Chapter 188
Chen Bing's trip this time was very purposeful, just to find a suitable opportunity to advertise for Jiahe Food Company by purchasing a prime location on CCTV.

In his previous life, Chen Bing's business was relatively complicated. Although he advertised, he never advertised on CCTV, but he heard about it.

Now he has 400 million on him, and this 400 million is his own property, and he is going to invest all of this 400 million.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, Er Lele is too tight, he knows that if the CCTV commercials don't work, it will be even more difficult to defeat Er Lele!

Chen Bing went to Yanjing this time by plane.

One is that Santana is too cheap. If people know that they are driving a Santana, it will lower their evaluation of the company. In addition, Yanjing is too far away. If you drive, it will take at least two days and two nights. Guoguo is too young. Xue is still pregnant, it is inconvenient, so, all take the plane.

This time, when Chen Bing went to Yanjing, he was going to take Tang Min, the female secretary, but it was really inconvenient to take Tang Min with Yang Xue. So, besides Guoguo and Yang Xue, he took Hao Yong and Jia Hu.

With Hao Yong and Jia Hu here, there will be no problems in terms of safety.

Yanjing is also a bustling city. Whenever Yanjing is mentioned, it reminds me of the famous "Heaven, Earth and Human World" many years ago. All the girls there are extremely beautiful.

In fact, Chen Bing went to "Heaven, Earth and Human World" in his previous life. At that time, he accompanied a client. He drank a lot of wine that night, and he didn't do anything.

Chen Bing thought as he walked.

Hao Yong is very thoughtful and has booked the ticket in advance.

Before getting on the plane, Yang Xue grabbed Chen Bing's hand in fear: "Bing, I'm afraid, will the plane fall down?"

After Chen Bing heard this, he almost laughed out loud: "My silly elder sister, if the plane could fall, would there still be so many people sitting on it!"

In fact, among all kinds of transportation, the accident rate of airplanes is the lowest, that is to say, airplanes are currently the safest transportation.

Guoguo was very happy. When she heard that she was going to fly, she danced and danced happily.

Arrived in Yanjing at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

Yang Xue got dizzy all the way, got off the plane, they took a taxi and went straight to Yanjing Hotel.

Chen Bing is very familiar with Yanjing Hotel. In his previous life, he often lived in Yanjing Hotel, and all of them were presidential suites.

With a net worth of billions, no children, no wife, how can you make money without spending money.

Hao Yong has been with Chen Bing for so long and knows the life of a rich man, so he hurriedly booked a presidential suite for Chen Bing's family.

Yang Xue and Guoguo had never seen such a luxurious hotel.

"Bingzi, can I stay here?" Yang Xue asked tremblingly.

"Hehehe, of course I can live"

"The decoration is too luxurious!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "It's about luxury. If it's not luxurious, how can guests come and stay?"

"But, Bingzi, does it cost a lot of money?" Yang Xue asked.

"Hehehe, how much money do you have?"

Yang Xue continued to ask, but Chen Bing quickly stopped. If she told Yang Xue the actual price, Yang Xue would definitely not be able to sleep all night.

"Xiaoxue, come here, just eat, drink and have fun. As for expenses, don't worry about it."

The waiter led them to the room: "Sir, this is your room!"

Chen Bing and Yang Xue went in, Guoguo saw the rose on the bed, and rushed forward: "Dad, there are still flowers!"

"Hehehe, Guoguo, put it on, wash up with your mother, let's go down to eat, after dinner, you and your mother will rest, father is going to do business, after finishing the business, let's play with Guoguo again, okay?"

Yang Xue knew that Chen Bing had important things to do when he came to Yanjing this time, so she hurriedly washed obediently, after washing, went to eat, after eating, Guoguo and Yang Xue stayed inside to watch TV, while Chen Bing and Hao Yong left.

Jia Hu didn't leave, but stayed in the hotel because of Yang Xue and Guo Guo.

Jia Hu now seems to be the bodyguard of Yang Xue and Guoguo.

"Mr. Chen, where are you going?" Hao Yong asked after walking out of the hotel.

"Go to Qin'an Media!"

Since I didn't drive, I had to take a taxi.

"Master, go there!"

"Qin An Media."

"Okay, master, wait a moment!"

The master stepped on the accelerator, and the taxi flew away like an arrow from the string.

Chen Bing looked at Yanjing in the eighties and 90s through the car window.

In his previous life, in the eighties and 90s, he had never been to Yanjing. The first time he came to Yanjing was in 2012, so looking at the current Yanjing, he was really curious.

It's just that Yanjing is the heart of the motherland after all, and the 90s showed that it is different from ordinary metropolises.

While driving, the taxi master suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the taxi stopped abruptly.

Chen Bing knew there was a traffic jam.

At this time, looking forward, there is a lot of traffic, and looking back, there is also a lot of traffic.

My god, Yanjing in the eighth 90s will be stuck in traffic, damn it.
"Sorry, boss, I will pay you for pulling you today!"

"What do you mean?"

"There's a traffic jam ahead, judging by the situation, it won't take three hours to get out!"

Chen Bing was surprised when he heard this: "How many hours did you say?"

"At least three hours."

What the hell.

"Three hours?"

For a man whose time is his life, three hours is too long.

"Master, can you back up?"

"See if you can back up?"

"Then how long will it take to walk?"

The master laughed after hearing this: "Walking? You see so many cars, can you walk? Besides, if you walk to Qin'an Media, I will tell you that it will be tomorrow morning."

"so far?"

"Of course, if it is normal, the taxi will take more than an hour. If you say go, it will be tomorrow morning!"

Yes, if the taxi is calculated at 120 kilometers per hour, it will be 120 kilometers in two hours. If a person walks [-] kilometers, it will take many hours. Due to physical limitations, it may be until tomorrow morning.

"Boss, I've lost everything by dragging you today."

In Yanjing at that time, taxis were metered by the mileage as they are now, so if you don’t move for two or three hours, the master will definitely have to pay.

If the master owns the car, it’s fine. If it’s a rented car, he will have to pay for it.

(End of this chapter)

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