Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 145 Persuasion

Chapter 145 Persuasion
After Zhang Guanglong heard this, he frowned slightly: "President Chen, this Wang Tiannan is not easy to deal with."

"Mr. Chen, do you know what Wang Tiannan is? To put it mildly, he squeezed the profits of other companies for his own benefit. To put it more seriously, he is a monopoly!" Chen Bing was very angry.

"I also know that this is a monopoly, but in the huge Huaguo, only Qinjiang City produces additives and auxiliary materials. Although there are not many large food companies in various places, there are countless small workshops of that kind. Therefore, we must rely on this They know that Wang Tiannan cuts leeks, but what can they do?"

"Secretary Qin, this is not a benign market competition. Now Qinjiang City is the place where additives and auxiliary materials are produced. When Wang Tiannan does this, the outside customers dare not speak up and bear it silently. But, you must know, now the reform It has been ten years since the opening up, and the state will have more policies to promote the development of private enterprises. At that time, if that place wants to focus on the food additives and auxiliary materials market, at that time, the industry in Qinjiang City will collapse. Because, customers from all over the country have formed a consensus that the additives and auxiliary materials in Qinjiang City will be manipulated and the prices will be extremely high. At that time, this pillar industry in Qinjiang City will be finished, and Qinjiang will lose in the end. The interests of Jiang City, the interests of all the people of Qinjiang City."

After Chen Bing said, Zhang Guanglong frowned slightly. He knew that what Chen Bing said was reasonable. If one day, the food additives and accessories industry in Qinjiang City collapsed, then Qinjiang City's finances would collapse.

"Secretary Zhang, if that time really happens, then you will be the sinner of all the people of Qinjiang City!"

Chen Bing's words were sharp.

Zhang Guanglong's face was embarrassing and ugly, but at this time, Chen Bing was a useful businessman. At this time, all parts of the country were intensively attracting business and investment. For the sake of profit, he could not offend him yet.

"Mr. Chen, you are serious. The issue of the food association has been around for a long time. It can be said that it is deeply rooted. I have only been in Qinjiang for a year. How can such a serious crime be placed on me?"

"Hehehe, Secretary Zhang, I made a slip of the tongue just now, but if you don't solve the matter during your term of office, it is your responsibility. Besides, if you solve the problem of the association, you will give the association 20.00% of the withdrawal In terms of business development, within two years, all the food additive companies in Qinjiang City will have new developments."

"Secretary Zhang, at that time, the annual revenue of various enterprises will increase greatly, the taxes paid to the state will increase greatly, and the city's fiscal revenue will also increase greatly. Hehehe, this series of benign reactions, I think Zhang The secretary should be able to understand."

Chen Bing's words were indeed enlightening to Zhang Guanglong, but the food association in Qinjiang City was deeply entrenched, how to shake it was really a problem.

"Secretary Zhang, I called Secretary Gao Zhihua two days ago. Secretary Gao said that you are very courageous and the most courageous among their classmates. He also said that you are very capable. In this world, you have never been difficult Your business!" Chen Bing lied and flattered.

Although Gao Zhihua never said such words, Chen Bing knew that anyone would like to hear these words.

Do not wear flattery!

Zhang Guanglong paced in the office.

General leaders would smoke when thinking about problems. Chen Bing took out a Huazi, handed it to Zhang Guanglong, and lit it with a match.

Suddenly, Zhang Guanglong stood still: "You are right. I cannot be the eternal sinner of the people. I am now a senior official of Qinjiang City. If I work in this position for a day, I have to think about the 600 million people in Qinjiang City. Since , the food additives in Qinjiang City are closely related to all food companies in the country, so I will let the food additives industry in Qinjiang City develop healthily, and not become a harbor for some people to grab huge profits."

When Zhang Guanglong said this, Chen Bing clapped his hands lightly.

"Secretary Zhang, you are right. This is the demeanor that a Communist Party member should have."

Zhang Guanglong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Stop praising me, talk about the solution. Since you are looking for me, you must have a solution in your heart, just let me support you!"

"I have a way. Let the government take the lead and set up a business association!"

Zhang Guanglong said in surprise: "What are you talking about, set up another business association?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, this association is led by the government. It does not charge membership fees, but only a symbolic sponsorship fee, which can be used for the company's daily expenses."

"What does it mean?"

"The government takes the lead in setting up this association, and it will be able to bring together the food additive manufacturers in the city. Only in this way can we attack Wang Tiannan!"

Zhang Guanglong nodded slightly after hearing this: "The method you said is feasible, then set up an association, but why do you want to attack Wang Tiannan!"

Chen Bing laughed and said: "Secretary Zhang, Wang Tiannan, as the president of the Qinjiang Food Additives Industry Association, every year each company gives him 20.00% of their revenue. What is this? This is a huge profit. , You said that he relies on the president of this association to earn a lot of money every year, and he will easily admit defeat. If we set up a new association, he will hate me. He thinks that I am manipulating all this, and he will take revenge , At that time, his shortcomings will be exposed. We will take advantage of this opportunity to seize his shortcomings and kill him completely. Attack yourself!"

Zhang Guanglong nodded slightly: "That's right, it's a good idea. Mr. Chen is young and thinks about problems closely, which is really unusual!"

"Thank you, Secretary Zhang, for your compliment. I think Secretary Zhang has long wanted to get involved in the food additive industry, but since I just came here, I don't know much about this industry. Resistance is not good for me, hehehe, and it will affect the economic construction of Qinjiang City, so that I can't do it for a long time, I don't know if Secretary Zhang, what I did is right!"

Zhang Guanglong pointed at Chen Bing lightly with his hand: "Mr. Chen, you are so clever!"

"Hehehe, thank you Secretary Zhang for your compliment!"

"Tell me, what should I do now?"

"In order to adapt to the development of the times and standardize the food market, Qinjiang Municipal Committee and Municipal Government are preparing to establish a food association. Comrade Wei Guoan, director of the Enterprise Management Division of the Qinjiang Municipal Committee, is the new president of the Food Industry Association and is in charge of Qinjiang. The Jiang City Food Industry Association is working in an all-round way, and Chen Bing, the head of Qinjiang Haoda Food Company, serves as the executive vice president of the association and is responsible for the daily work of the association," said Zhang Guanglong.

(End of this chapter)

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