Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 165 Tears

Chapter 165 Tears
Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Secretary Gao, it's not that I poach your corner, but that Mr. Liu is not suitable for politics."

"Oh?" Gao Zhihua said.

"Secretary Gao, if Mr. Liu is suitable for politics, he is so young and already the head of the Secretary Section [-] of the Municipal Party Committee. If you say that I persuade him to resign, can he resign? To be honest, I did it after Mr. Liu resigned." Mr. Liu, whom I knew, was going to Shencheng at that time, but I stopped him, and I made him the general manager of the canning factory."

"So I don't blame you?" Gao Zhihua said directly.

Liu Weidong hurried over and said: "Secretary Gao, how can you blame Mr. Chen? I am going to resign. After I resigned, I met Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen told Mr. Chen's fortune, so I asked Mr. Chen to tell my fortune. That's it. Mr. Chen became the deputy!"

It turned out to be the case.

"Mr. Chen, you are really skilled."

"Secretary Gao, I have gained a lot from meeting you in this life. To be honest, I have always regarded you as my father after being by your side for so many years."

When Liu Weidong said this, he wanted to cry. Chen Bing didn't expect that Liu Weidong's acting talent was so high. If Liu Weidong left him now and went to Beijing Film Academy, he might become a popular movie star in a few years.

Gao Zhihua was also overwhelmed by Liu Weidong's feelings, and said: "We have no fate. My plan for you is that after two years, I will let you serve as the deputy secretary-general of the municipal committee, and after two years, I will let you go to that When you become a county magistrate or senior county official, you will really grow up at that time, but I didn't expect that your resignation would disrupt my plan all of a sudden."

Liu Weidong never dreamed that Gao Zhihua's plan for himself was like this.

In an instant, tears streamed down my face, and this time the tears were real.

"If you regret it, it's still too late."

Gao Zhihua's meaning couldn't be more obvious. If you regret it, come back now, and you can still serve as the chief of the first section of the secretary.

This frightened Chen Bing into a fool. Grandma, he managed to get Liu Weidong to his side, and was called back by Gao Zhihua before he could do anything for him. It would be a great loss for him.

However, this was in front of Gao Zhihua, and he couldn't interfere too much.

Liu Weidong seemed to see what Chen Bing meant, and stabilized his emotions a little.

"Thank you, Secretary Gao. As the saying goes, a good horse never turns back. Now that I have resigned, it is impossible to come back. Besides, I am too greedy, and this kind of personality is not suitable for being an official."

"Too greedy? Not suitable to be an official?" Gao Zhihua asked.

Liu Weidong nodded slightly: "Yes, I regard money as my life, and the purpose of our Communist Party officials is to serve the people. Therefore, Secretary Gao, I can't be an official. If I become an official, I will definitely It’s a corrupt official, maybe in a few years, you will go to prison to see me.”

Knowing yourself this way is not insignificant.

"Secretary Gao, I know myself well, I love money, so I can't be an official, I have to go into business, and then make money and spend money by myself, and live a life of drunkenness, don't you think?"

Chen Bing did not expect that Liu Weidong had such deep insights into himself.

Gao Zhihua stopped talking, yes, it is dangerous for a person who loves money so much to become an official. Since there is danger, it is better to do business. The money earned in business is at least comfortable and safe to spend.

Gao Zhihua admires Liu Weidong very much. In this world, a public servant who speaks out his love for money and puts it into action is very admirable. At least, Gao Zhihua admires it.

Gao Zhihua is confident that he can't do it by himself.

In this world, there is no one who does not love money, including Gao Zhihua.

The anger in Gao Zhihua's heart disappeared, and he thanked Liu Weidong for his sincerity.

"You're right, then I should call you Mr. Liu now."

Liu Weidong laughed and said: "Secretary Gao, as I said just now, I have always treated you as a father. Now that I have resigned and am not by your side, I still want to treat myself as a junior. I hope that in the future, I can often come in front of you and get Your ear to the ear!"

Do not wear flattery!

Liu Weidong's series of compliments made Gao Zhihua feel as if he had entered a dream.

"Okay, sit down."

Chen Bing and Liu Weidong sat down.

"Mr. Chen, Wei Dong is a talent. How is he treated in your company?"

Chen Bing quickly stood up and said, "Secretary Gao, Mr. Liu is paid very well in our company. He is now the general manager of our company and currently holds [-]% of the company's shares. His monthly salary has now risen to [-]!"

Gao Zhihua was surprised when he heard this, "What did you say, three hundred a month?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Now Jiahe Cannery has been changed to Jiahe Food Company. After the New Year, we will start several production lines and then establish branch factories in other places. If my prediction is good, we will wait until the end of next year. The market value of Jiahe Food Company should exceed 1000 million. At that time, Mr. Liu's [-]% of the shares was more than [-] million, and Mr. Liu was promoted to the ranks of multi-millionaires."

After Chen Bing spoke, Gao Zhihua opened his mouth wide.


For the 90s, Wanwan is really a rich man.

Liu Weidong was worth tens of millions a year after he left, which was really unexpected.

At this time, Gao Zhihua really wanted to say, see if I can earn tens of millions of dollars a year after I resign. If I can, I also want to resign.

However, Gao Zhihua knew that it was not realistic for him to resign, so he should rest.

"What are you two doing here today?" Gao Zhihua asked again.

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Secretary Gao, I heard that Erlele's Qin Dong came to see you?"

When Chen Bing mentioned the words "Er Le Le Qin Dong", Gao Zhihua knew what Chen Bing meant.

"Just left! Mr. Chen's news is really well-informed, have you planted an eyeliner by my side!"

At this time, Gao Zhihua's secretary, Dong Qichang, was standing beside him, his expression became ugly.

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Secretary Gao, Qin Dong's assistant Zhang Qian came to talk to me."

Gao Zhihua was taken aback after hearing this: "You said Zhang Qian came to find you?"

Gao Zhihua is very concerned about Zhang Qian, he is not only beautiful but also a turtle, more importantly she is Zhang Boqing's daughter.

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, she has already declared war on me, saying that Er Lele is going to build a factory in Yangqing."

"This little girl." Gao Zhihua stared at Chen Bing: "Today she and Qin Dong came to me, planning to build a factory here, asking for policies!"

Chen Bing knows about the series of steps for Erlele to build factories all over the country. First of all, in order to complete the task of attracting investment, the governments of various places ask for land, policies and loans from all over the country. After this series of operations, the actual In fact, their company didn't pay much by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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