Chapter 19
Chen Bing was so proud, Yang Haimin once again confirmed that he was the son of the top leader of the provincial party committee.

The salary and meal allowance add up to 110 yuan per month. They are all street ruffians, so they were dumbfounded when they saw so much money.

At this time, Chen Bing was like a living Bodhisattva in their hearts.

During the recent period, the daily purchase quantity of Scorpion is only [-] catties, which is far lower than Chen Bing's demand. If this speed is followed, in September, even half of Chen Bing's initial budget will not be available.

What Chen Bing lacks most now is manpower. He immediately asked Zhou Dahai to explain to Yang Haimin, Song Hui and others, and asked them to go to various parts of the county to do publicity. , will be purchased at a high price.

Chen Bing's medicinal materials purchasing station became famous, and Zhou Xiaodong of Daliang Village was not as important as it was at the beginning, because many farmers, after knowing the purchasing station, would take the scorpions they dug to the purchasing station to sell in person.

"Dahai, explain clearly to Haimin and Huizi, go to the market and recruit more people. Now there are too many retail investors, and overweight is a problem. In addition, find two more large tractors for transportation!"

Zhou Dahai quickly took the order.

Chen Bing is very satisfied with Zhou Dahai, he is not only diligent but also obedient, the only shortcoming is that he is too honest.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the gate of the purchasing station was full of people, and Zhou Dahai and the two small workers were very busy.

Chen Bing planned to ask Zhou Dahai to recruit workers, but seeing how busy he was, he had to go by himself.

When Chen Bing came to the labor market, many coolies sat on the ground with shovels and ropes in their hands.

When they saw Chen Bing coming, they all swarmed up like a swarm: "Boss, do you want someone?"

"Boss, are you working?"

"Boss, I'm cheap."

Damn, this is no work, this is simply selling yourself, if a straw is planted on your head, you can clearly ask for a price!
In his previous life, Chen Bing had been to the talent market many times, but that was the talent market, this was the labor market, and it was totally different. Most of the people recruited by the talent market were highly educated talents, postgraduates, doctoral students, and at the very least they had to go to college , and in the labor market, the recruitment is mixed, mainly coolies.

"Have you graduated from high school?"

The crowd that swarmed up calmed down a lot in an instant.

Chen Bing knew that none of them graduated from high school.

Grandma, in this day and age, it's not easy to find a high school student. Also, which high school student is willing to work as a coolie?
"After graduating from elementary school, you can settle accounts, do you have any?"

"Boss, me."

A skinny boy who looked to be in his twenties.

"You know how to settle accounts?"

"I graduated from junior high school and worked as an accountant in the village for half a year. I can do calculations in writing and abacus."

"Do you recognize me?"

The boy nodded quickly: "Yes, we use scales to get food in the village."

"Okay, it's just that we are weighing medicines. The big ones are weighed, and the small ones are waited for. Then you count as one, 90 yuan a month, can you do it for a long time?"

"It can be done for a long time!" The boy hurriedly said.

Chen Bing's words caused commotion in the crowd again.

"90 yuan."

"Too high."

"Workers in plastic processing factories, that is an iron rice bowl, only 75 yuan a month."

"Height is tall, but we don't want us. They want people who have been educated. You don't know a single character, and the shoulder pole fell down. I don't know if it's a word for 'one'."

"You still scold me, and you are the same as me. If you can read, you will be recruited."

The two middle-aged men were arguing fiercely.

"What's your name?" Chen Bing stared at the skinny guy.

The guy hurriedly said: "Boss, my name is Wei Tao."

"Well, from today onwards, I will go to work and I will calculate your wages."

"Boss, can I go home and carry the bedding?"

"No, I'll prepare the bedding for you."

After hearing this, the young man hurried up to Chen Bing.

"A few more coolies."

When the crowd heard Chen Bing's words, they commotioned again.

"Salary of 70 yuan per month, including food and lodging."

"I'm going, I'm going!"

Next, Chen Bing found two more large tractors.

After the personnel were recruited, Chen Bing took them to the purchasing station and handed them over to Zhou Dahai.

"Dahai, these people are handed over to you. From today onwards, you can just be responsible for collecting payments and managing them. For things like purchasing medicinal materials and moving goods, just let them do it."

"Bingge, then I won't be the leader anymore?"

Chen Bing looked at Zhou Dahai's foolishness, and said with a smile: "In this purchasing station, I am the big leader, and you are the second leader. Work hard, and I will not treat you badly."

"There is also the sea. There are a few empty houses behind the purchase station. You can contact the landlord. Let's rent them out, buy a few simple beds and bedding, and arrange for them to live there."

"Okay, Brother Bing."

"Buy some pots and pans, see who can cook, usually cook some, always go out to eat, time-consuming and expensive."

After finishing the arrangements, Chen Bing turned and left.

As soon as he walked to the door of the house, Aunt Wu jumped out, startling him: "Aunt Wu, where did you come from?"

At this time, Aunt Wu was not the same as before. When she saw Chen Bing, she smiled all over her face, which was more creepy and creepy.


"What's the matter?" Chen Bing's tone was very stiff, he couldn't forget how this old witch bullied Yang Xue.

"Bingzi, look at our neighbors, if I did something wrong before, I hope you, the adults will not remember the mistakes of the villains."

After Aunt Wu said, she gently slapped him twice on the face with her hands.

"Say, what's the matter?"

Chen Bing was tired all day, but he really didn't want to have another word with this Aunt Wu who smelled like pig manure.

"I met Xiaoxue today, and Xiaoxue said that she has become a full-time member. You see, my Gangzi has not yet become a full-timer."

Aunt Wu’s sons, Wu Gang and Yang Xue, are in the same factory. They were both temporary workers who joined in the same year. If he did, she immediately came to block Chen Bing.

"What do you mean?"

"Bingzi, I think that Director Gao is quite afraid of you, or you can tell Director Gao to make my Gangzi also become a regular. Don't worry, I will repay you."

"It can't be done!" Chen Bing rushed towards the house.

Aunt Wu stomped at Chen Bing who was leaving.

"Dad, you're back!"

Guoguo was playing with a Barbie doll, when she saw Chen Bing coming in, she threw herself into Chen Bing's arms.

"What day is it today, you cook so many dishes?"

Chen Bing stared at the dishes on the table and asked Yang Xue.

Yang Xue seems to have dressed up specially today, making her look more pure and charming.

"I've turned regular." Yang Xue lowered her head and clasped her fingernails.

"Good thing, you should be happy, what are you doing with your head down?"

"It's a good thing. I didn't think that what Director Gao said was true. After I left this morning, Director Gao asked me to go through the formalities."

Chen Bing sat on the chair: "Are they really efficient?"

"Bingzi, how did you and Director Gao know each other? When Director Gao asked you, he seemed very respectful, and he respects me now. Director Gao asked me to tell you today that his wife I offended you yesterday, please don't be angry, another day, he will divorce that tigress."

"What did you say, rest?" Chen Bing was very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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