Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 23 Bad People Can Become Good People

Chapter 23 Bad People Can Become Good People
Chen Bing never dreamed that Yang Haimin could handle things so quickly, and it seemed that he was worthy of a great job.

"Haimin, that's right. You have made a great contribution. So, the only ones in Nanyuan who have not been contacted yet?"

"Mr. Chen, Beiyuan has already contacted, and only Nanyuan is left. Don't worry, after a while, the village directors of Beiyuan will come to hand over the scorpions. After the scorpions of the villages in Beiyuan are delivered, we will rush to the village immediately. Various villages in the southern plateau."

Chen Bing nodded slightly after hearing this: "Not bad, really good, you rented the tractors to each village?"


"I'll go to the sea to get five hundred yuan, which will be used for your hard work these days and the rental fee of the tractor."

Yang Haimin did not expect Chen Bing to be so generous, so he hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, we are already very grateful for the commission you gave us. We are determined not to accept the five hundred yuan."

Chen Bing quickly took out five hundred yuan from his body: "Here, this is a reward salary. After a while, the village directors of each village will come. At that time, you will help Dahai to weigh it, and then go to Nanyuan quickly."

Yang Haimin took the lead again.

After a while, more and more people came to the purchase station to hand over the scorpions, but Chen Bing found that they were all villagers from various villages in the southern plateau, and none from the northern plateau village came.

Although the villagers are honest, they are not fools. Both the village and here give eight yuan. Why do they want to look far away?

There are still a lot of people handing over scorpions today. Even though there were many more workers yesterday, it is still too busy.

Chen Bing knew that as long as Yang Haimin, Song Hui and the others could take down the village directors in the southern plateau today, there would be fewer people coming to the buying station to hand over scorpions tomorrow.

Chen Bing thought about the potential of the villagers, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

If the various villages in Nanyuan can't get it down tomorrow, the load of collecting scorpions every day will increase, reaching the maximum value purchased by Lingxi Chinese Herbal Medicine Company.

Looking at the huge crowd, Chen Bing felt very happy. The first pot of gold is expected!
As long as he has the first pot of gold, in this society full of gold, he will surely fly with his foresight ability.

In Ningzheng County, the village directors of various villages organized the villagers to dig for scorpions. On the Lingxi Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Company, Huang Youwei and Yue Cheng bought and paid for it. Chen Bing's business flourished.

Chen Bing made a rough calculation. If the operation was overloaded, the daily net profit would be at least [-].

In the 80s, there were very few ten thousand households, let alone a daily net profit of twenty thousand.

Even a reborn person like Chen Bing didn't dare to think about it.

Zhou Dahai walked up to Chen Bing: "Brother Bing, there is too much money recently."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Dahai, how do you feel? Is it exciting?"


"Then follow my brother and work hard, and I will definitely let you live a better life than you can imagine."

Zhou Dahai's mouth blossomed.

"If you are tired, get tired. If you persist for three months, we will change direction."

"Bingge, what do you mean, why only persist for three months, I will always persist!"

Chen Bing looked at Zhou Dahai's cuteness, and patted him on the shoulder: "There is a more profitable business waiting for you."

After hearing this, Zhou Dahai was a little confused: "Bingge, what is more profitable than scorpions?"

"Hehehe, there are many businesses that are more profitable than collecting scorpions, and I will lead you to do it."

"Bingge, we now let the villagers of Ningzheng County dig scorpions. In the future, we will let the people of Yangqing City dig scorpions. In the future, we will let the entire Lingxi Province dig scorpions."

Before Zhou Dahai finished speaking, Chen Bing slapped him on the bald head: "Should we let people from the entire Huaxia Kingdom dig scorpions in the future?"


"Idiot, Brother Bing asks you, who are you selling to, and tell you, I have already got the news from Mr. Huang. The scorpions we are digging every day can just be digested by Lingxi Chinese Herbal Medicine Company. If there are more, there will be problems. , Therefore, scorpions are not a long-term solution, we have to find new ways to make money."

When Chen Bing said this, Zhou Dahai seemed to understand, but he couldn't imagine that there is another kind of business that is more profitable than digging scorpions?
After a busy day like this, when Chen Bing returned, he unbuttoned his suit and let the breeze cool his hot body as much as possible.

Before he reached the door, he saw a group of people gathered together.

"What happened over there?"

He hurried forward.

"It's him!" At this moment, a bald man shouted at Chen Bing.

"Damn it, if you dare to mess with my girlfriend, see if I don't kill you."

The bald head ran towards Chen Bing.

Chen Bing saw that the bald-headed visitor was not friendly, so he immediately stood still.

"You are Chen Bing?" The bald man rushed to Chen Bing.

Just a little bastard.

"I'm Chen Bing, brother, what do you want from me?"

The bald man held an iron rod about one meter in his hand.

"Boy, cow, seeing my bald brother doesn't change his face, he is a character."

"Baldhead?" Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Brother Baldhead, why are you looking for me so aggressively?"

At this time, more and more people gathered around.

"Boy, good enough, I heard you fucked my girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend?" The Second Monk Chen Bingzhang was puzzled.

"Ginger is beautiful."

Chen Bing understood, damn it, he delivered that coquettish hoof by himself last night, and he didn't do anything.

It seems that this Jiang Meili is not a good guy, otherwise, how could she be with a fool like Bald.

"Are you doing it?" The bald man stared at Chen Bing fiercely again.

Chen Bing is a person who has been through strong winds and waves. When he saw the stupid bald head, he was not afraid. He was just worried that Yang Xue would see it. He looked towards the house and saw that the door was locked. I really didn't pay attention to it.

"Folks, go back. If you didn't watch the excitement, don't splatter your blood!"

The bald man thought that Chen Bing would kneel down and beg for mercy or the folks to save him, but he didn't expect that Chen Bing would let the folks go back.

These folks all know Chen Bing's details, and he is also a scoundrel and a waste.

"Old Sun, you still said that this kid has learned well. Look, he is still with Xia Sanlai."

"Dogs can't stop eating shit"

I walked some intermittently, and some watched the excitement.

At that time, there was no entertainment, and whoever fought with whom was the most popular entertainment program for people to watch.

Chen Bing was going to show his prestige today, and he searched for bits and pieces of the trash Chen Bing from the instilled memory.

Why is trash Chen Bing looked down upon? Firstly, he is lazy and relies on his wife for support. Second, he is already a trash. If he is a big brother in society, how dare the neighbors call him trash?
In the eyes of these people, Chen Bing is the kind of person who is kicked by others and dare not even give a fart. Otherwise, Yang Haimin and others would not bully him like that.

"Are you doing it?"

The bald man asked again aggressively.

"I can't see it!"

"What, you say you don't like it?"

Jiang Meili is the rose in the bald man's heart. He has been chasing after him for so many years, but he has not caught up.

"Yes, I don't like it. I advise you, don't make noise in front of me, otherwise, you will regret it."

"What are you talking about, do you know that my bald head is famous in Ningzheng County?"

Chen Bing's eyes were vicious: "I'll say it again, get out immediately!"

After the bald man heard it, he smiled at the two younger brothers behind him: "What an idiot, to speak to us in such a tone, brothers, what do you think should be done?"

"Fuck him!"

(End of this chapter)

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