Chapter 192 Phone
After bidding farewell to Qin An and Zhang Yuanyuan, Chen Bing and Hao Yong rushed to Yanjing Hotel.

When Chen Bing pushed open the door, Yang Xue shouted in fear: "Who?"

"I, what's the matter, am I so scared?"

When Yang Xue heard that it was Chen Bing, she rushed up and hugged Chen Bing tightly: "Bingzi, why have you been there for so long?" '

Yang Xue actually cried.

Chen Bing patted Yang Xue on the back: "I have a social event, hehehe, this is at the feet of the emperor, what are you afraid of?" '

"Father, be shy and hug mom!"

Chen Bing turned his head and saw that it was Guoguo, watching TV.

"Guoguo, it's so late, why are you still watching TV?"

"Dad, the TV here is so good, it's Cucurbit Baby!"

Chen Bing saw that it was really a gourd baby.

Cucurbit Baby is a TV series that brings back many memories of those born in the [-]s and [-]s.

After a few words with Chen Bing, Guoguo was immersed in the excitement of the TV.

Chen Bing sat Yang Xuela down on the bed: "I'm pregnant, so don't get excited, it's easy to move the fetus!"

"Then why have you been there for so long?" Yang Xue continued.

"Didn't I tell you just now, there is an entertainment!"

"It smells of alcohol, go wash it off, it stinks to death!"

Chen Bing was depressed, why is the woman like this, just came back and cried bitterly in her arms, and it was only a little while, so she said it stinks to death.

But after drinking the wine, it stinks, so I'm not afraid to smoke Yang Xue, but if I smoke the child in my stomach, it's not good!
He is the head of Jiahe in the future!
When Chen Bing thought that the child in his belly was Jiahe's future leader, he couldn't help staring at Guoguo.

"I wish it was a boy, if it was a girl."

Chen Bing shook his head slightly.

Girls are also very good. In the previous life, the boss of Wahaha only had one daughter, and the boss of New Hope only had one daughter.

Women can hold up half the sky, that's not bad at all!

Chen Bing finished washing as soon as possible and rushed to the bed.


"Where is Guoguo?"

"She's busy watching TV."

After Chen Bing said, he was about to do it.

"Bingzi, didn't you promise me, you have to endure this time."

After Yang Xue finished speaking, Chen Bing lay down on the sofa helplessly: "Listen to you, I'm going to be a monk in this period of time?"


"I'm sorry, Bingzi, for the sake of the child in my stomach, I can only endure it!"

At this time, the big brother rang.

Who is calling so late?
Chen Bing frowned slightly.

He sat up anyway.


"I don't know, if something happened to the company, Liu Weidong called."

"Then go pick it up!"

After Yang Xue finished speaking, she was ready to pick up the phone for Chen Bing.

Chen Bing quickly pressed her down on the bed.

"Xiaoxue, you have a baby in your stomach, you'd better lie down!"

Chen Bing took out his phone and connected: "Hi, I'm Chen Bing!"

"Mr. Chen, I'm Zhang Yuanyuan!"

Chen Bing broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it. Damn, what does this woman mean by calling at this time?Doesn't this make him die?
"Bingzi, whose phone is it?"

Yang Xue lay on the bed and asked.

"It belongs to the company."

"Oh, what's the matter so late?" Yang Xue continued to ask.

"I have something to do, you go to bed first, I'll make a call."

Zhang Yuan could hear the conversation between Chen Bing and Yang Xue clearly.

"Mr. Chen, is it convenient for you?"

"No, I came to Yanjing this time and brought my wife with me."

Zhang Yuan was surprised after hearing this: "Are you married?"

"It's over, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just drank a lot of wine today and couldn't sleep for a while, so I wanted to call you."

After Chen Bing heard this, he suddenly had an impulse. He turned his head and looked at Yang Xue who was lying on the bed: "It's too late, let's try another day. How is Director Chen?"

"Boss Qin sent someone to wait on him, and I'm outside."

"Oh, after drinking so much wine, go back to sleep, tomorrow, I will find you!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He breathed a sigh of relief, this woman is really interesting, call at this time, you still let me sleep.

Of course Chen Bing knew what Zhang Yuan wanted to do. She must have been staring at the advertisement on CCTV.

Yes, no matter which movie star will stare at the advertisement.

Advertisement in the golden position of CCTV can not only make the product popular, but also can make the product spokesperson popular.

In Chen Bing's memory, at this time, Zhang Yuan was really not popular. She became popular after 93. I remember that at the Spring Festival Gala in 93, Zhang Yuan sang "Spring Blossoms", with a pure voice , instantly made her popular all over the country.

Chen Bing knows that it is not easy for these singers to grow up. Just like a company, before it grows up, it is asking for people everywhere.

At this time, Zhang Yuan and Jiahe Food Company both need an opportunity. Jiahe Food Company needs the exposure of CCTV's prime position, and Zhang Yuan does the same.

Zhang Yuan called herself, what she wanted to do was self-evident.

Chen Bing is very clear.

But at this time, I looked young, and with my age in the previous life, I was already fifty years old. Would I still be around a beautiful woman? Not at all.

Chen Bing stared at Yang Xue again. At this moment, she was gently pressing her hand on her stomach to see if there was any movement of the child in her stomach.

It is not easy for anyone to live in this world!

"Bingzi, who is calling?" Yang Xue asked.

"Director He!"

At that time, the big brother had a very loud voice. Although Yang Xue couldn't hear the conversation between Chen Bing and Zhang Yuan, Yang Xue could definitely hear the voice of a woman on the other end of the phone.

Although Director He is not very old, his appearance is not very good, so Yang Xue has enough confidence in facing Director He.

"What is Director He calling?" Yang Xue continued to ask.

"It's just some trivial matters in the company. It's too late, go to sleep!" After Chen Bing said, he shouted at Guoguo who was watching TV: "Guoguo, look, what time is it, go to sleep!"

After Chen Bing shouted, Guoguo said reluctantly, "Father, can I watch it for a while?"

"No, dad will take you and mom to climb the Great Wall after finishing his work tomorrow?"

Although Guoguo was naughty, she was very obedient. Chen Bing fell behind, and Guoguo turned off the TV reluctantly: "Father, I'll sleep there, or I'll sleep in that small bed!"

The decoration of Yanjing Hotel is very good, and there is a children's bed not far from the big bed.

Really thoughtful.

After Guoguo finished speaking, before Chen Bing agreed, she climbed onto the small bed, pulled off the quilt, and pretended to be fast asleep.

"Xiaoxue, go to sleep. Tomorrow, I will go to Qin'an Media to talk about something. After the talk, I will take you to play!"

"it is good!"

Chen Bing hugged Yang Xue and soon entered Mengxiang.

(End of this chapter)

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