Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 18 No reason

Chapter 18 No reason

"Mr. Chen, it's my fault. I didn't discipline my wife well. Don't worry, I will discipline her properly when I get back." Gao Qiang bowed his waist and lowered his head.

After hearing this, Yue Cheng reprimanded him a few more times, and walked up to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, Director Gao is my friend. Look, let's forgive him this time?"

Yang Xue was stunned. She never dreamed that Gao Qiang would come, let alone Gao Qiang's attitude towards her husband.

She was a little confused, she didn't know when her good-for-nothing husband became so powerful?
Chen Bing frowned slightly: "A leader is very important to a family's education. Think about it, if a leader can't manage his own family well, how dare the party give him a more important position?"

After Chen Bing said, Yue Cheng and Gao Qiang bowed and nodded again.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I'll take a day off when I get back."

"No, just discipline yourself well."

Many of the onlookers know Gao Qiang. After all, Ningzheng County is such a big place with only a few factories. As one of the leaders of the plastic processing factory, Gao Qiang is also a figure.

He usually domineering in the factory, no one dared to say, but today he would nod and bow in front of Yang Xue's good-for-nothing husband, it was really unexpected.

"Mr. Chen, the company has decided to make Yang Xue a full-time employee."

Gao Qiang's words caused another thunderclap in the crowd.

"Temporary workers become regular?"

Yang Xue has an iron rice bowl. Although the plastic processing factory is not a big factory, it is a real state-owned enterprise. If she becomes a full-time employee in the factory, she will truly enjoy the national rice and iron rice bowl.

After Yang Xue took the iron job, not only her salary increased from 45 yuan to 75 yuan, but also various subsidies, year-end bonuses, business trip expenses, and reimbursement for serious illnesses. The benefits are countless, and more importantly, she is not afraid of being fired.
The scene immediately exploded.

Yang Xue didn't believe it was real, she pinched herself secretly, the pain was not a dream!

But what Yang Xue never expected was that Chen Bing refused: "Thank you Director Gao, I want her to resign!"

ah?The crowd rioted again.

Gao Qiang was not surprised when Chen Bing asked Yang Xue to resign. The wife of such a big man must work as a temporary worker in the factory for a short time, but how could he slip away so easily when he just seized such an opportunity?

"Mr. Chen, a meeting has been held in the factory, and the research has passed. Where are you going, just go through the transfer procedures for her."

At this time, Yang Xue couldn't let Chen Bing mess around. She walked up to Gao Qiang: "Director Gao, is this true?"

"It's true. Tomorrow, I'll go to the Personnel Bureau to file a case and submit an application. By the way, if you come to the factory tomorrow, you won't have to work in the workshop."

"Then where should I go?"

"Go to the archives, it's easy to work there."

Gao Qiang had a flattering face.

Yue Cheng and Gao Qiang left, Yang Xue dragged Chen Bing into the house.

There was a sigh from behind.

What is the identity of this Chen Bing?Why did Yue Cheng and Gao Qiang treat him that way?

Although no one has seen Yue Cheng and the others, Gao Qiang is a real person in Ningzheng County, and many people here still work in plastic processing factories
They couldn't figure it out, really couldn't figure it out, it seemed that Chen Bing couldn't be called trash in the future.

"Bingzi, what's going on?" Yang Xue asked directly when he got home.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "If that crazy woman hits you, I'll hit her. It's as simple as that."

"I'm not asking this, I'm asking, how did Director Gao let me become a regular?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing laughed and said, "You can ask Director Gao, how do I know?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he waved his hands to tease Xiao Guoguo.

"Bingzi, how many things are you hiding from me?"

Although Yang Xue is honest, she is not stupid.

"I'm hungry, hurry up and cook, I suggest, you quit your job tomorrow."

Yang Xue heard it, and said directly: "I don't, you know, I've waited for this day, how long have I waited, even if you beat me to death, I won't resign."

Chen Bing looked at Yang Xue's flushed cheeks due to excitement, a little impulsively, and threw Yang Xue onto the bed: "Xiaoxue, it's such a big happy event today, how about a reward?"

"Guoguo is here!" Yang Xue glanced at Guoguo who was playing with a Barbie doll.

Guoguo heard the noise and saw Chen Bing lying on Yang Xue's body, carrying the Barbie doll over, and patted Chen Bing's feet with her tender hands: "Smelly dad, stinky dad, bully mom!"

The happiness on Yang Xue's face cannot be described in words: "Let's go tonight, little greedy cat."

After Chen Bing heard this, he gently pressed his mouth on Yang Xue's, and then took out a hundred yuan: "Go and buy some meat and eggs, and work hard at night to make up for it in advance."

In the evening, Chen Bing coaxed Xiao Guoguo to sleep after eating, but this little aunt just stayed up with the Barbie doll.

Chen Bing was in a hurry, but the reality is there. In order to enjoy happiness, it is impossible to throw the child out. It seems that he must make money as soon as possible, buy a house, and the couple have an independent space.

After ten o'clock, Guoguo fell asleep, and Chen Binghou hurriedly crawled into Yang Xue's bed.

When he woke up the next morning, Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue would definitely not be able to get up, so he hurriedly got up to cook.

"Bingzi, I'm sorry, I can't get up again today."

"Hehehe, am I that good?"

Yang Xue blushed and glared: "You don't know?"

Chen Bing remembered that in his previous life, there were many women around him, and they all drained his body dry in the end. In this life, with lessons learned from the past, Yang Xue is enough for a woman.

"Hehehehe, hurry up and apply some hot water, you don't go to work today?"

When Yang Xue heard this, she got up with a grunt: "Director Gao asked me to go to work today, and said he would make me a full-time employee!"

"You, you, get up and eat quickly, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."


"what happened?"

"kiss Me."


Chen Bing's mouth was printed on Yang Xue's red lips.

"Be careful on the road."

It was past eight o'clock when Chen Bing arrived at the purchasing station.

Zhou Dahai was talking to Yang Haimin, Song Hui and others.

"Haimin, soldiers are coming!" Song Hui reminded.

Seeing Chen Bing, Yang Haimin hurried towards Chen Bing, walked up to Chen Bing, bent his waist, lowered his head, with a flattering expression on his face.

"Bingzi, I'm sorry. What happened recently is my fault. Are you still short of money? I'll bring you five hundred."

"No shortage, here is your two hundred and fifty, I will give you another 20 yuan in interest, two hundred and seven, take it."

When Yang Haimin saw the money Chen Bing handed over, he was terrified: "Bingzi, we are all brothers, aren't you slapping me in the face?"

"Here, I promised you the two hundred and seven when I borrowed it from you." Chen Bing stuffed the money into Yang Haimin's hands.

"Soldier, I."

"Don't say anything, we are all brothers."

Hearing Chen Bing's words, Yang Haimin said happily, "Bingzi, you are right, you are all brothers. From now on, you will be the boss of us. We will do whatever you want us to do?"

"Okay, now I have something for you."

"Say it." Yang Haimin still bent over like a eunuch.

"You take Song Hui and the others to do publicity, and you will be paid three yuan a day." Chen Bing said lightly.

"Bingzi, we are all brothers. If we help you, how can we ask for payment?"

"The remuneration must be 90 yuan per day and 20 yuan per month. In addition, there are [-] yuan per month for food and transportation subsidies." Chen Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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