Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 164 did not expect

Chapter 164 did not expect

Chen Bing nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it was submitted, but Gao Zhihua didn't agree last time. Judging from Zhang Qian's attitude today, they should have conquered Gao Zhihua."

Liu Weidong and Chen Bing are now grasshoppers on the same rope, Jiahe Cannery is their common, since someone is against Jiahe Cannery, it is their common enemy.

Liu Weidong frowned slightly: "Mr. Chen, I heard that Erlele is not easy, and Qin Dong, the chairman of Erlele, is not a good person. If he builds a factory in Yangqing, he will first target us. Our Jiahe's current strength cannot compete with it."

For Chen Bing, Liu Weidong said so much as if he didn't say anything.

"I want to meet Gao Zhihua." Chen Bing said simply.

"Yes, if it is possible, we can eliminate the cooperation between Yangqing City and Erlele from the source. It will be a good thing for our future competition with Erlele."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Would it be too despicable for us to do this?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he suddenly laughed. Damn, is there such a word as despicable in this world for entrepreneurs like them who are covered in blood all over their bodies?

"Mr. Chen, how about we go together!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly. At first, Chen Bing didn't want Liu Weidong to meet Gao Zhihua, because he was afraid that Gao Zhihua would hate him for poaching his corner. Now that such a long time has passed, Chen Bing believes that Gao Zhihua knows everything he should know.

"Then let's go now, it's too late, it won't be good for Gao Zhihua to go home."

Liu Weidong seemed to know Gao Zhihua very well: "No, in my memory, Gao Zhihua would take the municipal party committee team to visit those retired veteran cadres on the eve of the New Year's Eve, and eat dumplings with them !"

In Yangqing City, Chen Bing believed that no one knew Gao Zhihua better than Liu Weidong.

"Go, then let's go."

After finishing speaking, the two of them walked out of the office and walked downstairs.

After getting into Santana, Chen Bing sat in the driver's seat and Liu Weidong sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Chen Bing turned on the engine, and Santana ran away.

On the way, Chen Bing asked, "Mr. Liu, can you drive?"

Liu Weidong nodded: "I don't have a driver's license, but I can drive. The city committee has a car. For convenience, I drive it when I go out."

At that time, it was not easy to get hold of a small car. Liu Weidong was the head of the first secretarial department. If he wanted to drive, it should not be too easy.

Just don't have a driver's license yet.

In the 90s, the country did not strictly control unlicensed driving and drunk driving, so unlicensed black cars were everywhere.

At that time, monitoring was not very popular in various places, some cars caused accidents, and after the accidents, there were many escapes by driving.

"Find a time to get a driver's license. You are the general manager of the company. Our company is considered a big company after the Chinese New Year and many production lines have come down. So, I'm going to provide you with a car."

Liu Weidong said happily after hearing this: "Really, Mr. Chen!" '

Chen Bing nodded while driving: "Of course it's true. You are the general manager of the company. When you travel and interact with people, you represent not only yourself, but also the company. So, after the Chinese New Year, I plan to buy two cars."

Chen Bing said simply.


Liu Weidong asked.

"Run with the tiger's head!" Chen Bing said.

Liu Weidong was shocked again after hearing this, Chen Bing bought him a Hutou Ben, he was not surprised, but Chen Bing said that he wanted to buy two Hutou Ben, one was for himself, which made Liu Weidong not surprised .

"Don't be surprised, make good money, and you will have everything in the future."

Liu Weidong is still in the dream, Grandma's, he is not the kind of person who has never seen the world, a tiger-headed Benz, at least it costs millions.Damn, buy two at once...

Liu Weidong didn't dare to imagine, but if Chen Bing really bought him a car, he wouldn't mind accepting it. Damn it, why did he resign as the chief of the secretary department? Isn't it just to make money and enjoy life?
Thinking of this, Liu Weidong grinned.

It couldn't be easier for Liu Weidong to meet Gao Zhihua.Anyway, it was much easier than Chen Bing.

As soon as the two of them reached the door, they met Gao Zhihua's secretary Dong Qichang.

When Chen Bing saw Dong Qichang, he would smile and beg him to inform Gao Zhihua, but when Dong Qichang saw Liu Weidong, he rushed over quickly like a subordinate: "Section Chief Liu, why are you here?"

Grandma's, that's identity.

For the culture of Huaxia Kingdom, businessmen and officials stand together, and businessmen will always be in an inferior position, no matter how rich you are.

Even when eating, officials always sit in the upper class, and businessmen always sit in the accompanying position.

"Is Secretary Gao here?" Liu Weidong asked directly.

"Yes, I just sent away the chairman of Er Lele." Dong Qichang said.

Chen Bing was shocked when he heard this: "You said that the Lele Qin Dong is here?"

Dong Qichang nodded: "Yes, there is another woman who seems to be Zhang Boqing's daughter."

What Dong Qichang said was very simple, and Chen Bing saw Dong Qichang's reminder from Dong Qichang's eyes.

As for the conflict between Chen Bing and Zhang Boqing, anyone who is not a bit ignorant knows that Zhang Boqing hates Chen Bing to death.

"So it's done?" Liu Weidong asked.

"What happened?" Dong Qichang stared at Liu Weidong.

"Yangqing City attracts investment, Erlele."

"Secretary Gao has agreed." Dong Qichang said again.

Liu Weidong rubbed his hands together: "President Chen, what should we do?"

Chen Bing ignored Liu Weidong, but turned to Dong Qichang and said, "Secretary Dong, please inform Secretary Gao, just say that Mr. Liu and I are asking to see each other!"

Dong Qichang and Chen Bing are also very familiar, especially Chen Bing's half-carload of canned food has completely surrendered to him.

"Please wait!"

Dong Qichang walked in.

Five or six minutes later, Dong Qichang came out: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu, Secretary Gao invites you in."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Mr. Liu, come in!"

When the two went in, Gao Zhihua seemed to have just woken up.

In fact, after Gao Zhihua finished talking with Erlele's Qin Dong, he was about to take a break when he was interrupted by Chen Bing and Liu Weidong.

Damn, if Chen Bing and Liu Weidong weren't here today, he really wouldn't want to see them.

"Section Chief Liu, no, I should call you Mr. Liu now!" Gao Zhihua joked.

Liu Weidong smiled awkwardly: "Secretary Gao, I want to come to see you, but I don't know how to face you after seeing you, so I will delay until now."

"Aren't you going to those big places in Shencheng? Why are you still in Yangqing after walking around?"

After Gao Zhihua asked, Liu Weidong could only smile awkwardly: "Secretary Gao, it's hard to say!"

Gao Zhihua stared at Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, you are immoral. We are friends, and I always thought we were friends, but I never thought that you would poach my corners, and you would do so ruthlessly!"

(End of this chapter)

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