Chapter 151
Wang Tiannan heard that Wei Guoan said that there was a decision to be announced, so he had to sit down.

Wei Guoan went on to say: "The municipal committee has informed that from today onwards, the establishment of all industry associations in the city must be under the supervision of the municipal committee and the city government. Individuals are not allowed to establish privately, and those who do so will be punished as illegal. "

There was an uproar.

This is an obvious signal, which further proves that the non-governmental organizations headed by Wang Tiannan are illegal.

Wang Tiannan secretly thought, damn it, it seems that this association is really aimed at him.

Wang Tiannan stared at Chen Bing, Chen Bing, you are so powerful, you can break down the barriers that I have built up over the past ten years, and I will never end with you.

Wang Tiannan is about to stand up again
Wei Guoan pressed his hand again: "Mr. Wang, sit down first."

Wang Tiannan sat down again.

Wei Guoan said again: "The municipal committee notified that the non-governmental organizations established in our city a few years ago, the Qinjiang Food Industry Association will immediately ban them. Otherwise, all consequences will be borne by the founders themselves!"

"Mr. Wang, from now on, your association will no longer exist. In the past, the 20.00% of the receivables that you made each company pay in the form of membership dues is gone. However, this association, from today , no, from now on, there will be none."

Having said this, Wei Guoan said to the audience: "Today, all the bosses of the food industry in the city are here. From now on, you don't need to pay that membership fee!"

Except for Wang Tiannan's cronies, the bosses of other companies almost jumped up for joy when they heard the news, but they didn't dare to jump up or laugh when they saw Wang Tiannan's gloomy face.

At this time, a young man stood up and said, "Director Wei, will the newly established enterprise association charge a membership fee? Will it be higher than the old enterprise association?"

After hearing this, Wei Guoan laughed and said, "It's Mr. Liu from Shanda, hehehe, you can ask our executive vice president, the boss of Haoda Foods, Mr. Chen to explain to you about this issue!"

"Mr. Chen, explain to the bosses?" Wei Guoan stared at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing nodded slightly, stood up and said: "Bosses, Mr. Liu raised this question just now. Let me explain to everyone that we have no membership fee, only simple office expenses. Of course, these office expenses have to be spread on everyone who sits."

Mr. Liu said after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, how much do you need to pay for this office fee?"

"A worker's salary for one month!" Chen Bing laughed.

"Ah? Mr. Chen, is what you said true? One worker pays one club, that is, 75 yuan/"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, there are only three or four leaders in our association. Director Wei and Director Chen are paid by the state, and I have my own company. Next, I will recruit a vice president from the company. There is no salary, but to recruit two or three office workers, there is a salary, and it does not exceed 2000 yuan per year, so everyone, paying the salary of a worker every year is enough!"

After Chen Bing spoke, there was thunderous applause.

Chen Bing pressed his hands, and the scene fell silent.

"Bosses, our country has just reformed and opened up, and we are still in the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones. All enterprises are facing difficulties. Therefore, I discussed with Director Wei and Director Chen that the establishment of this association should not increase the burden on enterprises. , to allow the healthy development of the enterprise, so ah, only such a small amount of office expenses is charged, but, everyone, rest assured, the enterprise association bears a lot of responsibilities, and we will send people to various places from time to time to inspect and introduce talents for our enterprise , to introduce business to our company, in a word, we want to create a healthy food industry.”

After Chen Bing finished speaking, the applause was thunderous again.

Chen Bing sat down.

As soon as Chen Bing sat down, Wang Tiannan stood up.

"Wei Chu, I'm a little unclear."

Wei Guoan was a little annoyed: "What do you not understand?"

"Banish the business association I created, why don't you say hello to me?"

Wei Guoan smiled slightly: "Mr. Wang, didn't I say hello to you today?"

"Okay, even if you say hello to me, then let me ask you, what is Chen Bing's virtue? How long has he been in Qinjiang City? Why did you choose him as the executive vice president instead of others?"

After Chen Bing talked with Wei Guoan yesterday, Wei Guoan has completely stood by Chen Bing's side, preparing for his promotion to a department-level cadre after the Chinese New Year.

"You want a reason?"

"I want a reason."

"Then let me tell you the reasons. First, the appointment of Chen Bing, the executive vice president, was carefully considered by the municipal committee. Second, Chen Bing is young and courageous. As for the third, Chen Bing is an outsider. Haoda Food Company, which Yue just joined, can be said to be clean, and he has not been involved in the muddy waters of the food industry in Qinjiang City, so, out of public interest, he was chosen as the executive vice president of the food association."

Wei Guoan's public heart, except for Wang Tiannan, touched the hearts of everyone.

Yes, the director of the enterprise management department is the chairman of the association, and the director of the industrial and commercial bureau is the director of the supervision office. To put it bluntly, the two of them took up positions in the association for the purpose of suppressing the situation. Hehe, after this association, the power must be in the hands of Chen Bing .

At the beginning, everyone was really surprised. In the huge Qinjiang City, there are hundreds of food companies that produce food additives and auxiliary materials. Why can't they find a single person, but they choose Chen Bing.

Now I understand, the city committee is really thoughtful.

"President Wang, what else do you not understand?"

"Wei Chu, if you do things like this, it will cause trouble."

"Hehehe, Mr. Wang, we are serving the people, so we are not afraid of trouble."

"Okay, don't be afraid, let's see if you are afraid when the time comes!"

After Wang Tiannan finished speaking, he walked out.

Now Wang Tiannan does not have the title of president of the enterprise association, he is just an ordinary entrepreneur, and no one cares about him when he goes out.

Chen Bing smiled slightly and said: "Bosses, our association will be established from now on, and the office space in the future will be in the offices downstairs. The meeting place will be the conference room of our Haoda Food Company. We must hold the attitude of keeping everything simple and serving the enterprise, and establish an association, and we will unite and hold high the banner of our food industry in Qinjiang City!"

After Chen Bing shouted, everyone screamed again.

"Okay, let me just say this. Next, the association will formulate some work regulations, some work disciplines, some restraint disciplines, etc., and everyone needs to abide by them!"

For these entrepreneurs, nothing else matters, as long as they are not allowed to pay the 20.00% membership fee.

(End of this chapter)

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