Chapter 22
Half an hour later, Chen Bing helped the woman back to the door of the house.

He was a little scared, afraid that Yang Xue would see it: "Here, where is your house, can you go?"

I don't know if this woman was on purpose or not, but she turned a deaf ear to Chen Bing's words, and her head was still resting on Chen Bing's shoulder.

At this moment, Aunt Wu rushed over: "Bingzi, I'm waiting for you!"

Aunt Wu ran to Chen Bing and saw the woman leaning on Chen Bing.

"Bingzi, why are you with her?"

"Aunt Wu, who is she? I met her on the side of the road. She said she lived here, so I brought her back."

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, the opponent's fist lightly hit him: "You little heartless, just now, you can do whatever you ask me to do, and you won't admit it after a while."

After Chen Bing heard this, I gave a shit.

"Bingzi, give it to me. I'll take her home." Aunt Wu said.

"Who is she?"

Aunt Wu didn't answer, and said directly: "You wait for Xiaoxue to come back and take care of you."

Aunt Wu helped the woman off Chen Bing's shoulders.

"Aunt Wu, I have nothing to do with her."

"You should explain to Xiaoxue, I forgot to tell you, that factory director Gao talked to my son Wu Gang today, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Wu helped the woman to leave.

"What's her name?" Chen Bing called to Aunt Wu.

"You're all like that, don't you know your name yet?"

"Aunt Wu."

Chen Bing was so depressed that he could only walk towards the house.

When Chen Bing returned home, Yang Xue and Guoguo hadn't come back yet. He knew that Yang Xue had just become a full-time employee and would definitely perform well, so he felt sorry for Xiao Guoguo, who would suffer with his mother.

An hour later, Yang Xue came back.

Xiao Guoguo pushed open the door, saw Chen Bing, and jumped into Chen Bing's arms happily: "Dad, Dad, why did you come back so early today?"

Chen Bing gently kissed the little guy on the head: "Do you prefer Dad to come back early or late?"

Before Xiao Guoguo answered, Yang Xue said, "Go play with your Barbie doll."

Chen Bing knew something was wrong when he saw Yang Xue's complexion: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?" The tone was a little stiff.

After rebirth, Yang Xue had never said such a word to Chen Bing.

Chen Bing patted Guoguo's head: "Go and play."

He walked up to Yang Xue: "Did you get bullied?"

It didn't matter if Chen Bing asked this question, Yang Xue's tears immediately rolled in his eyes.

Why are women crying so much? This is exactly what a saying goes: "Women are made of water."

"I just met Aunt Wu."

Chen Bing instantly understood that it must be that old fellow Aunt Wu who told the story of sending that woman home just now.

This old guy is afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

"Did Aunt Wu say something to you?" Chen Bing cut directly to the topic.

Yang Xue wiped away her tears: "Why do you hang out with her, you don't know who she is?"

It seems to be because of this incident.

Chen Bing walked over and held Yang Xue's hand, but Yang Xue broke free.

Aunt Wu must have said a lot of embarrassing things in front of Yang Xue, otherwise, Yang Xue would not have such an attitude towards herself.

"Don't listen to Aunt Wu's nonsense."

"Then tell me, is it real or fake that you are holding Jiang Meili?"

"Ginger Meili?"

Is that woman named Jiang Meili?

"You still don't admit it at this time?" After Yang Xue said, she turned her head and wiped her tears.

Chen Bing held Yang Xue's hand tightly with both hands: "Xiaoxue, it's really not what Aunt Wu said." Next, he told the ins and outs of meeting Jiang Meili.

"What you said is true? Are you really okay? Aunt Wu said that she saw you hugging each other."

This dead Aunt Wu, let's see how I settle accounts with her tomorrow.

"Xiao Xue, you have to believe me. If you don't believe me again, then I swear to God. If I tell a lie, I will be hit to death by a car when I go out, stung to death by a bee, or killed by a bee."

Chen Bing continued to swear, but Yang Xue put her tender hand on his mouth: "What are you doing with such a poisonous oath, even if you really look outside, I can't help it."

Damn it, I still don't believe it.

"Xiaoxue, how can you trust me?"

Chen Bing didn't meet a good woman in his previous life, so he really doesn't want to give up Yang Xue in this life.

"As long as you have Guoguo in your heart, you can do it. That day, my mother forced me to remarry, and I rejected it because of Guoguo. Now, I forgive you because of Guoguo. Have you eaten? If not, I will make it for you." meal."

At this time, Chen Bing could still eat: "I ate."

"Go to bed after eating, I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Xiaoxue, this."

Yang Xue ignored Chen Bing at all, and walked up to Guoguo: "Guoguo, hurry up to sleep, tomorrow I have to get up early."

Guoguo is so small and has good eyesight. Seeing that Yang Xue and Chen Bing were unhappy, she quickly put away her Barbie doll and climbed into bed to sleep.

The next day Chen Bing woke up and touched Yang Xue and Guoguo. He saw two steamed buns and one dish on the table.

Hey, why is this woman so easy to believe in other people's instigation?
After Chen Bing got up, he looked at the dishes on the table, but he also lost his appetite, so he walked outside.

At this time, a soft body came up again.

Chen Bing saw that it was Jiang Meili from last night.

"What are you doing?"

Damn, if it wasn't for this chick, Yang Xue wouldn't have such an attitude towards herself.

Jiang Meili was wearing a super fashionable camisole, the camisole was bulging with the white flesh on her chest, and her tight jeans showed her graceful figure to the fullest.

If Yang Xue is a lotus that emerges from the mud without being stained, then Jiang Meili is a peony picked by thousands of people.

"Thank you for helping me last night, otherwise, I would still be sleeping on the road."

"Really, to be honest, I regret it very much." Chen Bing said softly.

Jiang Meili didn't expect Chen Bing to say something like this: "Why, am I not beautiful?"

"For you, I was misunderstood by my wife, and she still thinks I'm having an affair with you."

Chen Bing thought that Jiang Meili would blush after hearing this, but unexpectedly, she laughed: "Hehehehe, Bingzi, you are so interesting, didn't you want to have an affair with me a long time ago?"

Jiang Meili leaned her body closer as she spoke, and the faint fragrance invaded Chen Bing's nose.

Chen Bing felt that he was about to suffocate. If he stayed with this woman any longer, he would definitely do something wrong.

"Sorry, I still have something to do."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Jiang Meili was wearing high heels, unable to catch up with Chen Bing, and shouted to the back: "Chen Bing, you coward, let me tell you, you can make your wife a regular, you can make Wu Gang a regular, and you have to help me become a regular."

Chen Bing quickly came to the purchase station, and saw that it was crowded with people again. After a while, Yang Haimin and others came.

"You haven't set off yet?" Chen Bing shouted at Yang Haimin.

"Mr. Chen, we set off after drinking last night. Xiaohui found a tractor. We ran all night and ran all the villages in Beiyuan. Those village directors heard that they could give a commission of [-] cents. I was so happy that I didn't sleep at night, so I informed the captains of each team and asked them to notify the villagers who dug up the scorpions. From now on, all the scorpions dug up will be handed over to the brigade, and the brigade will pull them to the county." Yang Haimin said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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