Chapter 150
Wang Tiannan shook hands with all the entrepreneurs and walked towards the rostrum.

Seeing Wang Tiannan's actions, the bosses of various companies below knew that there was a good show to be seen today.

"Bosses, today, taking advantage of this meeting, you can give our association opinions. If you think, we will continue to maintain the good things, and we will correct the bad things as soon as possible."

After Wang Tiannan finished speaking, he looked at the people below.

Underneath, many business executives bowed their heads as he watched.

At this time, Xie Huangyun, the boss of Huangyun Food Company, stood up and said, "Mr. Wang, let me say a few words!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Xie, please tell me."

"Mr. Wang, since you presided over the work of the association, our food industry in Qinjiang City has achieved unprecedented development. You said that you have comments. To be honest, I have no opinion on the development of the industry and the industry association. I have opinions on Mr. Wang. An opinion?"

Everyone stared at Xie Huangyun.

Damn, what advice can this kid give Wang Tiannan?
"You say." Wang Tiannan stared at Xie Huangyun, but there was a smile on his mouth.

"Mr. Wang, my opinion is that you are so busy presiding over the association, you must pay attention to your body. Your body is not yours now. Your body is related to hundreds of food companies in Qinjiang City."

Damn it, what kind of opinion did everyone think Xie Huangyun could put forward, but damn, he actually put forward such an opinion!
"Grandma! There's still such a thing for flattery!"

After Wang Tiannan's die-hard fans listened carefully, they all clapped their hands, and the huge meeting room instantly burst into thunderous applause.

Wang Tiannan laughed hehehe: "Okay, Mr. Xie, thank you, I am very touched by your words, finally someone sees my dedication, thank you."

Wang Tiannan said again: "I, Wang Tiannan, have presided over the Qinjiang City Food Industry Association for ten years. I dare not say how much I have contributed, but at least I will die with dedication!"

"thank you all!"

After Wang Tiannan said it, many business executives could vomit. Damn, is there such a shameless person in the world?

Certainly not.

As soon as Wang Tiannan finished speaking, many business executives stood up and said, "President Wang, take care of yourself, we can't do without you!"

What the hell!

The author was stunned by their flattering words.

Wang Tiannan was about to continue talking, but at this moment, Wei Guoan, director of the Enterprise Management Office of Qinjiang City, Chen Keshu, director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and Chen Bing walked in.

Wang Tiannan's voice stopped abruptly.

Everyone stared at this group of people.

Wang Tiannan is very powerful, but when he saw Wei Guoan, Director of the Enterprise Management Division, and Chen Keshu, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, he still stood up involuntarily.

Wang Tiannan is very smart. He knows that in order to maintain his own interests, he must feed people like Wei Guoan and Chen Keshu. Chen Keshu established an unusual relationship.

However, the unusual relationship they established was instantly shattered by Chen Bing.

Why, their relationship is so fragile?
One reason is profit.

The benefits Wang Tiannan gave to Wei Guoan were food, drink, and a little money. However, Chen Bing had a conversation with Wei Guoan yesterday. Wei Guoan's support for Chen Bing meant that he supported the work of Zhang Guanglong, a high-ranking city official, and supported Zhang Guanglong's work. will continue.

Wei Guoan is not a fool, he weighed the pros and cons in an instant.

He chose to support Chen Bing.

Wei Guoan stared at Wang Tiannan with a gloomy face.

"President Wang, what are you doing sitting there?"

Wang Tiannan chuckled: "Director Wei, isn't there a general meeting of the association today? Hahahaha, let me make a few sentences first to emphasize discipline."

"Come down, didn't you look at the table card, does it have your name on it?" Wei Guoan said again.

No matter how powerful the corporate boss is, he is also a citizen, and he has to listen to the officials.

Wang Tiannan couldn't help but say something more, Wei Guoan said angrily again: "Go down quickly, is there any organization, and is there any discipline."

Wang Tiannan had no choice but to come down resentfully. Although he was dissatisfied with Wei Guoan a hundred times, there was nothing he could do. Who would let Wei Guoan be an official?

The boss of the company sitting below saw Wei Guoan reprimanding Wang Tiannan, and felt that the life of the food industry in Qinjiang City was really about to change!
Wei Guoan sat at the main seat, while Chen Bing and Chen Keshu sat on the left and right.

Wei Guoan cleared his throat and said to a policeman below: "Captain Liu, maintain order for me. Anyone who wants to cause trouble at the venue today will be detained directly by me."

The policeman hurriedly said after hearing this: "Understood, Wei Chu!"

"Everyone, before the meeting, I will introduce two people."

"This is on the left, Comrade Chen Keshu, Director of our Industry and Commerce Bureau!"

After hearing this, Chen Keshu stood up and bowed.

"The one on the right is Mr. Chen Bing, the boss of our Haoda Food Company."

Applause was sparse.

Chen Bing also symbolically stood up and bowed.

"About Haoda Food Company, everyone should know that Chairman Yuan and his son Yuan Jiang died unfortunately. In the end, Chairman Yuan's daughter Yuan Ying took over the position of chairman. Mr. Chen, who holds 40.00% shares of Haoda Food Company, took over the position of chairman."

Everyone here knows what happened to Haoda Food Company recently. After all, Qinjiang City is just that big, and Haoda Food Company is the leader in all food industries in the city. It can be said that Haoda Food Company is larger than Wang Tiannan's Tiannan Food Company is even bigger and has a longer history.

Wei Dong went on to say: "According to the notification from the municipal committee, since our city's food industry is the pillar industry of this city, it is the guarantee of this city's fiscal revenue and the guarantee of this city's economic construction. Therefore, the municipal committee decided that the enterprise management The office took the lead to establish an enterprise association, let me serve as the chairman of the association, Mr. Chen as the executive vice president of the association, and Director Chen Keshu and Chen as the director of the supervision office of the association!"

What the hell.

When these people heard it, they immediately whispered.

Wei Guoan is the chairman of the association, and Chen Keshu is the director of the supervision office. These two people are the nemesis of the company's boss. It's over, it's over for Wang Tiannan.

Everyone stared at Wang Tiannan.

Wang Tiannan rubbed his hands together, damn it, it seems that there is only one last move left, but he feels that victory is very slim.

The appointment of the Municipal Party Committee has been issued. Here is the appointment letter. After a while, everyone can read it.

Wang Tiannan finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up: "Director Wei, I don't accept it!"

Seeing Wang Tiannan standing up, Wei Guoan pressed down with his hands: "Are you not convinced?"

"I don't agree."

"If you are not convinced, just wait and come to me after the meeting is over. I have another decision to announce!" Wei Guoan said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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