Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 189 Qin An

Chapter 189 Qin An
Chen Bing understood the sadness of the low-level people, took out a hundred yuan bill and handed it over, "I won't let you pay, is one hundred yuan enough?"

The master saw one hundred yuan, and his mouth was happy, like a flower blooming: "Hehehe, that's enough, that's enough, thank you boss!"

After the master finished speaking, he took the money, stuffed it into his pocket, took out two diapers, and handed them over.

"What is this for?" Chen Bing asked.

"Boss, it will take at least three hours, so you have to use a diaper. If you want to pee, you can pee in a diaper."

Chen Bing smiled awkwardly, took the diaper, and handed Hao Yong one.

Hao Yong was also embarrassed, he didn't want it, Chen Bing said directly: "They are all men, what are you afraid of!"

Why did Chen Bing go to Qin'an Media, because Qin An, the boss of Qin'an Media, is very influential in Yanjing, and this person is Liu Weidong's classmate, Liu Weidong asked Chen Bing to find this person.

Those engaged in the media are generally related to the TV station, and it is good to have an acquaintance. Besides, if you want to do publicity on the TV station, you must first shoot an advertisement, so you must cooperate with a media company.

Before coming, Liu Weidong had already contacted his classmate. Chen Bing originally wanted Liu Weidong to come, but Liu Weidong is now the general manager of the company, so he couldn't be separated, so he, the boss, had to come.

Chen Bing took out his mobile phone and called Qin An.

"President Qin, hehehe, I'm Chen Bing from Jiahe Food Company, Liu Weidong contacted you!"

The other party's voice was very kind: "Mr. Chen, are you here? I'll pick you up!"

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "No need, Mr. Qin, I'm already on the way here, but halfway, there is a traffic jam. According to the taxi driver, it will take at least three hours, so this time is quite long. If Mr. Qin has What's the matter, you can be busy first! '

After hearing this, Qin An hurriedly said: "President Chen, I'm not busy, hehehe, you are a distinguished guest, I will wait for as long as you want!"

Chen Bing said thank you and hung up the phone.

Chen Bing knew that Qin An would wait. After all, he was asking him for help in name, but in fact, it was his client who sent him money. He was too happy to be happy.

It's just that Chen Bing is calling now to show that he is very polite.

"Boss, what do you do?" the taxi driver asked.


"Food? Cake?"

"Hehehe, it's not cakes. What I make are canned food, instant noodles, ham and drinks."

After hearing this, the taxi driver turned his head and stared at Chen Bing: "Boss, are you still a big boss? When I see you holding a big mobile phone, I know you are not an ordinary person!"

Chen Bing was very kind to the low-level people. Hearing what the master said, he smiled slightly: "How is the business, how much money can you make in a day?"

"It's not bad. I rent this car. The rent is 20 yuan per month. If the business is good, I can get [-] yuan. If the business is not good, I can get [-] yuan. Hehehe, completely You can serve the family to eat and drink."

After Chen Bing heard this, he nodded slightly: "It would be nice to serve the family. I don't think you are too old. Why don't you change your career?" '

"Changing jobs? Hehehe, I can only drive, and I can't do anything else!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly, yes, in this society, not everyone can make a lot of money. Although he is a reborn person, he knows that in this society, there are opportunities and gold everywhere, but no matter how opportunities and gold are, that's not enough. If you can pick it up, it's not.

Sometimes, I think it’s good for a taxi driver to drive a car. Every day, I only pay attention to driving, and don’t care about other things. At least it’s easier than my own life.

"Boss, is your instant noodles called Erlele instant noodles?"

Chen Bing was shocked when he heard that even a taxi driver knew about Erlele instant noodles.

"Have you ever eaten Erlele instant noodles?"

"Hehe, of course, Erlele instant noodles are the best selling and most convenient now. We taxi drivers all eat Erlele instant noodles!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly. It seemed that Erlele instant noodles had already gained popularity in Yanjing, so we had to speed up our pace. His status in the rivers and lakes is difficult.

The master was very talkative, seeing that Chen Bing was silent, he continued, "Boss, are you Lele instant noodles?"

"No, my instant noodles are called Jiahe, and we don't sell them in Yanjing yet, but I'm here this time to open up the Yanjing market." Chen Bing said.

"Boss, you are a good person. If Jiahe Instant Noodles arrives in Yanjing, I will definitely mobilize my taxi friends to buy Jiahe Instant Noodles!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing quickly expressed his thanks.

Fortunately, this taxi driver loves to talk, and Chen Bing learned many new things about Yanjing in the 90s from him.

The traffic was blocked until six o'clock in the afternoon before passing through.

Around eight o'clock, the taxi finally stopped at the gate of Qin'an Media.

When Chen Bing got out of the taxi, a group of people at the door of Qin'an Media quickly greeted him.

Chen Bing knew that the leading young man must be Qin An, the boss of Qin An Media.

This person is less than 30 years old, not much different in age from Liu Weidong, with a professional smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, you are Mr. Chen!"

Qin An rushed forward quickly, holding Chen Bing's hand tightly.

Chen Bing smiled: "You are President Qin?"

"I'm Qin An. Thank you for your hard work. The traffic jam in Yanjing is very serious now. Hurry up to the office. Let's take a short break and then go to eat. I have already arranged the meal."

Chen Bing is very comfortable with the other party's enthusiasm, no matter whether the other party is hypocritical or sincere, at least, after meeting, people are very comfortable.

A group of people arrived at Qin An's office.

Qin An's office is well-decorated, the tall one.

Qin An asked Chen Bing to sit down, and quickly poured a cup of tea: "Mr. Chen, this is the best Dahongpao, please try it!"

Chen Bing, no matter in his previous life or in this life, had a special liking for Dahongpao. When he heard that it was Dahongpao, he took the cup and took a sip. It tasted really good.

"Not bad, not bad, your purple sand is not bad!" Chen Bing laughed.

"Mr. Chen is also interested in Zisha?"

"Hehehe, yes, I have a handful of Shi Dabin's jug in my hand. I'll show it to Mr. Qin some other day."

"Hehehe, Shi Dabin's pot, that's a good pot, hehehe, Mr. Chen, look at this one, whose pot is it?"

Having said this, Qin An passed the pot over.

Chen Bing took the pot and looked at it carefully: "Shipeng?"

"Yes, it's Shi Peng's pot, hehehe, Shi Peng and Shi Dabin are father and son, they are both master pot makers, I'm so happy today, I met my bosom friend!" Qin An is very talkative.

(End of this chapter)

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