Chapter 24

The bald man turned around and just said, "I do."

Chen Bing quickly walked up to him, quickly hugged the bald man's fat neck with both hands, and with all his strength, put his knee on the bald man's second brother.


The bald man threw away the iron rod, hugged his crotch with both hands, and rolled on the ground.

Chen Bing grabbed the iron rod and quickly rushed towards the two bald boys.

Those two younger brothers were the masters of foxes and tigers. Unexpectedly, Chen Bing was serious. When he saw Chen Bing rushing over, he ran away without a trace.

The crowd burst into applause immediately.

Chen Bing walked up to the bald head and stared at him who was rolling on the ground holding his crotch: "How do you feel? Do you want me to mend two more iron rods for you?"

Seeing this, the bald man hurriedly shouted: "Brother Chen, Brother Bing, I don't dare anymore, just let me go!"

At this moment, Jiang Meili shouted while running: "Baldhead, who is your girlfriend, tell me, who is your girlfriend?"

Chen Bing looked at the bald head, and said with a chuckle, "The lover of your dreams is here, my buddy is here."

Chen Bing threw down the iron rod and walked towards the house.

Yang Xue hasn't come back yet, so he has to cook for Yang Xue quickly.

This Yang Xue has been working overtime all day long since he became a full-time employee.

Chen Bing finally learned that it was not Gao Qiang who asked her to work overtime, but that she took the initiative to work overtime, and she couldn't even drive her away.

Chen Bing had no choice but to let her do it.

Chen Bing cooked quickly, and he wanted Yang Xue to have a mouthful of hot food after returning home.

Half an hour later, Yang Xue came back.

She looks tired.

"Xiaoxue, are you hungry? You'll have your meal soon?" Chen Bing wiped his hands on his apron.

"Father, what food, Guoguo is starving to death."

Chen Bing walked over and pinched Guoguo's pink face: "Baby, it will be fine in a while."

Yang Xue had a bad face and didn't answer.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter, what happened?"

"Bingzi, let me ask you, did you fight today?"

Yang Xue's voice is usually very low, but this time, it was several decibels higher than before.

At this moment, Aunt Wu was secretly listening by the door, smiling while listening.

"Come on, that kid said I was cheating on his girlfriend, so I taught him a lesson. I, Chen Bing, have such a beautiful wife as Yang Xue. How could I cheat on his girlfriend?"

Chen Bing walked over and gently held Yang Xue's hand: "Ask if you have any questions, and you can't be angry?"

Chen Bing's sweet words made most of Yang Xue's anger disappear.

"I know that bald man. He has been chasing Jiang Meili for several years. I heard that several of Jiang Meili's boyfriends were beaten away by him."

"What you said is true?" Chen Bing showed a look of surprise on purpose: "It seems that I have to prepare to run away. I hit him so hard today, and he still doesn't want to hit me?"

Chen Bing's words made Yang Xue very nervous: "Yes, Bingzi, hurry up and hide for two days!"

"Hehehehe, silly girl." Chen Bing hugged Yang Xue in his arms: "My silly wife, why are you so stupid, if I run away sooner, I can wait until this time."

At this time, Xiao Guoguo ran up to Chen Bing and pouted her mouth: "Father, Guoguo is hungry, so he knows how to hold his mother and kiss him, and he doesn't cook for Guoguo."

As soon as Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, there was a chuckle at the door.


Chen Bing let go of Yang Xue quickly, opened the door, and saw Aunt Wu running towards the distance.

"Who?" Yang Xue asked.

"Aunt Wu? There is no shortage of right and wrong people like her anywhere!"

"Bingzi, Aunt Wu is actually pretty good, but her mouth is not good."

"Oh? Is it okay if she forces you to pay back the money?" Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was kind, but he didn't expect to be so kind.

"At that time, no one would lend us money, so Aunt Wu lent us money."

Chen Bing stopped talking.

"I'm going to ask Deputy Factory Manager Gao. The factory that Wu Gang and I entered together, I have already become a regular, and Wu Gang should also become a regular."

After hearing this, Chen Bing slapped his head: "My silly wife, did you really ask for it?"

After Yang Xue heard this, she looked confused: "Didn't you ask me to ask for it?"

"My silly wife, what I said was ironic, you can't protect yourself." Chen Bing held his head in his hands, did this silly Yang Xue travel from ancient times?

"Did I do something wrong?" Yang Xue asked tremblingly.

Since the matter is like this, Chen Bing can't criticize too much, he can only say: "Xiaoxue, the society is very dangerous, and people are focusing on interests now, what interests do you think you have with that Aunt Wu?"

"Aunt Wu is good to me."

Chen Bing was speechless: "Xiaoxue, please remember, in the future, if you encounter a big matter of asking for help, ask me, you can do whatever I tell you to do, okay?"

Chen Bing knew that it was because Gao Qiang didn't know his identity yet, if he knew his identity, he would be blown up.

It seems that an opportunity must be found as soon as possible to transfer Yang Xue from the plastic processing factory and leave the company as much as possible.

It is now 1988, and the tide of laid-offs is coming. He doesn't want his wife to be beaten into winter just after seeing spring.

"Okay, hurry up and wash Guoguo's hands, the meal will be ready soon." After Chen Bing finished speaking, he quickly ran to the kitchen.

After dinner, Chen Bing felt that Yang Xue still had something to say.

"Xiaoxue, I'm your husband, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Bingzi, my classmates found out about my regularization this time, and they all asked me to treat me."

Yang Xue was a little embarrassed after finishing speaking.

"Good thing."

With Yang Xue's introverted personality, she really had to get in touch with her classmates.

"Where is the classmate?"

"Junior high school classmate."

Chen Bing generously took out five hundred yuan from his body: "Is it enough?"

Yang Xue opened her eyes wide: "Bingzi, this is too much."

Yang Xue knew that Chen Bing was rich, but she never expected that Chen Bing would be so rich that he would give so much money for a meal.

"A few of them are my very good classmates. They said that our family's life is not good. I don't need to spend money on meals, and people can just come."

"Hehehe, your classmates are not bad."

"They just talk about getting together, but there is one condition, you have to bring your husband with you when you come."

After hearing this, Chen Bing frowned: "I'm a little busy recently."

"I know, then don't go, I will go with Guoguo."

Yang Xue was a little disappointed.

Chen Bing had so much money in his previous life, but he didn't meet a good woman. In this life, he met a good woman like Yang Xue, and he didn't want her to be sad.


"Ningzheng Hotel."


"Tomorrow evening."

"Okay, I'll accompany you then."

Chen Bing agreed to go, Yang Xue immediately showed a smile on his face, and quickly kissed Chen Bing on the face.

After Chen Bing was reborn for so long, it was the first time Yang Xue took the initiative to kiss him.

"Mom, shy, kiss Dad."

Yang Xue blushed.

Guoguo still refused to let go: "I want to kiss my father too."

"Smelly dad, bend down and let Guoguo kiss me?"

Chen Bing had no choice but to bend down and let the cute little princess kiss his old face.

Unexpectedly, happiness came so suddenly. If he had been so happy in his previous life, he would rather not have the huge sum of 50 billion.

(End of this chapter)

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