Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 156 Benefits Drive Results

Chapter 156 Benefits Drive Results
On the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, Chen Bing left Qinjiang and returned to Yangqing.

When he left Qinjiang, Chen Bing entrusted the full power of the company to the general manager Lu Zhaoning, and entrusted the association affairs to the chairman Wei Guoan.

Go easy on yourself.

When Chen Bing thought of seeing Yang Xue and Guoguo, he couldn't stop his excitement.

Damn it, only after reliving the whole life will I know how important my loved ones are.

When Chen Bing returned to Yangqing, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon. He wanted to visit Xiaoxue and Guoguo, but he knew that Yang Xue was at work. With her strict discipline, she would not go home with her. .

It seems that if you want to be comfortable, it's better to be at night!
When Chen Bing thought of Yang Xue, his heart was like a cat scratching.

"Mr. Chen, where are you going now?" Hao Yong asked.

"Go to the company!"

Chen Bing couldn't act too close to his wife in front of his subordinates.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Hao Yong is a good driver. When he stepped on the accelerator, Santana flew away like an arrow leaving the string.

"Captain Hao, you are very skilled at driving!" Chen Bing said.

"I learned it in the army. We are all from the Sharp Knife Battalion. Can we know everything?"

Chen Bing was a little curious. He could have done anything for most of his life, but he had never been a soldier.

"Have you ever driven a tank?" Chen Bing asked curiously.

"Driving, driving tanks, military aircraft, this is the basic exercise!" Hao Yong said simply.

Fuck me, even fly military planes, does that mean you can fly planes?
"How many of you can fly a plane?"

Hao Yong said while driving: "Yes."

Immediately afterwards, Hao Yong lamented: "The year we left the army, He Feng won the first prize in our military aircraft control!"

Speaking of He Feng, Chen Bing felt a little guilty. If it wasn't for He Feng, he might be reborn now.

"Hey, I'm sorry for him!" Chen Bing murmured.

When he said this, his eyes were a little moist, after all, He Feng was his savior.

"Captain Hao, another day, let's go see He Feng. Also, I usually have a lot of things to do, so you should worry more about He Feng's family affairs. If you have any difficulties at home, please let me know at any time."

Hao Yong nodded.

In the 80s, if you could drive a Santana, you would be a rich person. However, Chen Bing, who is used to Mercedes-Benz and Bentley, is really dissatisfied with Santana.

He is planning, when to get a big Benz.

Mercedes-Benz entered domestic production in 1986, but at that time, the annual production volume was very small. In addition, people at that time generally worshiped foreign countries, so it was generally believed that domestic products were not as good as imported ones. Therefore, imported Mercedes-Benz is still a hot commodity.

Hao Yong parked the car in the parking space, and several people got out of the car, like triumphant warriors, walking towards the company with their heads held high.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Several security guards saluted.

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Go back and rest first, I'll go find Mr. Liu."

After several people left, Chen Bing quickly walked towards Liu Weidong's office.

Liu Weidong's office and Chen Bing's office, one is on this side of the building, and the other is on the other side of the building, there is still a distance.

Although Chen Bing is a person living in the 21st century, he is somewhat superstitious. Therefore, he is very concerned about the location of the office of the first and second leaders of the company. his.

Just as Chen Bing was about to knock on the door, he heard someone talking inside.

The sound inside is very thick and full of air.

"Mr. Liu, I will tell you about qigong until now. With your talent, you can develop qigong!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly when he heard the word qigong. This was a great spectacle in the 80s!
In the 80s, qigong in our country reached an unprecedented height. Tens of millions of people across the country were obsessed with qigong and practiced qigong. They included various high-level intellectuals, workers, farmers, cadres, academic factions, etc. It can be said that the number of people involved is countless.

Qigong masters at that time were comparable to stars.

I heard that there is a qigong master named Chen Kehan. Everywhere he goes, it is empty for thousands of people. He is even more powerful than Teresa Teng, the queen of sweet songs in Taiwan at that time.

Now it is 1988, when qigong is at its hottest. Could it be that Liu Weidong is also practicing qigong?

Chen Bing gently opened the door, and a man in his fifties, wearing a white cardigan and soft-soled white shoes, stood in front of Liu Weidong and was casting a spell on Liu Weidong.

Liu Weidong looked very pious, and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was enjoying it.

At this time, he heard a noise, opened his eyes, saw that it was Chen Bing, and was so happy that he wanted to stand up.

"Mr. Liu, sit down, I'm casting a spell on you, close your eyes!"

Damn, it's so evil, Liu Weidong really closed his eyes after hearing this.

Chen Bing didn't see through this trick, staring at the old man who was over fifty years old, he saw his palms one palm in front of the other, and he walked quickly in front of Liu Weidong. In an instant, a dense layer appeared on the old man's forehead. sweat.

Chen Bing smiled slightly, and secretly said: "This old man is really working hard."

If Chen Bing hadn't experienced his previous life, he would have been confused by the old man's operation.

"Old man, it's almost over, your face is sweating, sit down and drink a glass of water!"

Chen Bing went over on his own and sat down.

The old man turned around again, then put his palms lightly on his dantian, and slowly lowered them, heaved a heavy sigh of relief, as if he was very tired.

"Mr. Liu, how do you feel?" the old man asked Liu Weidong who had his eyes closed.

"Feeling refreshed!"

"Hehehe, that's right."

Before the old man finished speaking, Chen Bing said with a chuckle: "This must be right. Whoever closes his eyes for 10 minutes will feel refreshed after opening them."

After the old man heard this, his face showed a sullen look: "Sir, who are you?"

Liu Weidong stood up, hehehe laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, when did you come back?"

"I've been in for a while, you didn't see me?" Chen Bing said jokingly.

"I see. Let me introduce you. This is Master Zhao Weiben. In the qigong world, he is top-notch!"

Liu Weidong raised his thumb when he said this.

"Really?" Chen Bing stood up.

Liu Weidong hurriedly said: "Yes, the master also said that he will teach our workers to practice Qigong for free!"

Chen Bing's expression changed, and he stared at Liu Weidong.

Why is Liu Weidong so confused, he doesn't know how he earned the money in his previous life.

"Master Zhao! After resting, we can leave. As for teaching our workers how to practice Qigong, I'm sorry, but we don't need it now." Chen Bing said directly.

"who are you?"

"Who am I, let me tell you, I am the head of this company!"

After Master Zhao heard this, he took out a penny and held it in his hand. Chen Bing didn't know what the old man was going to do, so he was secretly on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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