Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 191 Zhang Yuan

Chapter 191 Zhang Yuan
The wine culture attaches great importance to the position of the fish head. Basically, the position of the fish head faces the most important guests at this table. It goes without saying that the most important guest at this table today is none other than Chen He, director of the planning department of CCTV. !
After hearing this, Qin An gave the service staff a hard look, and hurriedly said, "Director Chen, it's the service staff who didn't serve you well!"

He hastened to move the fish head.

At this time, Chen He stood up: "Hehe, Mr. Qin, since the fish head is facing Mr. Chen, then Mr. Chen has to drink the three glasses of wine with the fish head!"

This is the rule of the wine shop, Chen Bing has to know it.

According to Chen Bing's thinking, if Lao Tzu pays the money today, he is God. Although CCTV's spectrum is a bit big, but after all, Lao Tzu pays, so you Chen He can't do it.

When Chen Bing said this, he smiled slightly: "Director Chen, we are a family, who is with whom, logically speaking, the fish head should be pointed at you, but the service staff is not sensible and pointed the fish head at me, hahahaha, this I admit the three glasses of wine, besides, being able to drink with Director Chen's family is also a blessing in Chen's life, but, I have to move this fish head over there first!"

When Chen Bing said this, he pointed the fish head at Chen He.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Bing filled six glasses of wine: "Director Chen, then I will use my three glasses of fish head wine to toast you three glasses of fish head wine!"

I am afraid of being caught in the wine market.

Chen He wanted to refuse, but Chen Bing said directly: "Director Chen, why don't you give my family face, hehehehe!"

Chen Bing has already picked up the wine glass: "Director Chen, after drinking this glass, I will give you a gift some other day!"

Chen He was forced to Liangshan, he had no choice but to pick up his wine glass and touch Chen Bing.

After the first touch, there was the second and third touch. After drinking three glasses of wine, Chen He's face turned red.

People on the wine table are most afraid of drinking. After drinking, they can become friends or enemies.

Chen Bing was very careful, he knew that Chen He had a lump in his heart when he forced Chen He to drink, but he observed carefully and saw that Chen He was always staring at Zhang Yuan. It seemed that this old boy was interested in Zhang Yuan .

Damn, when dealing with a person, the most fearful thing is to catch the other person's weakness. It seems that Chen He's current weakness is Zhang Yuan.

As Chen Bing is the organizer of this advertisement, Zhang Yuan has to curry favor, especially this time on CCTV, hehehe, it will be beneficial to Zhang Yuan's reputation but not harmful.

Therefore, Zhang Yuan had to beg Chen Bing.

"Miss Zhang, Director Chen is our distinguished guest today. Hehehe, Mr. Qin and I are clumsy and can't take care of Director Chen. The important task of taking care of Director Chen today will fall on you."

When Chen Bing said this, he took the initiative to get out of his seat, and pointed to Zhang Yuan: "Miss Zhang, please sit here, and get closer to Director Chen!"

In the wine market, a position represents a position. For Chen He, Chen Bing took the initiative to give up his position to Zhang Yuan. From this, it can be seen that Chen Bing attaches great importance to Chen He.

After hearing this, Chen He opened his mouth into a smile, and the unhappiness in his heart just now disappeared in an instant.

"Mr. Chen, what is this for?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Director Chen, we are a family, hehehe, as I said just now, President Qin and I are clumsy and unable to take good care of you, so I asked Miss Zhang to do it for you?" '

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stared at Zhang Yuan: "Miss Zhang, take care of Director Chen, eat and drink with Director Chen, but our responsibility, I wonder if Miss Zhang can complete the task?"

Does Zhang Yuan dare to say that the task cannot be completed, and hurriedly said: "President Chen, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

"Hehehe, that's good, sit by my side!"

Chen Bing stepped aside, and Zhang Yuan sat beside Chen He.

Qin An stared at Chen Bing and smiled slyly at each other.

Damn, this society is all for profit, some people even sell their own wives for profit, let alone a celebrity.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zhang Yuan stayed by Chen He's side, Chen He felt extremely comfortable, and when the wine was full, he would secretly touch Zhang Yuan's tender hands, all of which were under the watchful eye of Chen Bing and Qin An. in the eyes.

At the end of the drink, Chen Bing felt that he had almost finished his drink: "Director Chen, our Jiahe is a big company in the north, and we want to advertise in the prime position of CCTV this time. I heard from Mr. Qin that Director Chen is a good person and capable. Strong, so we come to beg Director Chen!"

At this time, Chen He was already drunk, and patted his chest on the spot: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Qin, don't worry, Jiahe Food is advertised, and I will wrap it on my body."

Chen Bing laughed and said: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, but we want to get the advertisement in front of the weather forecast. As long as Mr. Chen can help us get the advertisement in front of the weather forecast, hehehe, I, Chen Bing, would like to thank you very much." '

Although Chen He had drunk at this time, his mind was still sober.

"Mr. Chen, the advertisements before and after the weather forecast are very difficult. Can you see if this works? I will arrange a good time slot for you. Nine o'clock, the advertisement at the end of the first episode of the TV series?"

On CCTV in the 90s, after the first episode of the TV series started, it was basically [-]:[-], so when an episode of the TV series ended, it was nine o'clock.

The nine o'clock location that Chen He mentioned is also a very good location.

However, if Chen Bing doesn't do it, he will do it best.

"Director Chen, I know what you are capable of. In this way, I don't need a long time for the position behind the weather forecast. It only takes 20 seconds. How about it?"

CCTV's advertisements are calculated in minutes, five seconds, ten seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds
"Director Chen!"

Chen Bing gave Zhang Yuanyuan a wink, and Zhang Yuanyuan immediately stood up: "Director Chen, please help me!"

At this time, Chen He was drunk, how could he stand the beauty's voice, and patted his chest: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, this matter is on me!"

Chen He agreed, and Chen Bing breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

He quickly poured a glass of wine and touched Chen He.

After drinking in the evening, it was past ten o'clock. During this period, Chen Bing received several calls from the hotel, all of which were from Yang Xue.

In the end, Chen He was unconscious after drinking, and Qin An was familiar with this place, so he arranged Chen He at the nearest hotel.

Chen Bing, Qin An and Zhang Yuanyuan stood at the door.

"Miss Zhang, today is all up to you!" Chen Bing said.

Zhang Yuanyuan smiled slightly, her eyebrows were full of eyebrows: "Mr. Chen, I have made such a great contribution this time, how can you thank me?"

"How do you want to thank Miss Zhang?" Chen Bing challenged.

"Mr. Chen, shall I shoot this commercial?"

Knowing what Zhang Yuanyuan meant, Chen Bing said, "It depends on Mr. Qin. Besides, Miss Zhang's future tasks are still very difficult. We need to sign the contract with Director Chen first, don't you think so?"

Zhang Yuan knew that Chen Bing had agreed, so she smiled slightly: "Then I will thank Mr. Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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