Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 157 Run away

Chapter 157 Run away
Liu Weidong quickly stood in front of Chen Bing, and said to Zhao Weiben, "Master Zhao, I'm sorry, Mr. Chen doesn't know your skills, so you can't hurt him!"

At that time, some qigong masters boasted that they could kill people invisible, and some even said that if they were injured by their own qigong, they would not die now, but they would definitely die in ten days and a half months, even the Supreme Lord would not be able to recover. !
The master smiled slightly after hearing this: "Okay, okay, Mr. Liu, don't worry, for your sake, I don't care too much about him!"

With a flick of his thumb, the coin flew into the air, and then, he stretched out his palm and forced it to stop an inch away from his palm, and put it quietly.

Chen Bing knew that this was a magic trick, but he couldn't see through it yet.

This startled Liu Weidong: "President Chen, look, Master Zhao has performed qigong!"

"My God, Master Zhao, how did you do this, why did the coin not fall above your palm!"

Zhao Weiben smiled slightly: "This is qigong, be careful, stay away, it may hurt you within three meters!"

Liu Weidong obviously believed in Zhao Weiben, and when he retreated, he still didn't forget to drag Chen Bing.

However, Chen Bing did not retreat. Although he didn't know how the old boy made the coin hang in the sky above his palm without falling, he knew that it was definitely a magic trick. Master, it can definitely be dismantled.

Chen Bing walked over quickly and grabbed the dangling coin in his palm.

Zhao Weiben was shocked, and so was Liu Weidong.

Liu Weidong rushed over quickly: "Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

Chen Bing looked at the coin in his hand: "What can I do, it's a trick to deceive ghosts."

Zhao Weiben was furious: "Mr. Chen, you have been injured by my qigong. I advise you to go home and lie down. Don't get out of bed for 49 days. Maybe you can save your life. Otherwise, 49 days. Days later, you will die without a place to bury you."

Chen Bing knew that if this old man couldn't stay here any longer, not only would he destroy the general manager he managed to recruit, but even the workers in his company might become his disciples.

To deal with such a person is not to talk about Wude.

"Master, you said your qigong is very powerful?" Chen Bing asked.

"Yes, you have been injured by my qigong, I advise you to go home and rest!"

"Hehehe, master, pay attention!" After Chen Bing finished speaking, he slapped the old master's face with a slap.

Zhao Wei never dreamed that Chen Bing would come so suddenly, and he hurried to hide, but he didn't pay attention, Chen Bing's speed was so fast, he saw that there was no way to dodge it, and a crisp slap hit his face.

The old face immediately left five finger marks.

"Wow!" He raised his palms and practiced Qigong.

Liu Weidong wanted to stop him again, but Chen Bing said, "Mr. Liu, step back, and I will test Master Zhao's qigong for you."

Zhao Wei pushed out his palms flatly, and Chen Bing stared at his palms. Just when Master Zhao's palms were about to be printed on Chen Bing's chest, Chen Bing used the grasping technique he learned from a martial arts master in his previous life, twisted the opponent's wrist, and tightened his grip. strength.

The other party groaned and bent down to the ground.

Chen Bing secretly exerted force, and the sweat dripped down Zhao Weiben's forehead.

"Master Zhao, tell me, is your qigong real or fake?" Chen Bing asked.

"Really, you have been injured by my qigong."

"Hehehe." Chen Bing tried again: "If you don't tell the truth, if you don't tell the truth, I will work harder. In that case, I think your hands will be useless. At that time, if you want to lie, you can't do it." Convenience, first of all, your coin toss trick is going to go away."

"What do you want me to say? Hey, can you be gentle, my hand is about to break!"

Zhao Weiben's appearance at this time does not look like a qigong master.

Liu Weidong is a smart person. Although he believed it at first, he instantly understood the fight between Chen Bing and Zhao Weiben. This old boy turned out to be a liar. If he was really some kind of qigong master, he would casually greet Chen Bing with the moves he just told him. With such a move or two, Chen Bing had to belch on the spot.

"Say, it's a lie!"

"Hey, please forgive me, I'm a liar, hey, it hurts me to death!"

Liu Weidong's face turned livid, he really wanted to go up, and kicked Zhao Weiben fiercely, this old boy lied to him so hard

Chen Bing let go of his hand.

Zhao Weiben rubbed his wrist: "I am lying, but my master is real!"

Damn, these people have thick skins.

"Get out!" Chen Bing scolded angrily.

"You don't talk about Wude, sneak attack!" Zhao Weiben's old face flushed with embarrassment.

Chen Bing said: "It wasn't my sneak attack, it was your sneak attack, Zhao Weiben, Master Zhao, don't say you have qigong, you don't even know general martial arts, you are a big liar, leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You have been injured by the true energy in my body, you won't survive 49 days!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Hurry up and get the hell out of me, otherwise, I'll ask the security to tear you into eight pieces!
Zhao Wei knew that he had to say a few polite words when he met an expert today, but seeing Chen Bing's fierce expression, he hurried away.

Liu Weidong knew he had been cheated.

"Mr. Liu, sit down! This old boy is really thick-skinned!"

Liu Weidong sat down.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for you, I would have been cheated!"

"Hehehe, I don't blame you for this. Now the whole country is full of qigong fever, which makes people hard to guard against. Did he propose any conditions?" Chen Bing asked.

"At the beginning, he didn't mention conditions, but he said that his qigong is different from other qigong. After practicing, it can not only strengthen the body, but also clear the mind. He said that for ordinary people, working more than ten hours a day is enough to be tired. However, after practicing his qigong, he can spin continuously 24 hours a day, and he feels refreshed and not tired at all."

After hearing this, Chen Bing sighed: "It's a good thing you didn't learn his qigong. If you really learned his qigong, you would not be far from sudden death."

"He said that we can also teach our workers. He said that if the workers learn it, one worker can do the work of three workers without any burden. I thought, if I really learn his qigong, one worker can do three jobs A worker's job, then wouldn't we save a lot of cost?"

Fuck me, Chen Bing was depressed, he really didn't know how Liu Weidong became the richest man in China in his previous life.

Chen Bing's face changed slightly: "Mr. Liu, this is a lie. Let me tell you again, it is a lie. Qigong is very hot now, but, let me tell you, it will disappear after 2000. , the country will expose this deception.”

(End of this chapter)

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