Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 184 Anti-takeover

Chapter 184 Anti-takeover

"Oh? Then what position are you applying for?" Chen Bing said.


When Liu Weidong came in just now, he said that Tang Min was applying for a secretary.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Okay, I happen to be short of a secretary here, you can try it, but you still have to hold another position!"

Seeing that Chen Bing agreed, Tang Min nodded happily and said, "Mr. Chen, give me your orders!"

"Deputy Director of the Office!"

Why did Chen Bing give Tang Min the position of deputy director of the office? If Yang Xue asked him one day, he would say that this person was his deputy director of the office.

Although the deputy director and the secretary can do the same thing, but the deputy director sounds good, especially in the previous life, many secretaries have changed their taste, and they are called the boss's secretary, but in fact, most of them are the boss's side room.

So, Yang Xue can't let Yang Xue know that she has a secretary.

"From now on, you will be the deputy director of the office of Jiahe Food Company, but you have to be my secretary!"

Liu Weidong was a little confused, not knowing what Chen Bing meant.

"Since you graduated from university, I can't keep you tied to the position of secretary, so, next, you have to study hard and get familiar with the company's business as soon as possible. If one day, you really train yourself, you can transfer to For other departments, you can be Mr. Liu's deputy!"

Chen Bing's words really made Tang Min overjoyed: "You said I can be Mr. Liu's deputy?" '

Damn it, Mr. Liu's deputy is the vice president of the company.

Seeing Tang Min's surprised look, Chen Bing laughed and said, "What Jiahe wants is talent, as long as you have the ability, of course you can, Mr. Liu, don't you think so?"

Liu Weidong nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Mr. Chen!"

"Then from today, you are the deputy director of the company and my secretary."

Tang Min quickly nodded in agreement.

"As for the secretary, Director He will explain to you what you are responsible for. As for the deputy director, I will also follow Director He's instructions."

Tang Min nodded again.

"Did I tell you about the treatment?" Chen Bing asked.

"In terms of treatment, Mr. Liu has said that the current salary is 100 a month, and I have a separate dormitory."

"Yes, since you are my secretary, you sometimes need to work overtime, so you have to live in the factory at night."

"I know that."

"If you think the salary is low, you can discuss it with Mr. Liu, and you can add it appropriately."

"Mr. Chen, it's not too low. My salary in the cotton spinning factory is more than 70 yuan a month. Now it has increased by a full third. It's not too low. I'm not greedy."

"That's good, go down and find Director He, Mr. Liu and I have something to do!" Chen Bing issued an order to evict the guest.

After Tang Min left, Liu Weidong hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, how are you doing, hehehe?"

"Okay, I said you were in a hurry, so you found me a secretary!"


"Mr. Liu, I've made contact with Qin Dong!" Chen Bing said.

"How about it?"

For them, Qin Dong is now their nightmare.

"This person is very powerful. I met you today. He is really good at both civil and military skills!"

"How do you say that?" Liu Weidong asked.

Chen Bing then briefly explained the contest between Qin Dong and Hao Yong.

Liu Weidong was dumbfounded.

He knows Hao Yong's ability, Hao Yong is in his heart, that is a god-like existence.

Damn, cold, capable, martial arts
However, this Qin Dong dared to challenge Hao Yong. Although he lost in the end, it shows that this person is not an ordinary person.

"What did he say?" Liu Weidong asked.

"He wants to acquire our company. After the acquisition, he will let me become the vice president of his company, ha ha ha ha."

"You agreed?" Liu Weidong was very worried: "President Chen, you can be the vice president, what can I do?"

Liu Weidong is also an ambitious person, otherwise, he would not have resigned at that time. Now in Jiahe, he is the second in command, and he is already Fengwei. None of them counted, so he was very worried, saying that Jiahe couldn't be acquired by Er Lele.

Chen Bing saw Liu Weidong's eagerness.

"Mr. Chen, you agreed?" Liu Weidong said again.

"Hehehe, don't worry, how can I agree, I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, besides, Qin Dong is very powerful, but compared with me, Chen Bing, he is still so far behind. "

Chen Bing's words were very eloquent and domineering.

Liu Weidong had a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, I saw you right."

"Work hard, next, I think Er Lele will bombard us indiscriminately, so, we have to persevere, we persevere, the next day will be easier, when we recover, that At that time, we will talk about how to acquire Erlele!"

Chen Bing's words surprised Liu Weidong again.

Damn, they want to buy Jiahe now, and Jiahe hasn't found a suitable solution yet, so they want to buy Erlele instead. Is Chen Bing crazy?
However, based on Liu Weidong's understanding of Chen Bing, he is a very rigorous person and will not go crazy.

"Do as I say!"

"it is good."

"We are now increasing production capacity, and at the same time, lowering prices to make room for terminal sales and open up the market as soon as possible!"

Liu Weidong nodded again.

"Mr. Chen, we want to compete with Erlele, so we are short of funds."

Chen Bing shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. Years ago, didn't we have already made a plan. This year, we will build factories in Qinjiang City, Yangqing City, Harbin Province, Shencheng, and Haicheng? If we succeed in building a factory in one place, we will be able to run through the country, and it will not be so easy for Er Lele to kill us."

"But, Mr. Chen, we have such a big funding gap now, how can we have the money to invest in these places?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing smiled slightly: "We have no money, but the local government has money, and now local governments are attracting investment. As long as we build Jiahe Foods into a super-large company, then they will We must not be sacrificed as our ancestors."

"Mr. Chen, it's easy for you to say, but how can we turn our company, which has not been established for a year, into a star company, a first-class company!"

Liu Weidong really doesn't know what to do?
"Hehehe, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys!"

Liu Weidong is not a fool, he is a business genius: "You mean, advertising?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Not only do we need to advertise, but we also need to make a big advertisement. After this advertisement is launched, we must let the people of the whole country know that there is a Jiahe food company in Huaxia State, which is a very famous food company in Huaxia State!"

(End of this chapter)

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