Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 17 Unexpectedly

Chapter 17 Unexpectedly
Chen Bing's eyes were full of viciousness.

A good man doesn't fight a woman.

However, if a vicious woman bullies Yang Xue, that's another matter!
When he got into Yang Xue's bed and enjoyed Yang Xue's beautiful body, he secretly swore that in this life, he would never let her be wronged in the slightest.

"Crack, crack." Two loud bangs.

Two lines of blood flowed from the corner of the woman's mouth, and she sat down on the ground, howling like a pig.

Aunt Wu, who was adding fuel to the scene, saw the woman fell to the ground after being slapped by Chen Bing. She couldn't help but covered her two fat faces with her hands, and didn't dare to say anything.

Yang Xue didn't expect that Chen Bing would beat that woman, and she immediately showed panic.

The woman sat on the ground, crying loudly, cursing while crying: "Yang Xue, wait, you seduce my man, and you let your wild man beat me, I will definitely let my man fire you, let you Temporary workers can't do it either."

At this time, the voices of discussion from the side invaded Chen Bing's ears again: "This family depends on Yang Xue's poor salary. If Yang Xue doesn't have this job, that family will starve to death. Poor Yang Xue, how did you get married?" Such a waste, not only can't help her, but also makes her mess."

"That's right, I heard that this woman is the wife of the senior and deputy director of their factory, a typical tigress."

"I've also heard that the senior deputy factory manager has a pretty face, and many women in the factory have been taken advantage of by him."

"I think it's a good thing. Yang Xue is so beautiful. Being a little girl for Deputy Factory Manager Gao is better than following this trash."

Chen Bing was so angry when he heard it.

"Shut your stinking mouths, and be careful that I beat you."

Chen Bing was ruthless just now, they saw and heard Chen Bing's ruthless words, so they quickly shut up.

Chen Bing walked towards the woman again.

The woman stared at Chen Bing in fear: "What are you going to do? I really made my husband leave your wife. You should understand that if your wife loses her job, your family will starve to death."

"Boom." Chen Bing kicked over.

After rebirth, Chen Bing was too aggrieved, damn it, anyone would dare to bully him.

The nasty woman lay on the ground directly.

"Didn't you say that my wife seduced your man? After a while, I'll go find him."

Yang Xue walked up to Chen Bing with tears in her eyes: "Chen Bing, are you going back? Are you still ashamed of yourself? Do you really want me to lose this job?"

The woman stumbled to her feet and shouted at Yang Xue: "Yang Xue, let me tell you, from today onwards, you don't have to come to work, you are fired!"

After the woman finished speaking, she turned to leave.

At this moment, a black Santana sedan drove towards this side.

When the woman and Yang Xue saw the car, their expressions were moved.

When the woman saw the car, she straightened her back and shouted at Chen Bing, "Boy, wait a minute. My husband is here. Let's see how my husband treats you!"

Chen Bing smiled contemptuously, what kind of husband can a guy like her find?

Santana stopped and a potbellied man got out of the car.

The woman saw the man, her eyes were shining, she ran towards the man quickly, grabbed the man's arm, and cried loudly: "Qiang, you are here, if you don't come, I will let your vixen husband Killed, woo woo woo."

She wiped the snot and tears all over her crying face with her hands, and wiped them directly on the man's Dacron shirt.

Gao Qiang was caught off guard by his wife's actions, and calmed down a bit: "Go home, I have something to do today."

Hearing Gao Qiang's reprimand, the woman continued to snark: "You have something to do? Isn't it just those shameful things? You really want to marry that slut home and make a child."

At this moment, two more people got out of the car, one was Yue Cheng who had just broken up.

Yue Cheng saw Chen Bing and walked over quickly: "Mr. Chen."

"Director Yue."

"Mr. Chen, what's going on?"

Chen Bing pointed at Gao Qiang.

Yue Cheng showed humility in front of Chen Bing.

When the people next to him saw Yue Cheng, they knew he was a big shot, but why did this big shot nod and bow to Chen Bing?
"Deputy Director Gao, what's going on?"

Gao Qiang never dreamed that Yang Xue was Chen Bing's wife, let alone that his wife would come to make trouble, and his face turned red all of a sudden: "Director Yue, I"

Yue Cheng took a look at the scene and immediately understood: "solve it immediately."

Gao Qiang's wife still grabbed Gao Qiang's clothes.

In front of Yue Cheng, Gao Qiang lost all face this time.

"Slap." A crisp slap hit Gao Qiang's wife's face again.

She was in a daze. Gao Qiang had been married to her for so many years and had never hit her.

"Wang Xiuying, go home quickly, if you don't go back, we will divorce."

Gao Qiang suppressed Wang Xiuying with divorce.

"You want to divorce me because of this woman?"

"Go back quickly, Xiao Liu, and take her back."

Xiao Liu was the driver, so he hurried over, pulled and pulled, and dragged Wang Xiuying into the car.

After Wang Xiuying was dragged into the car, the scene returned to calm. However, those who watched the excitement did not leave. They wanted to see what kind of relationship this big man had with Chen Bing.

Yue Cheng left the Chinese herbal medicine purchasing station and took Yang Haimin away by the way.

Yang Haimin had a lot of questions in his mind, how could his uncle treat Chen Bing like that?
When Yue Cheng told Yang Haimin about Chen Bing's identity, Yang Haimin didn't believe it at first, but finally he believed it. After all, Yue Cheng worked in the provincial capital, and he was not an ordinary person. When he usually came to the county, all the county leaders would fawn on him.

When Yue Cheng told Yang Haimin that their executive vice president climbed onto Chen Bing's thigh, he had already been straightened, so he also climbed onto Chen Bing's thigh, hoping to make another step.

Yang Haimin's success in Ningzheng County is not unrelated to this uncle, so after hearing what his uncle said, he immediately promised Yue Cheng that he would have a good relationship with Chen Bing.

"Hai Min, Mr. Chen's identity is still being kept secret. You have to keep it a secret. If this secret is leaked out, something big will happen."

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't tell anyone."

"Haimin, I want to climb onto Mr. Chen's lap, but I don't know where to start. Do you know who else is in his family?"

Yang Haimin thought for a while: "Uncle, he has a wife and a child in his family. Apart from them, I really don't know who else is in his family. We usually just play, as for other things, we never ask too much."

"What does his wife do?"

"He's a temporary worker in our county's plastic processing factory. He eats too much and is lazy, so he lives on his wife's salary."

"Hehehe, you only look at the surface. Mr. Chen is always a real talent. It is admirable for such a young master to live on the salary of a temporary worker!"

"Uncle, what are you going to do?"

"Start with his wife."

Yue Cheng was very successful in Ningzheng County, and he soon found his hard-core brother, Gao Qiang, the deputy director of the plastic factory, and planned to make Yang Xue a regular.

When Gao Qiang heard that Yang Xue's trash had such a big background, he was stunned.

He hurriedly drove towards Chen Bing's house with Yue Cheng in the factory's car.

To Gao Qiang's surprise, Chen Bing and his wife are fighting!

Grandma, if Chen Bing blames himself for this incident, then he, the executive deputy factory director, will be at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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