Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 20 Problem Solving

Chapter 20 Problem Solving

Yang Xue nodded: "Director Gao said he was going to divorce his tigress."

"Hehehe, this Gao Qiang is quite interesting. In a word, I am going to divorce my wife."

"It's all your fault."

"Blame me?"

Women really don't understand.

Chen Bing sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and prepared to eat.

"Wash your hands, it's dirty."

"Hehe, if you think I'm dirty, then I'll find someone who doesn't think I'm dirty."

Chen Bing stared at Yang Xue provocatively.

"you dare!"

There were tears in Yang Xue's eyes immediately.

"Why does she cry so much?" Chen Bing put his arms around her shoulders quickly: "Don't cry, I was just kidding with you, if you do this again, I dare not say anything in front of you, let me tell you something, I just When I came back, I met Aunt Wu, and Aunt Wu said that her son Wu Gang is also a temporary worker in your factory, and she asked me to help him become a regular worker."

"What did you say?"

"Of course I refused."

Yang Xue broke away from Chen Bing's arm: "Bingzi, in fact, Aunt Wu is pretty good. That time she forced us to pay back the money, because her family encountered difficulties."

Chen Bing picked up a piece of scrambled egg with tomato and put it into the bowl: "Has she come to look for you?"

"No, absolutely not, how could she come to me." Seeing that Chen Bing liked scrambled eggs with tomatoes, Yang Xue moved a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes towards Chen Bing: "Bingzi, what I said is true, that Aunt Wu is really pretty." Okay, and that Wu Gang, he helped me many times."

Damn, she's really kind. Isn't this repaying kindness with hatred?

"I won't help Wu Gang become a full-time member. If you want to do it, you can do it!"

"I'll do it?"

Yang Xue stared at Chen Bing in surprise.

"Yes, you go and do it. You are my wife, Chen Bing, and that factory director Gao is still not flattering you, so if you want to do it, you go and do it. But, this time, you have to think clearly, is it worth it?"

Chen Bing didn't want other people's affairs to waste his energy, so he ate his food quickly and went to tell Guoguo to sleep.

Since the little guy has a Barbie doll, she can play all night without Chen Bing and Yang Xue's reprimand.

Too tired at night, Chen Bing didn't get into Yang Xue's bed anymore.

The next day, when it was dawn, Chen Bing got up.

"Bingzi, what are you doing up so early?"

"There are several villages delivering goods today, I have to go over and keep an eye on them."

"Delivery? What are you delivering? Bingzi, what have you been doing lately?" Yang Xue looked confused, she simply sat up and wrapped her upper body with a quilt.

Chen Bing knew that it was impossible to hide the truth, so he simply told him: "I have set up a Chinese herbal medicine purchasing station, and during this time I mainly collect scorpions."

"Collect scorpions?"

Chen Bing knew that he had told Yang Xue, but she didn't understand, so he said, "Don't worry, your husband is not the former husband. He has completely reformed his ways and made money within the scope of the law. Time is tight, so I'm leaving first."

"Have you eaten yet?"

Yang Xue got anxious and ran out of bed, only to realize that she was not wearing any clothes.

"Don't eat."

After Chen Bing left, Yang Xue was still muttering silently: "Chinese herbal medicine purchasing station? Isn't this a business? Can Bingzi do it, with his brain."

In Yang Xue's heart, Chen Bing was still stuck in the trash era.

Chen Bing hurried to the buying station and saw bright lights inside.

Zhou Dahai is really nice, he has already woken up.

He walked in and heard Zhou Dahai lecturing the staff below, Yang Haimin and the others stood upright.

This kid, Yan Ran became the second in charge of the purchasing station.

Yang Haimin, who was usually arrogant and domineering, now stood up and listened to the lecture well-behaved.

"Did everyone come early?"

When Yang Haimin and the others saw Chen Bing, they hurried over like a swarm.

"Dahai's speech is very good, everyone stand in line and continue to listen to Dahai's speech."

Seeing Chen Bing, Zhou Dahai felt a little embarrassed: "Brother Bing, you should tell me."

"Tell me, you are now the second in charge of the purchasing station. I'm not here. You are the master here."

After Chen Bing spoke, Zhou Dahai looked happy, but he looked back at Yang Haimin with a smile on his face, but he was not convinced.

That's right, Chen Bing and Zhou Dahai were his younger brothers before, and he always treated them as trash, but at this moment, the two of them, one the head of the family and the other the second head, became the younger brothers themselves.

Damn, it's really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

Yang Haimin is very smart and very tolerant, Yue Cheng's words are still ringing in his ears at this moment, even officials as big as his uncle are afraid of him, let alone himself, he can't offend him no matter what, if he offends, don't say anything. Even if Chen Bing killed himself, even his uncle would not let him go.

At this time, Yue Cheng's coquettish attitude when he saw Chen Bing reappeared in Yang Haimin's mind.

Zhou Dahai finally finished making arrangements, and he walked up to Chen Bing: "Brother Bing, what else do you have to say?"

Chen Bing stepped forward, took a deep breath, and raised his voice: "Listen everyone, my words are very short, I want to make money, follow me Chen Bing, this is the first sentence, this second sentence, we are recruiting here Most of the staff are poor, and they are all waiting to use the money, and after a while, they all go to the sea to withdraw 20 yuan for living expenses."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, there was warm applause in the room.

"Don't clap your hands, listen to my third sentence, this third sentence, pay wages and bonuses every month today, if you do a good job, I will be rewarded, if you don't do a good job, I will drive people away at any time, here I am, Don't support idlers."

Chen Bing's three short sentences made the crowd scream, even Yang Haimin, Song Hui and others screamed.

Yang Haimin secretly said: "Grandma, it's so fucking cool to receive a salary of 20 yuan before you even work! What's more, you can receive a lot of money at this time of the month. Mom and Dad want money."

Next is busy.

In the next few days, the number of scorpions purchased by the Haiding Traditional Chinese Medicine Purchase Station increased exponentially every day, and the income was quite rich. Chen Bing used part of the money for rewards.

In mid-July, the Haiding Traditional Chinese Medicine Purchase Station is a household name in Ningzheng County. Every day, crowds of people come here with bottles and cans to hand over scorpions.

The reputation of Haiding Chinese Medicinal Materials Company has grown, and with a rising tide, all boats have risen, so has Chen Bing's reputation.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. If they become famous, some people will be jealous, and some will make things difficult or even framed.

It's just that Chen Bing, who has seen big winds and waves, is used to this kind of thing. He often said that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rich people, there are rivers and lakes. There are problems to solve.

Now he has only one goal: to make money, within three months, earn 100 million, even if he can't earn 100 million, he still wants to earn 50.

Chen Bing looked at the crowd holding bottles and cans, and frowned slightly. There were more and more people, and there was too much manpower here, and they had to work overtime until late every night.

Manpower is tight, and no one maintains order. Some sellers of scorpions even fought to jump in line. Just the day before yesterday, a scorpion seller had his leg broken.

Chen Bing looked at Zhou Dahai and the others, knowing that if this continued, they would die of exhaustion. It seemed that this problem needed to be resolved urgently.

(End of this chapter)

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