Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 182 Contest

Chapter 182 Contest
Chen Bing really wanted to know the details of Qin Dong.

Damn it, he never dreamed that the business tycoon in the previous life, and the business wizard in this life, was actually a martial arts master!
What the hell!

"Captain Hao, then you can play with Mr. Qin, but you can click as much as you want!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Hao Yong nodded slightly.

Because it is in a busy city, competing here will easily attract spectators, and maybe even attract the police.

"President Qin, you are a celebrity, I think you should find a quiet place!" Chen Bing said.

"Okay, I know a place that is very quiet. There are many old people practicing Tai Chi. There should be no one to disturb us." Qin Dong thought for a while.

"it is good!"

Several people sat on Qin Dong's tiger head.

Along the way, nothing was said.

It's just that Chen Bing was very nervous. He knew that the battle between Hao Yong and Qin Dong was crucial to Jiahe's development.

Hutou ran left and right, and stopped at a place. Damn it, it turned out to be a square.

It's just that this square is different from other squares. There are many children and things to play in other squares, but this square is full of old people with swords, guns, swords and halberds practicing martial arts. They are all wearing strange clothes and gesticulating with swords.

There are also a few monks teaching Shaolin sticks to some disciples.

What a place.

Of course, a Qigong master is indispensable in this place. Chen Bing saw a master-level figure teaching Qigong to a group of people.

However, these are not what he cares most about at present. What he cares most about is how to defeat Qin Dong as soon as possible.

After several people got out of the car, Qin Dong laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, how is this place?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Good place, no matter how much you fight in this place, no one will come to make trouble!"

At this time, a sword-wielding warrior and a sword-wielding warrior were already fighting together. Although they were fighting vigorously, no one was watching.

"Captain Hao, then play with Mr. Qin!"

Qin Dong continued to take off his white trench coat, looking gentle and elegant.

Hao Yong didn't take off his clothes, nor did he make any movements, but simply spread his legs slightly apart.

"Captain Hao invited me. To be honest, since I left the army, I have never touched my hand. When I saw you today, my hand was itchy!"

Hao Yong had no expression on his face, but simply said: "I have never fought against others in my life, and I have never fought. As long as I fight, I will definitely face a vicious and vicious enemy, and I will definitely use a killer move!"

After Hao Yong said, Qin Dong smiled slightly: "In order to arouse your murderous aura, you can treat me as an enemy. Besides, we are currently competitors, and we are enemies. You defeated my subordinates effortlessly. I This boss made a move to save face for his subordinates, so we are enemies in two camps, so you don't have to show mercy!"

When Qin Dong said this, the expressions of the two bodyguards standing not far away became extremely ugly.

"Okay, please!"

"Okay, life and death depend on fate and wealth!"


Qin Dong raised his palm and made a gesture of worshiping the crane.

Hao Yong didn't move, still staring at Qin Dong.

Suddenly, Qin Dong rushed towards Hao Yong with lightning speed.

Qin Dong's movements were quick, and he arrived in front of Hao Yong like lightning. When he reached the front and back, his palm immediately turned into a sharp sword, stabbing towards Hao Yong's eyes.

Chen Bing broke out in a cold sweat, grandma, if Qin Dong succeeds in this move, then Hao Yong's eyes will be disabled.

However, Hao Yong was not panicked at all.

He raised his palm and quickly slashed at Qin Dong's wrist.

When Qin Dong saw Hao Yong's move, he had to shrink his wrist, because if he didn't shrink his wrist, Hao Yong's palm would be cut on his wrist.

Then his wrist will break.

"Good move." Qin Dong took a step back, and then kicked towards Hao Yong with a series of legs.

Damn, the tricks are quite ruthless, the speed is very fast, and he kicks out ten kicks in an instant.

Although the dozen or so kicks were fast and ruthless, they were all resolved one by one by Hao Yong's palms.

"Good trick!"

Hao Yong shouted: "President Qin, I should fight back!" '

As soon as Hao Yong's words fell, the person suddenly rose violently, flying towards Qin Dong like a roc.

Seeing this, Qin Dong took a step back and punched Hao Yong with both fists.

However, he never expected that Hao Yong also punched out both fists, and the fists of both sides collided with each other, causing both sides to take two steps back involuntarily.

Hao Yong's expression remained unchanged, while Qin Dong's expression became extremely ugly. He knew that he felt his bones were broken.

He is a tough guy who has been trained by the army. If an ordinary person suffered such a severe injury to the bones of his hand, he would definitely scream, but he didn't make a sound.

Hao Yong frowned slightly, and shouted again: "Boss Qin, be careful!"

He quickly ran to Qin Dong and kicked eighteen kicks in a row.

Qin Dong was injured in his hand, and it was very difficult to resist. He retreated continuously, but even if he dodged seventeen kicks, he couldn't dodge the last kick, which was kicked in the chest by Hao Yong.

Qin Dong fell towards the distance like a kite with a broken string.

Several bodyguards under Qin Dong saw Chen Bing being kicked away, and hurried towards Qin Dong.

Qin Dong is indeed a tough guy. He fell to the ground, and after a little relief, he stood up.

But at this time, more than ten bodyguards of Qin Dong had already surrounded Hao Yong!

Facing the dozens of bodyguards, Hao Yong said domineeringly: "Back down, you are not my opponent!"

Qin Dong walked up to Hao Yong, and waved his hands slightly: "You step back, you are not his opponent!"

Several bodyguards backed away instantly.

"Hehehe, Captain Hao, yes, I admit defeat!"

Hao Yong nodded slightly.

Hao Yong doesn't talk much, he only does things and doesn't like to talk too much.

"Captain Hao, since I left the army, I have never been defeated. I am happy today, hehehehe!"

When Qin Dong said this, he turned his head and stared at Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, you found a treasure!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Boss Qin, you are a treasure!"

"Hehehehe, since the battle has been fought, we have to talk about things, or else, let's find a place to talk!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "Boss Qin, it seems that you are seriously injured, otherwise, it is important to treat the injury first."


"Since it's all right, let's talk about whatever President Qin wants to talk about here!"

"Mr. Chen, Jiahe is developing well. I also admire Mr. Chen's ability. However, in the food industry, I will not allow any company that poses a threat to Erlele to exist. So, Mr. Chen, please think twice and put it under the category of Erlele." Lele, when the time comes, we will be a family, make a fortune together, and create a great cause together!"

Damn, this is to buy Jiahe!

I really want to be a Biaozi and want to set up a memorial archway, what a bastard!
"It seems that Mr. Qin has already thought about it before he came to me!"

Qin Dong nodded slightly: "Yes, I have thought about it, I have already thought about your position."

(End of this chapter)

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