Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 196 Thoughts

Chapter 196 Thoughts
Chen Bing understands why women fall in love with men.

After 2010, the ratio of men to women in China has been seriously out of balance, and the number of bachelors has increased year by year. However, for those successful people, there is still no shortage of women. superior.

For Zhang Yuan, she is the boss of the company, and she must be a successful person if she can advertise on CCTV, especially for this successful person's advertisement, she can speak for it, so, of course, it is understandable to want to climb up to Chen Bing.

Chen Bing was very satisfied with Guoguo's answer.

At first, I thought that if Guoguo lived with the good-for-nothing Chen Bing, the child would be a bit introverted, but now, under my careful care, the child's psychological haze has disappeared.

"Everyone, I just laughed, this is my wife Yang Xue, and this little princess is my daughter Guoguo!"

Qin An and the others hurried over after hearing this.

Qin An stretched out his hand: "Miss Yang is really beautiful, only your appearance is worthy of Mr. Chen!"

Yang Xue's cheeks turned slightly red.

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Xiaoxue, this is the Mr. Chen I told you about. Mr. Chen has contributed a lot to our successful acquisition of CCTV's advertisement in Yanjing this time!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, hehehe laughed twice.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

Yang Xue doesn't like to talk.

"Uncle, I'm so beautiful because I inherited my mother's genes. If I inherited my father's genes, I don't know what I will look like!"

I don't know why, but Guoguo is very talkative today.

The little girl was already cute, but when she said that in a childlike voice, she became even cuter, and everyone laughed.

"Mr. Chen, your daughter is amazing. She is so young and can talk like that!"

After Qin An said, he squatted down: "Guoguo, your name is Guoguo!"

Guoguo nodded quickly: "Yes, my name is Guoguo, Apple's Guo, does it sound nice?"

"That sounds good, uncle told you that you have inherited your mother's looks and are beautiful, but you also have to inherit your father's ability, so you will be in charge of Jiahe food company in the future!"

After Qin An said, Guoguo didn't seem to understand, she blinked her big eyes: "Uncle, what are you doing in charge of the company, and mother has a little brother in her belly?"

What the hell!

Everyone stared at Yang Xue.

Yang Xue's pink face instantly turned red, this little girl can say anything.

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue had never seen the world, and when she heard Guoguo's words, she hurriedly said, "Guoguo, don't talk nonsense, let the uncles and aunts hear the joke!"

"Dad, didn't you say it's not shameful to have a baby?"

This little guy's words became more and more outrageous, but she was only five years old, so no one cared about what she said.

None of the people present here are married, including Qin An.

Qin An originally thought that Chen Bing wasn't married, but he didn't expect that his daughter was five years old, and he was pregnant with a child. Damn, he lived a more successful life than himself!

Zhang Yuan's complexion was changing, but just now when she heard that Chen Bing had a child, her complexion became ugly, but now she heard that Yang Xue was pregnant with a child, her complexion became good again, and there was joy in her brows.

"Mr. Chen, compared with you, you are the winner in life!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Next, Chen Bing introduced Wei Changqing to Yang Xue. When Chen Bing introduced Zhang Yuan to Yang Xue, the eyes of the two women collided and they were slightly shocked.

Yang Xue is beautiful, and belongs to the kind of Xiaojiabiyu, the kind who doesn't eat fireworks.

Zhang Yuan was beautiful, she belonged to the kind of lady who would spurt blood whenever a man saw her.

Each has its own advantages, and each has its own differences.

"You are so beautiful!" Zhang Yuan said.

"You are beautiful too!"

"You look familiar? By the way, I remember, you are a singer, and one of my colleagues has your record at home!"

Zhang Yuan nodded again.

Chen Bing didn't want Yang Xue and Zhang Yuan to chat for too long, afraid that Yang Xue would see the clue, so he said, "Boss Qin, let's go in, we can't make Director Chen wait too long!"

Chen He's spectrum is too big, Qin An and others came out to meet Chen Bing, but Chen He did not come out.

Whether it is Qin An or Chen Bing, they are asking for help from others now, so they don't mind, as long as they can sign the contract well today and take down the 20-second advertisement position, he will be half successful.

When they went in, Chen He was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, holding Qin An's Shi Peng's pot in his hand.

At this time, when he saw Chen Bing coming in, he just smiled symbolically and did not stand up.

But when he saw Yang Xue, his eyes widened and he stood up.

That depressed Chen Bing, this old pervert, seems to have taken a fancy to Yang Xue.

"Boss Qin, who is this?"

"Director Chen, this is President Chen's wife!"

When Chen He heard that it was Chen Bing's wife, the flames on his body were immediately extinguished. Grandma's, how could it be Chen Bing's wife? I accepted it.

However, she is Chen Bing's wife!

Compared with men in the 21st century, men in that era were very bloody and would not take the initiative to give up their wives.

Even so, Chen He's eyes were still staring at Yang Xue.

Chen Bing was so depressed, if he hadn't signed a contract with him, he would have to dig out his eyes today and treat him like a bullshit!
Qin An was also afraid of any side effects, so he quickly blinked at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan understood immediately, and sat in front of Chen He: "Director Chen, how can you drink tea like this, I'll pour it for you!"

When Zhang Yuan took the purple sand pot from Chen He's hand, she used her little finger to stroke Chen He's palm.

Chen He's eyes immediately turned into Maitreya Buddha.

"Director Chen, quickly sign the contract, and then we will have dinner. Then, I will have a drink with Director Chen!"

As soon as Zhang Yuan finished speaking, Qin An said: "Director Chen, after signing the contract, we will go to the world for dinner, hehehe, the girl there is really juicy!" '

As soon as Qin An finished speaking, Zhang Yuan said, "Boss Qin, you can't accompany Director Chen to that place." '

"Hehehe, Ms. Zhang, it's fine if you can't keep up when you go, I'm afraid Director Chen will be seduced by that chick!"

At this time, unhealthy jokes continued.

After all, Yang Xue came from a small place. Although she thought it was an unhealthy joke, she just didn't know where it was unhealthy.

With Zhang Yuan's temptation and Qin An's guidance, Chen He was caught off guard for a while, so the contract was signed soon.

Holding the contract, Chen Bing felt like he had found a treasure, hehehe, the task of coming to Yanjing this time was considered complete.

The next thing was to eat, but this time, with Zhang Yuan present, the others couldn't get in the way.

Chen Bing also said lazily, and finally toasted two glasses of wine, giving Zhang Yuan and Chen He the independent space.

(End of this chapter)

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