Chapter 21

Chen Bing squeezed to Zhou Dahai: "Dahai, come here."

Seeing that it was Chen Bing, Zhou Dahai put down the scale in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and came to Chen Bing despite the crowd: "Brother Bing, there are too many people."

"Why are there so many people?"

"It must be the help of Haimin and others. They have been running the market in the village for the past few days, so there are more people handing in scorpions."

"We can't go on like this. If we go on like this, something will happen."

"what happened?"

"What else? Now the scorpions are handed over to the villagers, and some are old, weak, sick and disabled. If they are stepped on, they will not be disabled on the spot. At that time, will our purchasing station be able to get rid of the ties?"

Zhou Dahai thinks what Chen Bing said is right. In the past few days, he has been running around without rest every day, and he can't take it anymore. If this continues, let alone the old, weak, sick and disabled, they will also be exhausted.

"Brother Bing, what do you say?"

"In this way, you should contact Yang Haimin and the others as soon as possible and ask them to hold a meeting tonight."


"The place is up to you."

"Okay, Brother Bing. I'll contact them right away."

Hong Bin Restaurant.

The decoration of the restaurant is very rustic, in line with the decoration of the 80s. Compared with the previous life, it looks very simple and tacky.

Chen Bing and others sat on the big round table in the private room.

Usually they eat together, and they are the chief of Yang Haimin, but today they are taken by Chen Bing.

Although Yang Haimin acted very casually, he was very uncomfortable inside. It was only his uncle Yue Cheng's warning that made him dare not make mistakes.

The wine is red sorghum produced in Ningzheng County, two yuan a bottle.

"Hehehehe, brothers, today I gathered everyone at Hong Bin Restaurant. Firstly, everyone has been very busy recently. Thank you for your contribution to our Haiding Purchase Station; secondly, I have something to announce to everyone. "

Chen Bing then said to Zhou Dahai: "Dahai, we are not outsiders, first fill up the wine, let's have a drink."

Zhou Dahai knew how much they were drinking, so he opened two bottles and put one bottle on each side: "Take them all full."

Chen Bing held up his wine glass: "It's done."

When the others saw Chen Bing doing it, they all did it too.

Chen Bing drank the wine and wiped his mouth with a paper towel: "Haimin, Xiaohui, you have also seen that there are more and more people flocking to our purchasing station, and we are already too busy, so I will hand over to You have a mission."

Yang Haimin saw that Chen Bing was triumphant, although he felt uncomfortable, he couldn't help it: "Mr. Chen, tell me."

"Tomorrow, you and Xiaohui will contact the village directors of each village, so that each village, like Daliang Village, organizes the purchase of scorpions. After they are collected, the village directors will deliver them to us the next day. The catty will be commissioned as [-] cents."

Chen Bing paid [-] cents to the director of Daliang Village, and Yang Haimin knew about it.

"Mr. Chen, it will cost a lot of money every day." Yang Haimin felt a little pained.

Chen Bing walked up to Yang Haimin and put his arm on Yang Haimin's shoulder: "Haimin, if you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse. Do as I say, you and Xiaohui, each responsible for several villages , the acquired Scorpion will give each of you a ten cent commission, which is different from salary, today's commission will be settled tomorrow."


"Of course it's true? We're under a lot of pressure here, so you have to act fast, get up early tomorrow, and contact these village directors."

Since there is a reward, Yang Haimin and others are of course happy.

Of course they know how many scorpions Chen Bing collects every day. Now they have a commission of [-] cents per catty of scorpions. After this month, they still haven't paid it?
Chen Bing really went all out, and the commissions of the village directors, Yang Haimin and Song Hui added up to [-] cents per catty.

"Dahai, after Haimin has established contact with each village, they will establish a purchasing point in each village. In this way, each village will share the pressure, and the pressure on our side will be much smaller. However, there will definitely be a small number of villagers who will bring Scorpion comes to the buying station to hand over, when the time comes, don’t embarrass them, if there are not enough workers, go to the market and recruit another ten people.”


After Chen Bing made arrangements, he went on to drink. During this time, he made a lot of money, and Chen Bing was not stingy.

Yang Haimin roared loudly, but he didn't drink too much alcohol.

After they left, Yang Haimin came to the telephone hall and dialed a number.

"Uncle, I am a Haimin."

"what happened?"

"Uncle, I have something to report to you." Then Yang Haimin described Chen Bing's recent situation.

It took a long time on the other end of the phone to say: "Haimin, follow him carefully. You are his friend. It is easy to gain his trust. As long as you gain his trust, it is a great achievement."

"Okay, uncle."

Chen Bing didn't know that Yang Haimin would report to Yue Cheng every move he made.

Chen Bing walked slowly towards the house.

The buying station now has an income of several thousand a day, which is drizzle for Chen Bing, who was a billionaire in his previous life.

He has bigger plans, bigger ambitions.

Chen Bing drank some wine, and was blown by the wind. As soon as the alcohol came up, he walked a little shaky, tripped over something, and almost fell down.

"Damn it, what is it?"

Chen Bing took a closer look and saw a beautiful woman dressed very fashionable.

Chen Bing believed that as long as he was a normal man, he would get a nosebleed when he met such a woman: "Hey, who are you, what are you doing lying on the ground at night, and scaring me?"

The other party did not answer.

Although Chen Bing drank alcohol, he was clear-headed and kept his mind on other matters, so as not to cause trouble.

Chen Bing stood up straight and was about to leave. Suddenly, her feet were hugged: "Don't go, take me home."

"Let me take you home, where is your home?"

"Your house is next door."

Chen Bing was a little surprised: "My house is next door, do you know where my house is?"

What a fucking evil, she actually said it was next door to my house.

"Your name is Chen Bing. You used to be a good-for-nothing, but now you've made a fortune. Am I right?" She still didn't let go: "Your wife and I work in the same factory. Your wife became a regular worker, but I didn't."

"Huh? You know my wife? Then why are you here?"

"Drinking, director Gao asked me to drink, he is a bastard. He bullied me, he said I accompanied him, so he made me a regular, but he"

Damn, it's that kind of thing again.

Chen Bing had seen this kind of thing too much, so he didn't take it seriously.

In the previous life, in order to get what they wanted, those little girls took the initiative to dress themselves up beautifully and gave them to those bosses.

"Let go, I'll take you home."

It was impossible for Chen Bing to throw such a chick by the side of the road.

When the woman heard that Chen Bing was going to take her home, she stood up happily, but because she was drinking and still wearing high heels, she staggered and fell into Chen Bing's arms again.

Chen Bing's hands were limp.

"Let's go, or else, I don't care."

Chen Bing let go of his hands, and she almost fell down again, but he had no choice but to support her again.

"It's next door to me, whose house is that?" Chen Bing really couldn't remember.

It seems that I haven't instilled [-]% of the trash Chen Bing's memory into my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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