Qinjiang City
When Santana arrived at the gate of the municipal committee, Chen Bing asked Hao Yong and Jia Hu to wait outside, and he went in alone.

When Chen Bing arrived at the door of Zhang Guanglong's office, he happened to meet Xiao Liu, Zhang Guanglong's secretary: "Secretary Liu, is Secretary Zhang here?"

"I'm here!"

"I wonder if it's convenient to meet now?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Wait a minute, I'll report back to you!"

"Good good!"

After a while, Secretary Liu came out and said to Chen Bing with a smile, "Secretary Zhang is here."

Chen Bing laughed twice and hurried in.

"Mr. Chen, sit down, I'll finish reading this document!"

"Secretary Zhang, you go ahead, I'm not in a hurry!"

Ten minutes later, Zhang Guanglong took off his glasses, walked out from behind the desk, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, how are the preparations for the factory going?"

"Secretary Zhang, I have already talked with Director Wei of the Enterprise Department several times. After the Chinese New Year, we will start construction as soon as we get the land!"

"Okay, well, that night, I convened the Standing Committee. In a few days, the land matter will be resolved. At the meeting, I have already made an important point. Regarding investment promotion, whether it violates the law or not In the case of violation of the policy, all departments must give the green light!"

"Thank you Secretary Zhang!" Chen Bing said again.

Chen Bing knew that with Zhang Guanglong's words, the next thing would be much easier.

"Are you here today?"

"Secretary Zhang, do you know that there is an enterprise association in the food industry in Qinjiang City?" Chen Bing asked bluntly.

"I know."

"Secretary Zhang, companies pay taxes to the state and pay them 20.00% of membership fees. How much money do you think companies can keep? This will seriously hinder the development of local companies."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Zhang Guanglong was not overly excited: "Have you met Wang Tiannan?"

"See you."

"Hehehe, if my guess is right, the two of you will fight."

Chen Bing nodded: "You are right. We almost fought. You know, I bought shares in Haoda Food Company this year. To be honest, Haoda Food Company had a net turnover of 1200 million last year. There is not much left, and now they still want 20.00% of the sales, you say, isn’t this a loss? You lose money in business, and you’re a fart, don’t you think?”

"what's next?"

"Afterwards, we broke up unhappy. Before leaving, Wang Tiannan threatened me, saying that if I didn't pay the dues, my Haoda Food Company would definitely go bankrupt. I, Chen Bing, still don't believe in this evil, so I came to you to find a solution! "Chen Bing laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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