Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 25 Not all classmates are good

Chapter 25 Not all classmates are good

The next day, Chen Bing returned home early and wanted to accompany Yang Xue to the class reunion.

Back home, Yang Xue was changing clothes. She was wearing a long skirt, long hair with shawls, and light makeup. She had an indescribable beauty.

Chen Bing didn't know how to describe it. It was too delicate to describe it as a rose, and it was too vulgar to describe it as a peony, so it could only be described as a lotus.

Out of the silt and not stained!
"Come back so early?" Yang Xue said while fiddling with her hair.

"It's beautiful, what else do you want, if you continue to dress up like this, will your classmates still be allowed to live?"

Chen Bing laughed.

"You're the one with the glib tongue."

"What I'm saying is true."

In his previous life, Chen Bing also participated in many class reunions, and every time he participated, many classmates would get divorced, which is why Chen Bing followed Yang Xue.

It is impossible for a beautiful girl like Yang Xue not to be tempted by a man.

Guoguo was also wearing clean clothes, giggling with a Barbie doll in her hand.

"Hurry up and change clothes, don't be late, we are the hosts today."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll change clothes now."

The weather is still very hot. Originally, a thin shirt was enough, but Chen Bing changed into a suit in order to complement Yang Xue's beauty.

Ningzheng Hotel is the only large-scale reception hotel in Ningzheng County. It is impossible for ordinary farmers to come here for consumption. In other words, people who come here to consume are either rich or expensive.

Yang Xue hadn't been here either. Just a month ago, she was still worrying about eating, let alone entering such a luxurious hotel.

When they went downstairs, Guoguo shouted, "Dad, Dad, how tall is this house?"

"Hehehe, child, this is a building, of course it is tall."

Chen Bing thought to himself: "My silly daughter, is a four-story building considered high? Later, I will take you to the Pearl Tower and let you experience it. What is a tall building?"

"Such a big hotel?" Yang Xue stopped: "I heard that the consumption here is quite high, and a cheap meal will cost at least a month's salary?"

Yang Xue now earns 75 yuan a month, so asking her to spend 75 yuan for a meal really hurts.

If those classmates didn't force her, she really wouldn't want to go.

What are you doing with that money?Life is a long time, so eat a meal and then sew your mouth shut?

"Bingzi, they said that today's expenses will be shared equally." Yang Xue said again.

As soon as Yang Xue said it, Chen Bing knew what Yang Xue meant: "Don't worry, I have money with me."

Chen Bing took out a stack from his pocket.

Yang Xue's eyes widened: "Didn't you give me five hundred, where did you get so much money?"

"It's earned, I told you that I want you and Guoguo to live a good life, so no matter how much money you spend today, don't feel bad, we can afford it, understand?"

With Chen Bing's move, Yang Xue instantly became tender and tender: "Bingzi, you are so kind."

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was going to cry again, so he hurriedly said, "Don't cry, the make-up that took so much effort will be messed up again."

"Smelly father, smelly mother, let's go up quickly."

Children love new things. They stay in the plastic processing factory all day long. How can they not like this magnificent hotel when they see it suddenly?
"Guoguo, slow down, don't fall!"

Yang Xue and Chen Bing quickly followed.

"Xiaorui, look, is that Xiaoxue?"

Two women stood not far behind Chen Bing and Yang Xue.

The women are about the same age as Yang Xue, and they also have a certain beauty, but their clothes and manners are many times better than Yang Xue's.

Although Yang Xue's long skirt is beautiful, anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is a bargain.

"It's Xiaoxue, the man next to her is her husband?" said the one named Xiaorui.

"It should be her good-for-nothing husband. I don't know what Xiaoxue thinks. She is so beautiful. No man can't find her. She actually found such a good-for-nothing. When we were in school, so many boys chased her, but she just didn't want to. , I didn't expect to find such a waste, hey, what a beauty."

"However, it's pretty cool!"

"Xiao Rui, what's the use of being handsome, and you can't eat it for food. Did you know that Xiaoxue has become enlightened now?" The woman blinked her eyes.

"What enlightenment?"

The woman put her mouth next to Xiaorui's ear, and whispered: "I heard that she was hired by the vice president of their company. She became a full-time employee, and it was the vice president who did it. For this matter, the vice president's wife returned I went to find her."

After that Xiaorui heard this, she looked disgusted: "It's really bad luck, I want to know, she got a regular job in exchange for sleeping in a man's bed, so I won't come today."

"There are many more. He is still talking to the accountant of their company."

"It's disgusting. I'm not going then."

"Go, let's go and have a look. We have booked such a good restaurant today, so we can't come here in vain. We need to fill our stomachs, right?"

Two nasty women were discussing behind Yang Xue.

The private room they booked was on the second floor.

The decoration of the hotel is very ordinary. After all, it is the 80s. If this kind of decoration is placed in 2021, it will not be as good as the decoration of ordinary villagers' homes.

"Dad, that lamp is so big!"

"Father, the ground can still cast shadows."

"Dad, this wall is so soft."

Guoguo is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Yang Xue grabbed Guoguo's hand: "Guoguo, don't touch it randomly, we won't be able to pay for it if it breaks."

When Yang Xue did this, Guoguo was so wronged that she wanted to cry.

Chen Bing quickly took Guoguo from Yang Xue: "It's okay, isn't it just a wall repaired with flexible packaging? It's no big deal. We are consumers today, and we are God. It's too late for them to welcome you."

Seeing Chen Bing protecting Guoguo, Yang Xue said helplessly, "Just let her get used to it. Wait until she breaks the wall of the house and see what you will do then."

"Smelly mom, stinky mom, I love daddy."

Chen Bing lovingly kissed his precious daughter's pink face.

When we reached the second floor, a waiter greeted us: "Hello miss, which private room are you from?"

"Fugui Hall." Yang Xue said a little nervously.

"Three please."

Entering the private room, a fashionable and luxurious woman stared at them.

"Little Snow."

"Nana, no, Director Zhao."

This woman is Zhao Na, a study committee member of Yang Xue's class, and now works in a steel factory in Yangqing City. At such a young age, she is already the office director of the steel factory and the best student in their class.

"You are the protagonist today, why are you here so late?"

Hearing Zhao Na's criticism, Yang Xue lowered her head involuntarily: "I'm sorry, I have a child, I'm late."

"I thought you were afraid of paying the money, so you won't come. Don't worry, we will pay the money!"

After Zhao Na spoke, Yang Xue's white face turned red.

Chen Bing was a little embarrassed, just as he was about to open his mouth to refute, his arm was pulled by Yang Xue: "Don't make trouble!"

Yang Xue is most afraid of Chen Bing causing trouble, today is her big day, she wants to live it happily.

(End of this chapter)

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