Chapter 152
After the meeting, Chen Bing, Wei Guoan, and Chen Keshu chatted with the bosses of some factories, asked about the specific situation, and then went to Qinjiang Hotel for dinner.

Some corporate executives go to dinner, while others leave directly after the meeting.

In the office of the head of the industry association hosted by Wang Tiannan.

Wang Tiannan had a gloomy face, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, the ashtray on the table was already full of cigarette butts, and the room was full of smoke.

In addition to Wang Tiannan, this office also includes Vice President of Qinjiang Tiannan Food Company: Peng Haifeng, Vice President and President of Qinjiang City Chamber of Commerce: Yang Qiong, CEO of Wanfang Food Company: Bai Keyuan, etc.

"Boss Bai, you are our little Zhuge, what should we do now?" Wang Tiannan quickly walked up to Bai Keyuan.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Bai Keyuan took a deep puff: "Mr. Wang, it's not easy to handle this time!"

"It's hard to handle, so we won't be able to use the strategy we studied?" Wang Tiannan said anxiously: "Mr. Bai, don't forget that you have benefited from the Association all these years."

At this point, Wang Tiannan stood up straight and said to some of the people sitting there: "Everyone, everyone in my office today is the beneficiary of the Food Industry Association. Don't forget that this association, It’s not just me, Wang Tiannan, but all of us, let’s talk about it, will it work?”

As soon as Wang Tiannan said, everyone stood up.

Bai Keyuan said: "Mr. Wang, don't worry, the idea we said before the meeting is of course useful, but this idea is risky. Think about it, so many people are on strike. In short, there is a certain degree of danger. So, what I want to say is, I urge everyone, when you go back, you must arrange for the person in charge, let them take their own people, don't make any accidents, if any accident happens, then we will take the risk."

Before Bai Keyuan finished speaking, Wang Tiannan said angrily: "Eat the bold and starve the cowardly to death, for our good life, for the foundation we have built with great difficulty, let's take a gamble, damn it. "

Everyone in the office stood up.

"Mr. Wang, the strike must have a purpose. What is our purpose this time?"

Wang Tiannan thought for a while: "This purpose is to set up a new industry association around the Municipal Enterprise Management Office, tell those workers, let them say, we don't want a new industry association, we want the old association.!"

After Wang Tiannan said, everyone nodded.

Bai Keyuan added: "President Wang is right, let's add one more thing, Chen Bing has an improper relationship with Wei Guoan of the enterprise management office"

"This can be said."

"Then everyone split up and let our workers go on strike now! Tell those workers that their strike is guaranteed. In addition to the daily wages per person, there is also a subsidy of two yuan. If you do a good job, you can do it." get promoted."

Everyone nodded again.

Wang Tiannan said to Vice President Peng Haifeng: "Go to the account and withdraw 30 yuan as the expenses for this event."

Peng Haifeng nodded, turned and left.

For the sake of his position as the president of the association, Wang Tiannan also risked it this time. He knew that as long as he won the bet this time, the 30 yuan would come back in a short time. If he lost the bet, then Qin Jiang The territory of the city's food industry has nothing to do with me.

At this time, Chen Bing accompanied Wei Guoan, Chen Keshu and others to dinner, never dreaming that these people were thinking of countermeasures.

That's right, no one wants to give up the benefits they get, no matter whether it's legitimate interests or improper interests.

At this moment, a young man came in in a panic, walked up to Wei Guoan, and said in a low voice, "Wei Chu, it's not good, Secretary Zhang, I want you to go to his office immediately."

"what's up?"

The young man put his mouth next to Wei Guoan's ear.

Wei Guoan nodded with a stern expression.

"What's the matter?" Chen Bing asked.

Wei Guoan explained the situation.

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Damn it, these people are too ruthless, in order to maintain their illegitimate interests, they did so."

Wei Guoan was a little flustered now: "Mr. Chen, what should I do now, Zhang Shu. Secretary told me to go right away, what should I do?"

Chen Bing thought for a while and said, "Let's go, let's go together."

Zhang Guanglong's office.

Zhang Guanglong frowned: "What did you do? Before the enterprise association was established, workers went on strike. What's going on?"

"Wei Guoan, can you still work as the director of the enterprise management department? If you can't do it, resign today!"

Zhang Guanglong's words almost scared Wei Guoan to death: "Zhang Shu. Ji, it's my fault, I'll correct it right away?"

"How do you correct it?"

At this time, Wei Guoan was sweating profusely.

Chen Bing walked up to Zhang Guanglong: "Secretary Zhang, this is not Director Wei's fault!"

Zhang Guanglong was furious: "You say, it's not his fault, it's your fault!"

"Zhang Shu. Ji, this is not Director Wei's fault, nor is it my fault."

"Whose fault is that?"

"It's the fault of Wang Tiannan and other interest groups. This matter must have been organized by Wang Tiannan. Director Wei and I have questioned a few workers. Their purpose is very clear. Tell me, Chen Bing, to get out of Qinjiang City."

As soon as Chen Bing finished speaking, Wei Guoan rushed up and said, "Secretary Zhang, Mr. Chen is right."

Wei Guoan cast a grateful look at Chen Bing. When he was at a loss just now, it was Chen Bing who rescued him.

Wei Guoan was really ready to repay Chen Bing.

"Then what to do now, so many workers are on strike, if something happens to this, we will not be able to get rid of it!"

Wei Guoan didn't know what to do, so he could only turn his attention to Chen Bing to see what Chen Bing could do.

(End of this chapter)

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