Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 183 Value

Chapter 183 Value
Chen Bing smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I wonder what position President Qin can give me?"

"Vice President!" Qin Dong said: "In Er Lele, that's one person under ten thousand!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Thank you Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin is really generous, but I want to tell Mr. Qin that I, Chen Bing, have a strange problem in my life. I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!"

After Chen Bing said, Qin Dong's face was slightly angry: "Mr. Chen, you are looking for your own death!"

"Hehehe, I, Chen Bing, are really not afraid. Mr. Qin, the market is so big, why do you want to be the only one? You have to know that there is no such thing as a monopoly in this world. Besides, things are always reversed. I advise you to manage well. Enterprises, make good money, don't think about the huge food market all day long, don't think about killing all your competitors all day long, have this time, take good care of your wife, otherwise, if something happens to you one day, hehe Hehe, my wife ran away with the driver, then you have nothing!"

Chen Bing is telling the truth. After all, he has experienced the previous life and knows that in the previous life, Qin Dong was busy with work and overeating, so that he finally passed away. After his death, his wife immediately got entangled with his secretary. The secretary He also brazenly said that ten years ago, I worked for others, and ten years later, others will work for me.

"Mr. Chen, don't speak so harshly."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Mr. Qin, in this world, people come and go naked, so, while making money, they also know how to enjoy life. While making money, You have to take good care of your home, otherwise, no matter how much money you earn, it will be useless, hehehehe, I wonder why, Mr. Qin is a handsome man, why doesn't he hire a beautiful female secretary instead of a handsome man? , Hehehe, and, this man is still close to Mr. Qin's family, so you don't have to be afraid, one day, your wife walked up to you with a bowl of medicine, and said, Dalang, I've taken the medicine!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Qin Dong's expression changed again.

"A bunch of nonsense."

"Hehehehe, I've said everything I should say. As for whether you listen or not, that's up to you. Mr. Qin, before leaving, I'll say it again. It's better than anything else to take care of your family. As for you Speaking of buying my Jiahe, let me tell you clearly that it is impossible, hehehehe, even if I, Chen Bing, are defeated, it is impossible to hand over Jiahe to you."

Qin Dong nodded slightly: "Okay, very good!"

Qin Dong turned his head and said to the people beside him, "Go!"

In an instant, Qin Dong's people left cleanly.

Hao Yong walked up to Chen Bing: "President Chen, what should we do?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, remember, in this world, no matter whether you are an enemy or a friend, don't be servile. '

"I see."

"Are you not injured?" Chen Bing asked.


"I see that you and Qin Dong's fists collided with great strength. Qin Dong should be injured, so I don't know if you are injured?"

Hao Yong shook his head slightly: "I don't, that Qin Dong is a trainer, and he should be a good player in the army, but he is not enough for special forces!"

Chen Bing nodded again.

He heard from Hao Yong's words that Qin Dong was not Hao Yong's opponent.

It seems that I have really found a treasure. If there is such a person as my bodyguard, then my safety is absolutely guaranteed.

When they came, they rode Qin Dong's Hutouben, but now Hutouben is gone, so when they go back, they can only take a taxi.

The taxis in Yangxian City are still the old-style QQ, but they are comfortable to sit in, and the space is a bit cramped.

Back at the hotel, Chen Bing returned to Yangqing the next day.

Grandma, Chen Bing is used to this kind of competition with Erlele.

In his previous life, he had participated in many big competitions, so he didn't take it to heart.

When he returned to Yangqing, he didn't go home directly, but went directly to the company.

Chen Bing returned to the company, and as soon as he entered the office, Liu Weidong came.

When Liu Weidong came in, he brought a woman with him. The woman was about the same age as Chen Bing, and she was pretty. Her beauty was different from Yang Xue's. In Chen Bing's mind, Yang Xue was beautiful, but Yang Xue's Beauty belongs to the kind of silly beauty, and this person is the shrewd beauty.

Her appearance was beautiful, and her makeup was not too thick or too light, which instantly raised her class.

What is this for?

"Mr. Chen, you are back. If you don't come back, I will call you?"

Chen Bing sat on the sofa: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, let me introduce you. This, Tang Min, is your secretary!"

Liu Weidong smiled and said, "How is it?"

Chen Bing was shocked when he heard that, damn it, he thought it was someone, it turned out to be the secretary.

That's right, I'm the boss now, and I don't have a secretary by my side, so the cleaning and documents in the office are usually handled by the office director.

Now when those big bosses go out, they all bring their secretaries with them, and each of those secretaries is more energetic than the other, but when they go out by themselves, they only bring a bodyguard with them.

Although Hao Yong is good, but, after all, he is a man, and he does things rough.

It seems that a secretary is really needed.

It's just that this woman is too beautiful, if Yang Xue knows about it, it won't make a fuss, what should I do?
Chen Bing was very satisfied with this woman, and the only one he was afraid of was Yang Xue.

In Chen Bing's consciousness, as long as there is something that is not good for Yang Xue, or something that is harmful to Yang Xue, he will definitely not do it.

However, I really need a secretary to take care of my life!
"Your name is Tang Min?" Chen Bing asked.

"Yes, Mr. Chen. My name is Tang Min. I'm 23 this year. I graduated from the Chinese Department of Lingxi University. After hearing about Mr. Chen's deeds, I took the initiative to apply for the job!"

Thousands of wears and thousands of flattery, this little girl is very good at talking, and she only applied for the job after hearing her own deeds. The secret word is that she came here for her.

"My story?"

"Mr. Chen, you are now the idol of all the educated girls in our Lingxi area. You are young, energetic, and in your 20s. It only took one year to build a powerful Jiahe food company from penniless. "

"Hehehehe, that's why you came here?"

Tang Min nodded quickly.

"Mr. Chen, I am excellent in all aspects of school. After graduating last year, I was assigned to work in a cotton mill. However, that place was not suitable for me, so I resigned and came here to apply for your secretary!"

"You said you resigned voluntarily?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, I voluntarily resign!"

It's not easy. In those days, it was not easy for someone to take the initiative to abandon the iron rice bowl, let alone a woman, it was even more difficult!
(End of this chapter)

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