Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 195 Signing a Contract

Chapter 195 Signing a Contract
Damn it, Chen Bing feels like he has two daughters now, the eldest daughter Yang Xue, and the second daughter Guoguo.

Since Yang Xue admitted his mistake, Chen Bing could no longer scold her.

"Okay, the car is below, let's go together!"

Yang Xue quickly hugged Guoguo happily.

Chen Bing said: "Don't hug, you don't know your stomach now!"

Yang Xue nodded quickly.

"Hug, dad hug!"

"Okay, baby, I'm just like a horse!"

Although Chen Bing said that Lao Tzu was a cow and a horse, he was extremely happy in his heart.

In the previous life, I didn't know how much more money I had than now, but at that time, apart from a few prostitutes, I didn't even have a single person who knew me well.

Sometimes, when he sees a young couple showing their affection, he is very envious.

However, he was a little hesitant to ask him to find a woman to marry, because of his status at that time, the women he met basically all went towards his money, so ah, the woman who went because of the money, he still There is no way to give your life to the other party.

Because, what he fears the most is that one day, the person next to his pillow will come to him with medicine in hand: "Bingzi, take the medicine!"

Next, he died just like Wu Dalang, and then, the pair of dogs and men took their own money and enjoyed endless glory and wealth. When he thought of this, he no longer had the desire to get married.

But, now, Yang Xue is the wife of trash Chen Bing. When trash Chen Bing had no money, Yang Xue didn't abandon her. I'm pregnant with one more.

Therefore, at this time, Chen Bing is happy even if he is a cow and a horse.

"Father, hold me higher, I'm very uncomfortable if you hold me so low!" It was Guoguo's voice.

"Ancestor, my little ancestor, I hold you higher!"

Seeing Chen Bing's actions, Yang Xue smiled happily, it was like a family.

"Could it be that one Guoguo can't take it anymore, so if I give birth to another one for you, what will you do then?"

Chen Bing put Guoguo on his shoulders: "Hehehe, let alone one, even ten, I can bear it!"

"It's impossible to have ten children. The family planning is so tight. If I have ten children, I will be fired from public office."

Before Yang Xue could finish speaking, Chen Bing said, "If you really had ten children, I would enshrine you like a Bodhisattva every day, what class would you still be in?"

"That's right. Women must be independent. I can't rely on you to live. If that day, a fox really appears by your side, don't want me. What do you think I will do?"

The two of them talked and turned around to Fox Jing, and Chen Bing said depressedly: "Can you stop talking about Fox Jing?"

"What do you say? What I said is the truth."

"Don't tell the truth!"

Yang Xue had no choice but to shut up.

Knowing that the people sent by Qin An were waiting below, Chen Bing quickly carried Guoguo down.

Yang Xue followed behind.

There should not be too much talk between husband and wife, if there is too much, sometimes there will be some conflicts, Chen Bing feels that there is no conflict between himself and Yang Xue, but when it comes to the fox. What the hell is Fox. Jing?
Whenever he thought of a vixen, Chen Bing thought of Zhang Yuanyuan who called him last night and this morning. Is she a vixen?
Chen Bing nodded slightly, should he be considered a fox?Because she was thinking about how to seduce herself.

The three of them finally reached the hall door.

A fat man hurried over.

"You are Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Are you sent by President Qin?"

The other party nodded quickly.

At this time, Hao Yong and Jia Hu came over: "Mr. Chen, what should we do?"

In Yanjing, although it is safe, Chen Bing is still planning to take them with him. After all, just in case, if something happens, it will be really difficult!

"Well, let's go in this car, and the two of you will take a taxi and follow behind!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Hao Yong quickly agreed.

As long as Hao Yong and Jia Hu are by his side, Chen Bing will not be afraid no matter where he goes.

They were picked up by a Tiger Ben.

"Dad, this car is so beautiful!"

Although Guoguo is young, he can still tell that Hutou Ben is better than Santana.

"Hehehe, like it or not, if you like it, Dad will buy one too."


Before Guoguo finished speaking, Yang Xue said: "Guoguo, don't ask for anything, this is a car driven by adults!"

Yang Xue turned her head and stared at Chen Bing: "You just get used to her!"

Chen Bing said helplessly: "Just kidding, she is so young, even if I bought it for her, does she drive it? It's just you, sometimes I go to learn a driver's license and buy you a car!"

After hearing this, Yang Xue pointed to her belly: "Look at me, can I drive?"

Chen Bing thought so too. She was pregnant in October, and the New Year would soon be when she was born. After the New Year, the child was still young, so she had to raise it for a while, so Yang Xue really didn't have time.

Chen Bing sat in the driver's seat, Yang Xue and Guoguo sat in the back row, and they rushed forward.

Hao Yong and Jia Hu followed closely in a taxi.

An hour later, Hutou rushed to Qin'an Media. Chen Bing looked at the time. Damn it, it was 45:15, that is to say, in another [-] minutes, it would be eleven o'clock.

Eleven o'clock is the time to sign the contract, so there should be no delay.

Just as Chen Bing got out of the car, Hao Yong and Jia Hu also came.

There is no traffic jam today, and taxis are not slow.

After decades of experiments, although the price of Santana is getting lower and lower, its performance is getting better and better. Therefore, in the [-]th century, the mass market share in major cities has always been among the best.

At this time, Qin An, the CEO of Qin An Media, Wei Changqing, the Vice President of Qin An Media, and Zhang Yuanyuan, a female singer, walked over.

When they saw the women and children beside Chen Bing, they were stunned!

Chen Bing was young, how many of them thought Chen Bing was not married?
Qin An walked up to Chen Bing: "President Chen, who is this?"

Before Chen Bing could answer, Guoguo, who was standing next to Chen Bing, said, "Uncle, let me introduce you to the beautiful lady next to me. That is my mother, Ms. Yang Xue, the wife of the chairman of Jiahe Food Co., Ltd. , As for me, of course it's Mr. Chen's daughter!"

Guoguo's milky voice immediately made Qin An and the others burst out laughing.

Whether Chen Bing is married or not has nothing to do with other people, so Qin An and the others showed excitement on their faces, and there was only one person whose face turned ugly, and that was Zhang Yuan.

Chen Bing could clearly see the change in Zhang Yuan's face. It seemed that he thought well, this woman had taken a fancy to him.

(End of this chapter)

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